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Topic: [sP - F1] "Lions go hunting" ID:6808 LD:19

Loot: 1 material && 



Item: Vambraces of Accuracy

Item type : Light Armor 

Quality: Uncommon

Enhancement: +1 acc
Shop: mob drop

Description : A set of shoulderpads and Vambraces, apparently of silver but actually made from iron.

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Item: Boots of Evasion

Item type : Boots

Quality: Uncommon

Enhancement: +1 evasion

Shop:  The Lion's Den

Description : A pair of black boots. they are made from wolf leather that has imprinted a army camouflage-like pattern on then. They are also very light.

ID: 6884  CD:10 

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ID: 7058 CD:10 


Item: Red Army Bandana

Item type : Light Armor

Quality: Uncommon

Enhancement: +1 DMG
ShopThe Lion's Den

Description : A red colored bandana with a camouflage pattern that increases the users vitality +1. It can be worn as a headpiece, waist piece or arm piece.

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ID: 7086 CD:12


Item: Cold Reflection
Item type: Headpiece
Quality : Perfect
Enhancement: +3 ACC
Shop: The Lion's Den

Description: This headband is black and on the left side has a medium jewel bound to it with white twine. The jewel is an icy blue.

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Item: Vambraces of Accuracy

Item type : Light Armor

Quality: Uncommon

Enhancement: +1 acc

Shop: mob drop

Description : A set of shoulderpads and Vambraces, apparently of silver but actually made from iron.

Item: Boots of Evasion

Item type : Boots

Quality: Uncommon

Enhancement: +1 evasion

Shop: The Lion's Den

Description : A pair of black boots. they are made from wolf leather that has imprinted a army camouflage-like pattern on then. They are also very light.

ID: 6884 CD:10

Item: Boots of Whisper

Item type Boots

Quality: Perfect

Enhancement: +2 acc + 1 eva

Shop: The Lion's Den

Description : Mid calf blue with black trim made of leather

ID: 6925 CD:12

Item: Red Coat

Item type: Light armor

Quality : Uncommon

Enhancement: +1 Dmg Mitigation

Shop: The Lion's Den

Description: A red leather coat made from boar hide that protects its user from light attacks.

ID: 7120 CD:10

Item: Heavy Dual Fire Boots

Item type: Boots

Quality: Perfect

Enhancements: +3 Dmg Mitigation

Shop: The Lions Den

Description: Orange Boots, uses heavy leather for one player to stand strong and resist heavy knockback

ID: 7130 CD:12


For your two other items, we do not currently allow HP boosts as enhancements. Please change those to a different enhancement, and I'd be happy to approve them for you!

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ID: 7313  CD:12 


ItemLion's Protection

Item type : Light Armor: Vambraces & Shoulderpads

Quality: Perfect

Enhancement: Savage Attack*  +1 ACC
ShopThe Lion's Den

Description : A set of matching shoulderpads and vambraces that resemble steel, that is in fact lion skin, dyed to emulate actual metal. It has the same hardness, that upon impact it even makes the same sound effect. It's a light armor item but it offers almost the same protection as as a heavy armor piece. 


Savage Attack* - The armor parts strike fear into the attacker, the effect activates on a natural Enemy Battle Dice of 6-8, dealing 2 damage in return.(Thorns+2)

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ID: 7359  CD:10



Item: Boots of the Stealthy
Item type: Boots
Quality: Uncommon
Enhancement: +1 Sneak and Hide
Shop: The Lion's Den
Description : Black leather boots that are lightweight. They make you very quiet when trying to sneak.



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ID: 7537  CD: 9


Item: Scarf of vengeance

Item type: Light armor: Scarf
Quality: Uncommon
Enhancement: +1 Life Steal
ShopThe Lion's Den
Description : A black scarf that has the color of obsidian, it has a high density despite being very light.

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Item: Cobra Strikers

Item type : Gloves

Quality: Perfect

Enhancement:+2 accuracy and +1 life steal

Shop: The Lion's Den

Description: Gloves made from the reflective hide of a dagger-spitting cobra. Imbued with the life taking essence of the cobra, the light they reflect guides the wearer towards their enemy, adding a boost of accuracy and overall visibility.


ID: 7562 CD:12

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ItemLion's Fangs

Item type : Light Armor: Boots

Quality: Perfect

EnhancementBleed*   +1 Eva
ShopThe Lion's Den

Description : A pair of black army-like boots that gives the user protection and mobility.


Bleed* Activates on a natural Battle Dice of  8-10, dealing 2 extra damage per post over your next 2 posts, this effect will not stack up but instead will refresh the post counter.

ID: 7639 CD: 12

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-This is just thorns, not 'Savage Attack' please repost under my approvals with the appropriate changes so I can re-evaluate.


ID: 7313  CD:12 


ItemLion's Protection

Item type : Light Armor: Vambraces & Shoulderpads

Quality: Perfect

Enhancement: Savage Attack*  +1 ACC
ShopThe Lion's Den

Description : A set of matching shoulderpads and vambraces that resemble steel, that is in fact lion skin, dyed to emulate actual metal. It has the same hardness, that upon impact it even makes the same sound effect. It's a light armor item but it offers almost the same protection as as a heavy armor piece. 


Savage Attack* - The armor parts strike fear into the attacker, the effect activates on a natural Enemy Battle Dice of 6-8, dealing 2 damage in return.(Thorns+2)









ID: 7359  CD:10



Item: Boots of the Stealthy
Item type: Boots
Quality: Uncommon
Enhancement: +1 Sneak and Hide
Shop: The Lion's Den
Description : Black leather boots that are lightweight. They make you very quiet when trying to sneak.










ID: 7537  CD: 9


Item: Scarf of vengeance

Item type: Light armor: Scarf
Quality: Uncommon
Enhancement: +1 Life Steal
ShopThe Lion's Den
Description : A black scarf that has the color of obsidian, it has a high density despite being very light.




Item: Cobra Strikers

Item type : Gloves
Quality: Perfect
Enhancement:+2 accuracy and +1 life steal
Shop: The Lion's Den
Description: Gloves made from the reflective hide of a dagger-spitting cobra. Imbued with the life taking essence of the cobra, the light they reflect guides the wearer towards their enemy, adding a boost of accuracy and overall visibility.


ID: 7562 CD:12





ItemLion's Fangs

Item type : Light Armor: Boots

Quality: Perfect

EnhancementBleed*   +1 Eva
ShopThe Lion's Den

Description : A pair of black army-like boots that gives the user protection and mobility.


Bleed* - Activates on a natural Battle Dice of  8-10, dealing 2 extra damage per post over your next 2 posts, this effect will not stack up but instead will refresh the post counter.

ID: 7639 CD: 12





In future INCLUDE the link to the post/thread in your dice rolls. If you do not we can not prove that those rolls are specifically used for your crafting attempts and future crafts will be denied.

The items that were denied please edit and post them below this for ease of future evaluation approvals.

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ID: 7313 CD:12

Item:Lion's Protection

Item type : Light Armor: Vambraces & Shoulderpads
Quality: Perfect
Enhancement: Thorns +1 ACC
Shop: The Lion's Den
Description : A set of matching shoulderpads and vambraces that resemble steel, that is in fact lion skin, dyed to emulate actual metal. It has the same hardness, that upon impact it even makes the same sound effect. It's a light armor item but it offers almost the same protection as as a heavy armor piece.

Thorns - activates on a natural Enemy Battle Dice of 6-8, dealing 2 damage in return.

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ID: 7086 CD:12

Item: Cold Reflection
Item type: Headpiece
Quality : Perfect
Enhancement: +2 ACC +1Eva
Shop: The Lion's Den
Description: This headband is black and on the left side has a medium jewel bound to it with white twine. The jewel is an icy blue

((the item had +3 HP and got denied, so I've changed it to +3 acc

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ID: 7086 CD:12

Item: Cold Reflection
Item type: Headpiece
Quality : Perfect
Enhancement: +2 ACC +1Eva
Shop: The Lion's Den
Description: This headband is black and on the left side has a medium jewel bound to it with white twine. The jewel is an icy blue


((Okay I've changed it to +2 acc and +1 eva, sry to be such a bother, I'll make sure to add the links in my next craft rolls.

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