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  1. 1. Familiar Quest?

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  2. 2. Familiar Stats

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Swords cannot have access to other abilities. They are just attacking. A normal Familiar would simply be used instead of another weapon. Not to be used or combined with other abilities, weapons or attacks. 


And We did originally have Familiars that gave +1 to loot die, as well as other benefits. But before long people were trying to get familiars that increased battle dice, or combat damage or added effects such as bleed. I think that An RP familiar should have no affect that changes any aspect of the game. So no +1 or -1 to anything. But for RP purposes one could say that there familiar is able to sniff out water, allowing a character to RP towards a stream. Or that a Familiar is gifted at starting fires, allowing a player to add a  campfire to the scene. Perhaps your RP familiar is just a great listener, allowing your character to justify going off in to random monologues. My familiar, at the time, was approved to be used as a mount. As in I could not use it for combat in any shape, but for the sake of RP purposes I could ride along the barren wastelands a little quicker. The moment something happened I was dismounted and things progressed as normal. All of this is just the same as if your character had an Ornamental sword that they liked to bring out to start a conversation. It may be shiny, but its not something that does anything else. RP Familiar is just that, something to create new writing options.

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  On 1/30/2015 at 12:31 AM, Nikki Styx said:

Swords cannot have access to other abilities. They are just attacking. A normal Familiar would simply be used instead of another weapon. Not to be used or combined with other abilities, weapons or attacks. 


And We did originally have Familiars that gave +1 to loot die, as well as other benefits. But before long people were trying to get familiars that increased battle dice, or combat damage or added effects such as bleed. I think that An RP familiar should have no affect that changes any aspect of the game. So no +1 or -1 to anything. But for RP purposes one could say that there familiar is able to sniff out water, allowing a character to RP towards a stream. Or that a Familiar is gifted at starting fires, allowing a player to add a  campfire to the scene. Perhaps your RP familiar is just a great listener, allowing your character to justify going off in to random monologues. My familiar, at the time, was approved to be used as a mount. As in I could not use it for combat in any shape, but for the sake of RP purposes I could ride along the barren wastelands a little quicker. The moment something happened I was dismounted and things progressed as normal. All of this is just the same as if your character had an Ornamental sword that they liked to bring out to start a conversation. It may be shiny, but its not something that does anything else. RP Familiar is just that, something to create new writing options.

Okay, I for one would be okay with that because I just want something similar to Happy to come with me, but what about Pina's healing skill, Niki?

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I like where Nikki starts, however i don't think they should have items. I think their HP should be based on the skill rank. I think each rank the player takes in tamer, they get am ability for their familiar from an approved list (like we do for players). These abilities should be things a player can't do (such as Pina's tiny heal). Either the player sacrifices their post action to command the familiar, or the CD can be used to trigger an ability like we do for player ones

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  On 1/30/2015 at 12:34 AM, Baldur said:

I like where Nikki starts, however i don't think they should have items. I think their HP should be based on the skill rank. I think each rank the player takes in tamer, they get am ability for their familiar from an approved list (like we do for players). These abilities should be things a player can't do (such as Pina's tiny heal). Either the player sacrifices their post action to command the familiar, or the CD can be used to trigger an ability like we do for player ones

Good, Good. I like this. I also like al these posts for the GM's to take into consideration.

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Im sure the staff can work out the finer details. Id suggest though if you want familiars now you try and introduce a simpler concept and then work to expand the concept further. I can promise that if you try and get all the bells and whistles on the first go, not only will we get nothing that we want, but it will also be forever before we get anything.

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I feel as though familiars should get their own journal, almost identical to SAO characters. Though an inventory/equipment slot might be a bit overpowered. As the familiar levels up you can unlock a unique skill/stat tree for you familiar going into damage defense or utility. The way to keep track of this leveling is to have the players post the progress of the familiar in the journal and so whenever a familiar is due to level up a gm or pst can check the progress, see if it works out and once it gets approved you can go through with the upgrade. This is just my opinion on it though. 


I suggest however like nikki said, to work on a more basic concept and let the Gms work on the mechanics.

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  On 1/30/2015 at 5:14 AM, Jubei said:

Honestly if you add familiars that mitigate damage or heal you're going to create a lot of OP characters and considering this site seems to strive for staying true to the source material I still feel the beast tamer skill should be limited


It's not op if it takes a post action

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Again Judei... There are already that many people who have earned the familiar. If we limited it to just that number, when familiars become introduced again, they should have first choice. Which means no new players would be able to do it. Putting a limit on the players who can do it will just exclude a lot of people from the option. In MMO's there are alot of "RARE" abilities. They are not rare because of imposed limits. In most cases they are rare because most players do not want to deal with the hassle of meeting the minimum requirements. In any and all MMO's I have ever played, the moment the majority figures out that a rare skill is actually beneficial they will go through the trouble of getting it. SAO is no different in that aspect. I for one am an example of someone who has gone through and already completed my requirements to have one. I am simply waiting now for them to be reinstated under their new parameters. And Life I agree with you entirely. Pets should have their own journal entry posted as a reply to the OC's journal. It allows everything to be kept separate and easily managed

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Actually jubei, though it may not seem like it. Blacksmithing isn't as popular as you think it is. Also we only really have afew ACTIVE blacksmiths. Also with diversity it allows a broader rp. For example.. blacksmiths who only serve pkers. Guild only blacksmiths. Town only blacksmiths. Blacksmiths who only craft a certain type of weapon. Blacksmiths who only craft you items if you bring them mats, etc. There will always be a large diversity between players and if there is a gap a new player would more than likely take the chance to capitalise on the market for example. Right now Azide will be the only active merchant. And so his profession will boom very fast. 

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  On 1/30/2015 at 2:21 PM, Life said:

Actually jubei, though it may not seem like it. Blacksmithing isn't as popular as you think it is. Also we only really have afew ACTIVE blacksmiths. Also with diversity it allows a broader rp. For example.. blacksmiths who only serve pkers. Guild only blacksmiths. Town only blacksmiths. Blacksmiths who only craft a certain type of weapon. Blacksmiths who only craft you items if you bring them mats, etc. There will always be a large diversity between players and if there is a gap a new player would more than likely take the chance to capitalise on the market for example. Right now Azide will be the only active merchant. And so his profession will boom very fast. 

Thanks Life for bringing it in, I was just about to say something about this!

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no regulation of anything


Pretty sure they regulated the Beast Tamers and locked down the class while they revised it. If there is something that needs regulation, the staff has done it so far.





 Most rp sites when there is too much of one class they lock that class until the other ones have gotten new people


Yeah, those are other sites. This site is governed by the staff that control it, not your personal opinion. Besides, there is no reason to. I became a blacksmith because the only real active one was Kosan that was still doing active smithing. Since then, others have come out of the woodwork, or reopened their shops. There may be a large number, but as as mentioned earlier, the active number is where it matters. 





Yes I know you all hate the idea of locking and regulating things 


You sound like a total jerk when you say this. If you want to help get stuff done in the site, howabout you stop insulting the staff or making smart comments about it?





but that's part of staffs job making sure there is a large diversity of things instead of one large bandwagon group


You're not on staff, so you can't really tell them what their job is, or what they can or should do. You can suggest it, but you're going about this the entirely wrong way. There is no bandwagon group in SAO. Everybody is the same, since there are no classes. Even 'Beast Master' is a name given to them. 'Tank' and 'DPS' are just names, not actual classes. And when it comes to shops, how fun would the site be if they locked down the professions? "Sorry new members, you can't make a blacksmith because we have a crap ton of inactive ones, but that throws off our numbers" or "if you want to craft, you HAVE to be a Merchant, since we only have one active at the moment and he made his store last night." Life made a good point when he spoke about the different types of Blacksmith. Ones that serve PK'ers, ones that only do weapons... That gives us a lot of wiggle room! Let them be the deciding factor here, and don't tell them what to do. You're not going to make many friends or be very popular in the opinion of anyone at this rate. 


I think they should just be a +1 to something for everyone that wants one and will RP it, and not just have it and mention it occasionally and still reap the benefits of the +1 whatever it was. 

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My familiar was mostly used as a plot device, which I absolutely loved. It had +1 LD for a while, but as soon as familiars were locked, I did away with that. Honestly, I don't feel that familiars should be made too complex, especially if they are available for everyone. If we were to make Beast Tamer an actual occupation, for example, we could flesh it out, create levels, provide familiars with abilities, etc.

But I enjoyed the old system - familiars provided +1 something (damage, damage mit, loot die). Its simple, straightforward and not too OP.

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