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(SP-F1) «Combat» (Zarryn has died)

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(ID 7984)
Zarryn stood several yards from the boar, and watched it intently. It didn't appear to be too strong, but he had to be cautious nonetheless. Drawing his flamberge, he held it with both hand, and charged the boar, quickly covering ground. As he approached the boar, it spun faster than Zarryn predicted, and easily evaded his attack.

Zarryn grunted as he adjusted his sword on his shoulder, and sidestepped the board's incoming charge. He smirked and prepared for a semi-serious battle.

Zarryn - 7/7 HP (Rolled BD of 3, missed)
Boar - 5/5 HP (Rolled MOB of 1, missed)

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(ID 7996)
Zarryn bound towards the boar, attempting to cleave his sword through it at the last moment, but missing, and then jumping aside and circling around it. He looked down at his abdomen to see two small orange gashes, which meant the boar had landed a hit. Zarryn took a step back and then vaulted over the boar, landing on the opposite side of it, hoping disorientation might be a thing here.

Unfortunately, the boar followed him with extreme speed, and never let him escape it's sight. This was one combat-adept boar.

Zarryn - 5/7 HP (Rolled a BD of 1, missed)
Boar - 5/5 HP (Rolled a MOB of 9, scored a critical)

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(ID 8010)

Zarryn let his sword fall to the ground as the boar charge him once more, executing a roll and avoiding it entirely before picking his sword back up and jabbing at the boar's side. When he felt the blade pierce the boar, he yanked it back out and backed away, still being cautious.

The boar snorted angrily and shook it's head, showing obvious irritation. Zarryn winked at the boar, laughing when it didn't react. Why would it? It's not human.

Zarryn - 5/7 HP (Rolled a BD of 7, hit)

Boar - 4/5 HP (Rolled a MOB of 3, missed)

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(ID 8061)

This time, both Zarryn and the boar charged straight towards each other, intent on finishing the battle quickly, and collided with a sickening crunch. Zarryn staggered backwards, with a orange gash across his stomach, and the boar stumbled away with his sword lodged in it's side. Zarryn reached forward and retrieved his sword, tearing it from the beast's side, and looked at his low HP bar, which was concerning. The boar seemed to be evenly matched with Zarryn, and it was all up to fate now.


Zarryn - 2/7 HP (Rolled a BD of 9, scored a critical)

Boar - 2/5 HP (Rolled a MOB of 10, scored a double critical)

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(ID 8063)

Zarryn watched the boar as it approached him, but was unable to dodge quickly enough. He hissed with anger when it landed yet another blow, leaving on the edge of death. Zarryn swung his sword, missing, but still managed to keep the boar at bay, for now. He felt physically diminished, even though he knew he was still perfectly capable of fighting, but almost wanted to fall to his knees and give up. Zarryn grunted and hefted his sword once more, determined to walk out of this alive.


Zarryn - 1/7 HP (Rolled a BD of 3, missed)

Boar - 2/5 HP (Rolled a MOB of 6, hit)

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(ID 8064)

Zarryn braced himself as the boar came at him yet again, and at the last moment smacked the boar with the flat side of the flamberge, causing it to tumble away. The boar stood up and shook itself before turning towards Zarryn. This battle had Zarryn on edge, he knew the odds of him winning were getting smaller by the second, but he was going to keep trying. Zarryn pointed his sword at the boar and smiled, attempting to taunt it into attacking.


Zarryn - 1/7 HP (Rolled a BD of 5, missed)

Boar - 2/5 HP (Rolled a MOB of 5, missed)

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(ID 8066)

Zarryn had succeeded in taunting the boar, but had bit off more than he could chew. As the boar ran at him, he took a step back, tripping in the process, and found himself laying on the ground. As he struggled to stand up, the boar gored him in the side, leaving the orange gashes Zarryn had feared. Zarryn looked at the boar in surprise and watched as his hands started to turn into fragments. He had died. He had lost. Zarryn stared at his sword, felt a tear slide down his cheek, and exploded into fragments.


Zarryn - DEAD

Boar - 2/5 HP (Rolled a MOB of 8, hit)

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