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[PP-F2] The Mountain's Secret (Keith, Baldur, Tyger)

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Baldur laughed when Keith said he wouldn't him back down if he got tired. He climbed up after Keith and then took a second to catch his breath in a very dramatic manner, leaning forward on his knees and "gasping" for breath.


"Going down I can handle, it's going up that's the trick!" He flashed the kid a grin and then stood up.


Then he heard Keith mention that someone was coming down the mountain. He held his hand up to his face to shade his view and saw a distinct mane of red hair, and a small creature running around with an excess of energy. He could have SWORN it was Tyer, but the woman who walked down the mountain appeared to be black. Still, something about their mannerisms had convinced him. With a swipe of his hand, he pulled open the menu and saw that she was, in fact, on the same floor as them.


"Tyger?!" Baldur called out loudly up the mountain towards them.

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The sound of voices startled Tyger, so she rubbed her eyes and peered down the path as best she could. A blue haired boy was waving to her, accompanied by someone with an incredibly odd fashion sense. As she grew closer, Tyger recognized Baldur and her face immediately reddened. When he called out her name, Tyger wiped at her face with the fur cape draped over her shoulder, doing her best to look somewhat presentable. 


"Oh, uh,  Hi honey!"


Tyger smiled, waving slightly. Icarus wagged his tail and bounded down the trail, practically building up as much speed as possible to barrel into Baldur, despite his companion. Tyger chased after Icarus, and eventually met up with the two fellas. She didn't know the boy Baldur was with, but figured he was a friend as they weren't at eachother's throats. Tyger gave him a little nod, and then wrapped her arms around Baldur's neck to give him a kiss on the cheek. He got kinda weird about PDA in front of his friends, so she didn't plant the kiss on his lips. Icarus rubbed against his legs, before sniffing at Keith with interest. 


"What're you doing here? Never expected to find you while out on a mat hunt."


Tyger chuckled, straightening out her cape. The chain clinked against her metal armor. She then looked at Keith.


"Oh, sorry. Howdy! I'm Tyger, and this is Icarus, my familiar. Careful, he stains. Nice to meet ya."

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Keith smiled and rolled his eyes. Grown-ups. Though, he really couldn't judge since he and Kiru did the same thing at almost every meeting. And judging by all that, Keith could only assume the two were married. In the real world, at the very least. "Nice to meet ya! I'm Keith, Keith Yudai!" He said with a little salute, before looking around. He then made a whistle and a small, purple blur raced out from the bushes. It ran up Keith's leg, under his jacket, and then stopped on his shoulder. The small, cat-like creature made an excited yip, his tail swishing slowly. 


"And this here is Ruby Carbuncle. But I just call him Ruby."


Keith extended an arm and Ruby ran down it, pouncing off and landing on the ground. Ruby then trotted over to Icarus and sniffed the other familiar curiously, before fidgeting and sneezing in the other direction, most likely from the coal dust on the dragon. Keith chuckled and rubbed the back of his head.


"Well, looks like those two are getting along!"

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Baldur smiled and laughed at the antics of the two tiny familiars. He had to admit, they were pretty adorable as they sniffed and played with each other. It was the first time Baldur had seen Icarus interact with a familiar of similar size.  In fact, it was cute enough that he ignored it when Icarus ran up and placed two big coal paw prints on the nice white flames at the bottom of his haori.


"So, as you may have guessed, Tyger is my girlfriend, from outside of the game too. We joined together."


Baldur looked down as the two familiars because to chase one another around and between his feet in a playful manner.


"So Tyger, you were up here gathering mats? I didn't know you came looking for them out here." He gestured towards Keith, "But Keith and I just met down by the river a ways before getting chased by a giant Bear." He grinned slyly, "And let me tell you, Honey, we bear-ly made it out."

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Tyger gave a little head nod to Keith and to Ruby as well. She crouched down while the two familiars played, and attempted to give Ruby a few pets before directing her attention back to the boy. To be honest, she liked familiars more than people, but hey, she could bear to be social for at least one day.


"Yeah! I'm glad they get along."


She giggled, before listening to Baldur. 


"Yeah, not one of my main areas, but I like it. The scenery is fantastic. And yeah? That's impawsable. You're un-bear-able. One more bear pun and i'll beat you with my bare hands..."


Tyger loved her some puns, that's for sure.


"Where are ya'll heading? Just looking around? I might've exhausted the mats for a few hours, so you might not find much luck if you go digging... sorry..."


The red-head scratched behind her neck sheepishly. She didn't mind if people she didn't know where inconvenienced. But if they were up here hunting, well... She'd feel bad, at that point.

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Keith smiled and watched as Ruby had climbed on top of Icarus's head, puffing up his chest proudly and giving a sassy yip. "Well, we came here to look for mats, but not by digging. I heard there were some mobs up here that dropped some pretty worth-while stuff. Mostly because they're just really strong." 


Keith said, seeing the small, smooth carbuncle climb around the jagged dragon like a jungle gym. 


"Say, you came from the mountain, right? Think you could lead us back up there?" Keith asked, looking back up from the two friendly familiars and looking at Tyger. â€‹"Besides, I wouldn't want to separate these two so soon after meeting!" He said with a motion to Ruby and Icarus.

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Baldur smiled at Keith's reference about splitting up the familiars. They did seem to be having quite a fun time together. It was good for his heart to watch such a simple, joyful action as two cute animals playing together. Moments of simple, pure joy could often be forgotten or missed in this world. He felt like it was important to capitalize on them when they happened, or you could get burned out. That was just as dangerous as fatigue in battle.


"I'm all for fighting tough mobs with rare mats, and we're in luck!"


Baldur leans a little conspiratorily towards Keith, and puts a hand up in a stage whisper that is in no way escaping Tyger's hearing.


"She's built tank too, she's incredible. There isn't anything she can't tank."


Baldur smiles and winks at Keith, still having no idea who the player is, nor what his real level is. Baldur just sees another player trying to make his way through this dangerous world.

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Tyger smiled warmly, watching the two familiars play. Icarus didn't have to worry about the same things she did, but she didn't mind. She was glad that one of them could live as fun-loving as he did. 


"Nah, that'd be a shame. We'll stick around. I can take you back up the path I took."


Tyger suggested, before crossing her arms while Baldur 'whispered' to Keith. All of it was true though, so she wouldn't have to worry about correcting any silly fact about Tyger. 


"Yup, I figured i'd give tanking a try this game. I always focused on DPS but the game where my life matters, and i end up tanking. Not a bad deal though."


She chuckled, turning on her heel to head back up the path she'd just descended from.


"Shall we, boys? C'mon, Icarus."

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Baldur smiled and hiked up the mountain with his two friends and their two overly-energetic critters in tow. After a while of hiking up the hill, he started to grow annoyed. Why would he get tired hiking a hill in a video game? Probably for the same reason that they got hungry still. He wished he had the energy that Icarus and Ruby showed, but then he was pretty sure that he had never had that energy. He had always had a predisposition for being lazy and enjoying sleeping in.


"Man, how tall is this mountain?" Baldur whined, looking around for mobs through all the trees. If this had been a real mountain, the trees would probably begin thinning out with the altitude. 


Further up, Baldur could see what looked like a clearing, and perhaps the biggest Minotaur he had ever seen. It also had white fur, and that was certainly a first. When his eyes focused on the beast, the dark red icon appeared above it's head and the name <<Minotaur King>>.


"Uhh... is that the kind of mob you were looking for, Keith? I think maybe we should leave and come back with a larger party, how does that sound to everyone?"


Turning around to head back down the mountain, Baldur gestured for the others to join him.


"This'll be a great find for the information brokers though!"

Edited by Baldur
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