___ 0 Posted February 4, 2015 #1 Share Posted February 4, 2015 The flyers were strewn about, placed hither and tither, without a care in the world. All the beloved couples were celebrating the fast approaching holiday and, with even more urgency, the Valentine's Day Festival. Many people were excited for this year's grand celebration, hoping that it was better than the last. Perhaps it would even be better than those held offline, considering that players had the time to get to know each other while they've been trapped here together. If one so happened to come across one of the many flyers or just started a conversation with the average joe, they'd probably find out what all was waiting for their arrival. A nice variety of rides and attractions with some good eats, nothing too out of this world, but nothing short of fun and exciting in its own right. ((The Valentine's Festival shall last from February 4 to February 17th in the real world, that allows you two weeks to RP to your heart's desire. In game though, this festival is held on February 14th, which is Valentine's Day, of course. Even PKers are permitted, considering that it is out of the safe zone, but no PKing. This is a time for love not war and, by posting in this thread, you agree to no PKing. That means anyone participating has the chance to happen across each other, don't be bashful! This is a day of love and joy, share it with those you hold close and even those you've yet to meet. Everyone deserves a hug, some love, and perhaps a smooch for that special one in your life. Besides, perhaps you'll win a special prize at the end. (; )) Anonamor (Anonymous Love) Tent Amidst all the thrills rests a small tent, big enough for only one person to enter. To participate, the player must step inside the tent, which will cause the door to close behind them. The player participating may not communicate with those outside the tent until they are finished. While inside, the player will find a single Valentine's Day card. It's a solid pale white on the outside with a big red heart on the front, while the inside is a solid crimson red. Players are to write a secret, anonymous letter to the one that they love or, if they have nobody that they are in love with, a friendly Happy Valentine's Day letter with a message. ((NOTE: Do NOT post your letter here or the person that you're sending it to. Send the letter AND the name of the character that it is to be delivered to MY INBOX (PM). Letters will be anonymously posted for players to read and enjoy at the end of the event, plus might just make someone's day... or even better.)) = = = = = "Cold Heart" Skating Rink A skating rink, shaped like a heart in particular, chills out as players glide across its flat top surface. Unfortunately for those not too careful or good at skating, be warned that an open crack goes through the middle and you might fall in! If you land a CD of 1, then... splash! You'll take 1 HP in damage for each post spent in the water so make sure you have someone accompanying you! If you land a CD of 2 to 3, then you'll find yourself simply slipping and falling on the ice. If you survive the rink and leave it still just as broken hearted, you'll find a "Slippery Slopes" card in your inventory. = = = = = Cupid's Arrow Stall On a pink stall lies a single bow, simple in design and light in weight, and three cupid's arrows. The player's participating must notch the arrow, then aim and fire at a heart shaped balloon thirty feet away. The player only gets one game, but each game consists of three chances. If you miss all three, you're out of luck! However, if you strike a CD of 12, then you win the "Shot Through the Heart" card. = = = = = Ferris Wheel of Life A simple ferris wheel, tall enough to allow you to see the often underrated, beautiful scenery of Aincrad slowly rotates. As each minute ticks by, the ferris wheel will slow to a halt, allowing players to enter and exit as they desire. The entire ride itself takes approximately three to four posts from when you enter before it makes its way back to the bottom, but when you exit (if you do), you'll be given the "Take Me to the Top" card. = = = = = Heart-A-Whirl Ride Be warned, those that naturally can't deal with motion sickness shouldn't ride this ride! This is one of the more silly rides, a total of eight heart shaped cart that slowly rotates around a platform. Upon sitting down inside, you'll find a wheel in the center that you can tug on and begin spinning your cart around. Don't spin too fast, if you land a CD of 1 while riding, you'll find your most recent meal upon your or your date's lap! Players can enter and exit as they desire so long as they slow the cart down before doing so, though they'll find they've obtained the "Lovesick" cards as they leave. = = = = = Heart-A-Stack Booth A few pegs are lined up here and there, contained by a counter that circles around all four sides. The owner of the booth tosses you a few similar items, "Hey, take a chance! You might find yourself getting lucky in more than one way today!" Looking down, you'll find three heart shaped rings in your hand, on the ground, or upon the counter depending on you ability to catch, "Catch one on the peg and you'll win a prize!" You have three chances, land a CD of 12 and you'll find yourself the proud owner of the "Put a Ring On It" card. = = = = = Kissing Booths A few stalls with no attendants waits patiently for both customer and owners alike to arrive, but it appears as if the fate of what is to come is star-crossed. Fortunately, players can save the day and may run a stall on their own accord, remaining there as long as they like. However, be warned that players running the stall must kiss whoever approaches the stall! If you kiss more than two people, either by running the stall or showing up as a participant, you'll gain the "Three Strikes" card. = = = = = Other Minigame Booths Spread out throughout the festival is a variety of other games. The first is Tongue Twister, where the player pick up a cherry with their teeth and tie the stem around in a knot without their hands. All participants, successful or not, will receive the "Caught in a Knot" card. Right around the corner lies the Hug-A-Ton Bell, where players must hug a stuffed bear as hard as they can. The ranks are Broken Hearted, Cold Hearted, Star-Crossed, Tender Hearted, Heavy Hearted, and Shining Soul. All participants can proudly walk away with the "Bear Hug" card. Other minigames are spread about that do not offer cards, but you are more than welcome to participate ((more will be added at a later date)). Link to post Share on other sites
Oikawa 1 Posted February 4, 2015 #2 Share Posted February 4, 2015 Oikawa strolled through the town. He took notice of several red and white streamers and valentine themed decorations lining the doors and walls of every building on the street. The whole town seemed to be littered with flyers for a supposed Valentines Festival. Grabbing one of the flyers, he skimmed through the contents of the festival. "Rides and kissing booths, mini-games and a supposed prize. As tempting as this sounds I believe this is more orientated for those who have someone to go with. While going alone is certainly an option, one doesn't wish to be alone on such an occasion?" Taking a breath, he realized he had been talking to himself. Again. "Well I was never one to follow the social rules, especially not for events such as this. Count me in Aincrad!" With that he bounded off in search of the Ferris Wheel. He wanted to spot some honeys for the day. Link to post Share on other sites
Asen 0 Posted February 4, 2015 #3 Share Posted February 4, 2015 Asen never really forgotten this time of the year since last time he took his sister only because he thought it was fun and it gave the two some sibling bonding moments. So least to say that this place was a good reminder before he turned Player Killer. However he can't enter the city since he pretty just gets rejected which doesn't matter to him as he goes to one spot where he knows that's outside the city and probably the only place where he can go to in this event. So here he stood at the edge of the lake frozen as thick as a ice block almost. However there was a crack in the middle but wasn't big or anything like that, so Asen didn't have to worry about it as he puts on a pair of skates under his feet and takes a graceful step on the icy heart ring to begin sliding on it. He was pretty good as he felt the icy cold wind tugging at his clothes as he was simply skating around by himself pretty much ignoring the other couples as some gave him scowls, some gave him frightful looks, while most just glanced at him and minded their own business which was fine with Asen. He wanted to be left alone anyways even if it was painful to him, guess one could say that he's been isolating himself from getting close to anyone. Of course he won't stop anyone from socializing with him, but he doubts that one million percent that'll ever happen. (ID: 8526) CD: 11 Link to post Share on other sites
Ariel - The Crowned Lion 0 Posted February 5, 2015 #4 Share Posted February 5, 2015 Ariel picked up a random flier that landed near her..."A Valentine themed festival..sounds fun. I don't actually have somebody to go with..but that never stopped me before." As she reads through the attractions list the Hug-A-Ton Bell catches her attention."Thank god that it's not a cat...for that reason alone I would've ditched the whole festival." she says in a serious tone, then she starts looking around for that specific attraction. Passing by a skating ring she sees only a lone skater taking his time there. "Maybe I should go skating later, but for now..." She locates her objective near the Ferris Wheel and starts dashing towards it..The festival seemed kind of empty, maybe she had arrived too early? It wasn't an issue for her since that meant that there would be no long lines. Once in front of the long searched attraction, she get in front of the giant stuffed bear and memories from when she was little start rushing inside her head. She then hugs the bear with almost all her power, while a huge feeling a satisfaction wraps around her...apparently the tedy was designed to hug you back. She stood like that for almost 30 secs enjoying the sensation..She didn't remember last time somebody hugged her. When she let go she looked above the bear's head and saw the words "Tender Hearted" floating. She didn't knew how the ranking worked and neither care, she accomplished her goar. Before going to search for another attraction she received a "Bear Hug" card in her inventory. Link to post Share on other sites
Tyger 0 Posted February 8, 2015 #5 Share Posted February 8, 2015 Okay. So, it was kind of cliche. And they were grown adults. But oh my gosh, it was a festival. Baldur and Tyger had been stuck in this game long enough to feel the tension hanging over their heads as a couple locked in the game. They'd had their own, new predicament that she hadn't seen with many other players. They were either already married, one was in the game and the other wasn't, or players had begun to date while they were locked in the game. Being a couple in the game from real life was hard work, especially with the whole 'live or die' stigma. So, when Tyger had gotten the flyer about the Valentines Festival... It was the perfect 'off-day.' The forge was closed, Baldur hired an NPC to run the merchant side, and they were on their way to the cliche festival on the fourth floor. And of course, what way to start it off? The Ferris wheel! "Okay, I know this isn't as much of your thing as it is mine, but I figured it'd be a nice little break, ya know? Let's make the most of it." Tyger urged, holding Baldur's hand as they walked through the crowds to get in line for the Ferris Wheel. The NPC opened up one of the buckets for Tyger and Baldur to get in, so Tyger took a seat and padded the spot next to her for Baldur to join her. Link to post Share on other sites
Oikawa 1 Posted February 8, 2015 #6 Share Posted February 8, 2015 Oikawa walked briskly as he went from booth to booth, examining what they had to offer. Having made his way around, he had a decent understanding for the layout of the festival. "Guess I'll get on that Ferris Wheel first. He jogged towards the left of the Anonamor Tent and continued until the giant red and white wheel came into sight. The wait for the ride wasn't very long. It seemed every few minutes or so the ride stopped in rotation and allowed players to get on and off as they please. Well as long as you were at the bottom of the rotation that is. Approaching the door to the next available cart, Oikawa wondered if he'd find a lucky lady to spend the rest of the day with. He then pushed the thought aside, as he entered the ride. Link to post Share on other sites
Baldur 0 Posted February 8, 2015 #7 Share Posted February 8, 2015 Baldur chuckled at how excited Tyger was to be at a festival. Her excitement was certainly contagious. "It's fine. This is actually pretty fun, and I think the ferris wheel would be great. I really wanna see how this floor looks from pu high." When she jumped in and patted the seat next to her, Baldur took a moment to climb into the small car. It was a tight fit for someone of his size, but even if the car was huge, Tyger would have snuggled up to him. He liked that part best. "I'm glad that even given the circumstances, there are still events like this in the game. It's a nice break, ya know?" Link to post Share on other sites
Tyger 0 Posted February 8, 2015 #8 Share Posted February 8, 2015 The door to their cart was shut, and the wheel began it's slow ascent up to the top. Tyger scooted to the side, making just enough room for Baldur to sit beside her. When he was situated, Tyger leaned her head on his shoulder and leaned on him. She nodded and closed her eyes, terrified of heights. Yeah, it was somewhat silly to deal with, but even in the real world, she'd deal with it. Rollercoasters were the worst on the ascent, but after they passed the hill portion, it was fun. Tyger would be able to enjoy the scenery as soon as they got to the top. "Yeah, considering we're stuck here, it's almost too kind of them to take us into consideration given the circumstances." The statement was as cold as the chill on the fourth floor, but it was the truth. "Still, i'm glad it's here, and as i've been saying. I'm glad that i'm here in this death trap with you. It makes living here... almost feel like home." There were lots of things she missed about the real world. Icarus. Friends. Family. But, she didn't have to add Baldur to the list, because he was here with her. Granted, that added a lot more pressure on the duo to keep eachother alive, but that was where they gained a good bit of their strength. Protecting each other is what got them here today. And they'd get out of here soon. "I love you, Jason." Link to post Share on other sites
Baldur 0 Posted February 8, 2015 #9 Share Posted February 8, 2015 Baldur smiled and lean his head on top of Tyger's, giving the top of her head a kiss. He couldn't smell the familiar scent of her hair like it was from outside of the game. It had been weird at first; his sense of smell had never been great, but he could tell that something was off. Something wasn't right. His pillow didn't smell like her at the end of the day, and just that basic... offness of it was troubling to Baldur. Still, he eventually got used to the changes in this world. "I love you too Rhoan." He made a downward swipe with his fingers and pulled up his inventory, calling it to materialize two items he had prepared for a moment like this. A small owl necklace appeared in one hand, and a bouquet of flowers from the 6th floor appeared in the other. "I got these for you." He tried to hold back the grin, but only for a second. He showed the wooden jeweled owl necklace to her. "It's got an owl on it baby." He grins and presented her with the flowers as well. Link to post Share on other sites
Oikawa 1 Posted February 8, 2015 #10 Share Posted February 8, 2015 Post 1- Oikawa sat alone in his car. There wasn't much to gaze at, yet so much to take in, as he ascended. He could see the tops of various booths beginning to shrink, as he rose ever so slightly into the air. Looking around he noticed just how beautiful Aincrad was. The way the scenery blended into the warmth of the holiday, seemed to melt even the coldest of hearts. He was glad he decided to ride the Ferris Wheel. It gave him time to really enjoy the non-death related appeal of the game. The car above seemed to have more movement than his own. It swayed a bit more as it rose. Wanting to be the nosy person he was on days like this, he yelled up to the rider(s). "You lot having fun up there?" Not really waiting for a reply, he continued. "This ride allows quite the view, no?" Link to post Share on other sites
Tyger 0 Posted February 8, 2015 #11 Share Posted February 8, 2015 As she snuggled Baldur, he pulled out the bouquet of roses and the necklace. Her eyes lit up at the sight of the flowers, and it warmed her heart when she remembered his little personal 'quest.' It was his goal to pick her a flower from each and every floor of Aincrad, until they got out of this place. The wheel continued to move, but Tyger was getting over the general feeling of sickness. The necklace was beautiful, and Tyger absolutely loved it. The different color stones really made the wood and metal combination pop, so it would be a piece she would wear proudly, and not only because it was a gift from her lover. "It does have an owl on it!" She giggled, putting it on immediately, taking up the flowers afterwards. She almost felt bad for those around them whenever they spoke about inside jokes they had from the real world. It wasn't like they could help it though. It was just another thing she loved about Baldur, and it made them work. "Thank you. I got something for you too! I did my best to keep it a surprise. You know how I am about ruining them and wanting to tell you immediately." She pulled up her menu, and swapped the flowers out for a small box. When she opened it up, she presented him with a silver and gold ring. She could feel the blood rushing to her cheeks, and the blood roared in her ears as she waited for his response. Quote Name: Bungads Rarity: Good Type: Ring Shop: The Crimson Jeweller Description: A gold and silver ring with dragons on the side. "I had a jeweler make it for you. I thought the name would help remind you of home, and of me." There was a boy yelling under them, probably assuming they were doing something they weren't supposed to be doing in public, but she ignored him for now. She'd probably holler back down to the cart below after this moment had passed. Link to post Share on other sites
Baldur 0 Posted February 8, 2015 #12 Share Posted February 8, 2015 Baldur's broad smile lit up his face and made his blue eyes dance when he saw how she reacted to his gifts. They were just what he had hoped for. He still remembered the look on her face the first time he had given her flowers. It was a mental snapshot that not even this game could steal away. It would be a memory he would cherish for the rest of his life. He got to see that face again here, in Aincrad, in this ferris wheel car, and it made his heart melt. And then she pulled out a gift for him as well. That rat bastard. "It... it's... it's gorgeous! Wow..." He quickly accepted the ring and equipped it to his right hand pointer finger. Rings were always tough on him in the real world since his hands were so large, but here in SAO, it fit perfectly. The golden dragons glowed in the light of the floor. He reached up and brushed some snowflakes out of his eyes. "Thanks... it's... it's perfect. Happy Valentines day." He pulled her close to him and kissed her. Link to post Share on other sites
Tyger 0 Posted February 8, 2015 #13 Share Posted February 8, 2015 The car made it's way to the top, slowing down to allow people out at the bottom, and for more people to occupy the now-empty vessel. This gave them a few seconds suspended at the top to just take in the view. Baldur's present had gone off without a hitch, and there was no way that Baldur had known it was coming. She watched him put it on, and smiled when it fit just right. In the real world, his knuckles were a bit too big for rings. But, in SAO, they fit just right. Baldur brushed some snowfakes from his eyes (yeah, uh huh) and brought her closer for a kiss. The scenery, mixed with the emotion, just made the moment perfect. She finished the kiss, and pressed her forehead to his. She held the pose for a while, just enjoying being near him. It truly had nothing to do with the fact she was cold and this was the fourth floor. Honestly. After a few moments had passed and the wheel began to move again, she looked down outside the cart at the one below her where they boy had been yelling. He'd be getting ready to get to the peak of the wheel, whereas Tyger and Baldur were just starting their descent. "Yeah, it's going pretty good so far! I loved the view, get ready to be amazed!" She hollered down to him, grinning from ear to ear. In the cold, her cheeks were red, and her fingertips frozen, but her heart was warm and happy. She never thought she'd be able to feel this way considering the circumstance, but Baldur had found a way once more. She pulled her head back in and gave Baldur a wink before leaning her head back on his shoulder to finish the moment as they'd started. In love, together, and ready to face whatever came next. But, if the wheel wanted to move a little slower, she'd allow it. Link to post Share on other sites
Oikawa 1 Posted February 8, 2015 #14 Share Posted February 8, 2015 Post 2- The peak of the ride was arriving. Just as he was starting to reach the top, a feminine voice yelled down from the car above. "Yeah, it's going pretty good so far! I loved the view, get ready to be amazed!" "That's good to hear! Happy Valentine's day!" he yelled. Reclining back into his seat, he observed the falling of white fluffy snowflakes. They pranced through the air and danced with the wind. It was something you normally wouldn't notice, but once he was perched at the top, Oikawa let it all soak in. From the snow topped booths to the frozen lake for ice skating, everything just seemed peaceful. No threats of danger and no worries. As he began his descent, Oikawa grew just a tad sad. He had really enjoyed all the ride had to offer. Even if it was alone. As he continued his descent, he yelled down to the car that was now below him. "You were right! That sight was spectacular!" Link to post Share on other sites
Lessa 1 Posted February 8, 2015 #15 Share Posted February 8, 2015 The blonde stood alone just inside the entrance to the amusement park. She had unequipped her armor for the occasion, but she still donned her silver boots, black leggings, and long, pink tunic. To fight off the cold, she also wore a long black coat. It was cinched tightly around her waist with a black belt, and fell to the middle of her thigh. Long, blonde hair fell in its natural waves, framing her rosy pink cheeks. The entire ensemble was dusted in a fine layer of snow, the flakes clinging to her clothing and eyelashes. Players milled about, laughing and chattering among themselves. Occasionally, another player would recognize Lessa, and call out a greeting. The Guardian responded each time with a wave of her hand, and a simple "hello!" The men and women who knew her arrived with their friends and lovers, and Lessa knew better than to take up their time with small talk. From somewhere deep within the park, a high-pitched alarm sounded. The girl flinched, her time on the front lines giving her a sort of post-traumatic stress disorder. "Relax," she muttered. You're here to have fun, remember? Link to post Share on other sites
RyujinSeaLord 0 Posted February 8, 2015 #16 Share Posted February 8, 2015 I noticed the blonde from a long distance away. I felt like id seen her before and she didnt seem comfortable from here and i didnt want to seem like a creep. I finally grabbed hold of myself and decided to finally introduce myself to her. Today was a casual day so in the very rare chance i chose to wear normal clothing to a place like this. A black tee-shirt with a skull pasted on the front and wings on the back, a nice pair of black pants, my spiked boots and a jacket like the one i had back home...also in black. my hair hung low covering my right eye as it usual did, only allowing people to see the purple eye i have. I walked behind her and tapped her shoulder gently hoping not to startle her. E-Excuse me ma'am....i couldnt help but notice you from afar and thought you looked familiar, i think i saw you at the preparations for the Monthly Boss raid...and i was wondering if i could get to know you a little better...or if...you wanted to...hang out with this lonely kid today? I asked her very shyly hoping i wasnt being pushy or explode from nervousness Link to post Share on other sites
Lessa 1 Posted February 8, 2015 #17 Share Posted February 8, 2015 A sudden tap on her shoulder caught Lessa off-guard. She was already on edge, and the touch caused her to turn more violently than intended. Her hand immediately went to Hell Rose, which, of course, was not strapped to her back. Realizing how strangely she was behaving, and noticing that the person who had tapped her was not looking to kill her, the blonde gave a soft, relieved sigh. "Hello there," she greeted offering the boy a crooked smile. "Sorry about that, I-" her voice trailed off, and her blue eyes searched his purple one for some way to end her sentence. Then she shrugged. "Well, you know, I'm sure." He was a front-liner, just as she was. He probably experienced the same emotions, the same unease, the same paranoia. "Its good to see you again," she continued, shoving her hands deep into the pockets of her jacket. "And I really appreciate your offer. But I'm actually waiting for someone." Without missing a beat, she added, "another guild leader. We were going to do a bit of collaborating." "But I'd love to get to know you better. If you'd like, we could meet up sometime later this week?" Link to post Share on other sites
Baldur 0 Posted February 8, 2015 #18 Share Posted February 8, 2015 Baldur held onto Tyger as they enjoyed the view of the snowy floor. This was perhaps his favorite. He had always enjoyed this type of climate, but there was something about snow covered trees and mountains, and a cities filled with lights that just made for a magical setting. Even in the real world where there wasn't magic, the lanterns and the decorations and snow made it seem like maybe it was possible. Baldur pulled Tyger closer against him and rest his head on hers, all of these thoughts and more filling his heart with warmth. It felt like his batteries were being recharged. They had really needed this. The descent was slow, and gave them ample time to relax and enjoy a moment of silence, but it also reintroduced the sounds of the festival slowly from a soft murmur to the full on barrage of laughter and and conversation, washing over them like the tide. "This was a great idea, my heart." He smiled to her softly, his blue eyes reflecting the somber yellow light of the festival. Finally the car door was opened and Baldur stepped out, turning around to offer her a hand getting out of the car. "What would you like to do next?" Link to post Share on other sites
Tyger 0 Posted February 8, 2015 #19 Share Posted February 8, 2015 Tyger snuggled Baldur a bit more before the cart came to a slow halt. Once it stopped shaking from the momentum, Baldur stepped out and offered her his hand. She took it and stepped from the cart, careful not to trip as she did so. Once she'd led him a few paces away from the line to allow others to get in the empty Wheel, she looked around at the rest of the festival. "Ya know, I never really made it that far with the planning. If something catches our eye, let's go for it!" She suggested, beginning to walk back towards the crowd. Before she could check out all of the other things, she saw Lessa standing in the crowd. Smiling to Baldur, she started walking towards their guild leader. She cupped her hands around her mouth to help her voice project as she neared Lessa. "Oh, Lessa! You made it!" Tyger assaulted her with an immediate hug as soon as she was close enough. Using a charge to get there faster wasn't a good idea, so she refrained from it. She was happy to see her friend though. There hadn't been too much emphasis on Valentine's Day back in the real world, but here it was a holiday, and with no assurance as to whether or not you'd make it to the next one, you started to see holidays in a different light. "Happy Valentines day!" Link to post Share on other sites
RyujinSeaLord 0 Posted February 8, 2015 #20 Share Posted February 8, 2015 I looked to the girl whose name i havent gotten to learn yet. Her eyes were so wonderful and i couldnt help but stare. I suddenly placed my right hand over my right eye and ducked my head a little bit still looking towards her with my one purple eye. Um....yeah...i...i would love that...ill talk to Dmitri...to see if he know of anything going on...i spoke nervously as i sent her a friend request. After that little transaction i turned around placing my hands in my pockets and started to walk off the looked over my left shoulder and said "Ill message you if i find something" then suddenly vanished into a crowd of people who waved on in the entrance. -Ryu leaves- Link to post Share on other sites
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