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[SP-F5,6,7] Just for Kicks <<COMPLETE>>

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Ent Counter/Dodge

The Ent didn't feel the wolf crawling up his spine. It was kind of like a spider prowling about on you, depending on how they moved, you didn't know they were there. And also like a spider, if they wanted you to know they were there, you knew. How you knew was generally not a kiss on the cheek, nope. It was more or less a sharp pain that might leave even the biggest of men in tears, of course again, depending on the spider. It just so happened, Miles was like a Black Widow to the Ent, the claws from the wolf leaving scratch marks and pain on the Ent.

(3 High = 2 damage, +3 Miles being level 15, = 5)

Zelrius 20/37

Miles 28/32

Ent 21/50

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  • Zelrius


Ent Attack

The Ent wasn't going to let the human boy escape battle, or death. The tree this time used its roots to suck up the water Zelrius was soaking up. Zelrius continued lying there, even as the water around him dried. Finally, all the water was gone and stored deep within the roots. The tree pumped the water back through with enormous force and shot the water back out in a Hydro-cannon sort of way.

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Zelrius Dodge/Counter

Zelrius re-focused. He knew that it was either keep fighting, or die like a coward. He wasn't going to let the latter happen; not after all he had done so far in the game. Little by little he noticed the water to slowly disappear. Even the drops of water on his clothes seemed to vanish. Using Critical thinking and Deduction skills he was able to determine what exactly was about to happen. When the water came shooting back out with unimaginable strength Zelrius was ready. He slid his body around so that he would be covered in mud and used the slickness of mud as a way to propel himself away from the blast. He escaped the current of water sliding like a penguin on his stomach.

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Zelrius Attack

Zelrius, after dodging the water, got up and drew his sword again. This time instead of coming up with something elobrate to do ,since that seemed failed almost every-time on the Ent, he simply went forth and cut the trunk of it head on. Nothing special just a boy cutting the base of a tree with a sword.

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Ent Dodge/Counter

The Ent was actually quite astounded by Zelrius' ability to quickly react and move to dangerous situations. But now was not the time to respect your enemy. No, now was the time to end that Enemy's life. The Ent turned around, now ignoring what the wolf had just done as it knew that Zelrius would do more damage than the wolf would. However, by the time the Ent was looking in the Direction of Zelrius, he was already hacking and slicing away the wood far below the Ent's field of vision

Zelrius 20/37

Miles 28/32

Ent 16/50

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Miles Attack

Miles leaped forward. His target: the now exposed Roots of the Ent which came out of the ground to use that Hydro Cannon. Miles charged with open jaws to get a chomp at the soft but rough wooden flesh of the open roots.

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Ent Dodge/Counter

The Ent noticed the plan and shoved his roots back into the ground. Which, lucky for it, had control of the land around it and simply sperated an area for the roots to fit back into place and then slid the two piece of land back together.

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Ent Attack

The Ent used the chance of the misplaced land to get in some hurtin' on the poor wolf. With the land out of poisition the Ent Rumbled the soft dirt and rocks making Miles lose Balance, creating an opening for an attack.

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Miles Dodge/Counter

Miles wasn't fast enough to realize what was about to happen, Not to mention, clearly not fast enough to react to it. The Wolf slid down and was knocked off his feet. When he landed hard on his side with a thud The Ent Thrusted a Fist down to Smash the Wolf, Dealing good amounts of damage to Miles.

Zelrius 20/37

Miles 23/32

Ent 16/50

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Zelrius Attack

Zelrius, sword poised for a stab, ran forward, moving about on the soil only leaving light footsteps in his wake. The handle's thick leather now beginning to cling to Zelrius' flesh from excessive sweat that was conjured up by the work out the battle was becoming.

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Ent DOdge/Counter

The Ent almost seemed like it was laughing when it lifted back it's wooden fist and saw Miles badly injured from his attacks. By the time The beast had found Zelrius, he had already stuck his blade in earlier weakened spots of the trunk. The Ent felt the sharp pain that crawled up the wooden nerves, leaving the Ent with yet another mark.

Zelrius 20/37

Miles 23/32

Ent 13/50

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Miles Attack

Miles tried to stand back up but again ended up in the dirt. He was too weak to carry on, especially after being smashed like that by something as large as the Ent's fist. Miles continued to try to get up and carry on the fight, but simply couldn't do it. The mud from Zelrius made it all that much harder as it kept slipping and sliding out from under Miles' feet.

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Ent Dodge/Counter

The Ent, Again, Paid no mind To Zelrius' most recent attack and was mainly now focused on the over weakened wolf which seemed as though it could take no more. The wooden beast would've laughed at it's feeble attempts to stand up if it so had the programming to do so. Again, he thrusted his fist down to smash the wolf. But instead, the wolf had barely moved enough to not get the full force of them smash except on the end of his tail.

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Ent Attack

The Ent lifted it's rough fist for another strike on the wolf. Again, it was almost mocking to Zelrius to not see a smile of pleasure from killing the wolf to creep across the Ent's face. Even if it could smile, However, Zelrius would never know as the only thing that suggested the Ent even had a face were the white pool balls with color in the middle that he assumed were its eyes.

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Miles Dodge/Counter

Miles braced himself for yet another strike, this time sure to be dead on as the Wolf couldn't move from the attack. Just as the fist was moving Zelrius jumped in over the wolf, picked him up and then quickly ran away and retreated Miles to safety. There, Zelrius put Miles down and turned back around to the Ent, a new determination brewed to kill the Wooden Beast and find his way out of this cruel land.

Zelrius 20/37

Miles 18/32

Ent 13/50

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Zelrius Attack

Zelrius ran forward, now aimed for the retrieving fist. He lifted his sword in his left land to try to get a cut across the fingers or knuckles. This didn't make it however. The Ent just seemed to get more and more frustrating to fight as this battle dragged on.

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Ent Counter/Dodge.

The Ent withdrew his fist as quickly as he could knowing that an attack would be forth coming. The Ent sensed Zelrius' anger and frustration, and again, would've laughed if it was programmed to be able to do so. Unfortunately for it, The Wooden beast couldn't laugh, and was left with the simple satisfaction of not being dead yet.

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Miles Attack

Miles sprang up with a new found energy. He didn't want to sit around while Zelrius went on and Defended him and the wolf. Miles Lurched forward, claws exposed, in order to tear through the hard flesh of the bark and get into the soft wood to cut the Ent up and be done with him.

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Ent Dodge/Counter

The Ent was only mainly focused on Zelrius, and paid no mind to the Damaged wolf that had now recovered dramtically. He felt the sharp pains from the same place the wolf had still been hitting, doing good amounts of the damage. Leaving th Ent now with more scratches

Zelrius 20/37

Miles 18/32

Ent 8/50

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Ent Attack

The large tree started to get a bit more intelligent with its attacks. It could now determine which of the two were in more danger of dying than the other simply by how the other took care of the more damaged one. However, the Ent was out of luck. Both, The wolf and the boy, Were right about the same health and the differences of movement and speed were very little if at all.

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