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[F-1, PP] Life the lion heart? Or the hermit? (Pm For invite)

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It was on floor one where L sat on a bench behind the old run down forge of the crimson inquisition. "So it all goes down like this aye?" L sighed, it was only after his run in with Mari that he realised that Argumail was gone.. his guild with it. Just as well perhaps.. but he missed his blood brother. He put his head in his hands as the shade of the forge hugged his body, a lazy sunny afternoon. The hydra had finally been cleared and people where already on their way to make their mark on the new land, but L just wanted to be done with it all. "What did i do.. i mean.. i know what i did... but i didn't.." He still didn't want to believe the stories told, but so far everything seem to point towards the truth. Maybe L was just a mentally deranged psychopath, the mentally deranged part stoping him from realising he's actually an insane psychopath. Was it even possible to be both? He groaned and sat back, frustrated at everything. 

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Aubrey was happily humming, her skirt swishing back and forth, sitting a few good inches above her knee. She wore knee high boots and her lilac hair bounced with her. Aubrey was in a good mood. Why? She had fans people had actually sought her out, hearing about her few performances amidst the streets of the starting town. She had decided to travel the back streets today. There was one fan in particular, who had been following her a little too much. 

She noticed someone, looking really sad sitting on a bench. Luckily, a more advanced player taught her how to use recording crystals, Aubrey had uploaded all the instrumentals to all her favourite idol songs to the gaming system before starting. So she could listen to it in the background whilst playing. An older user taught her that if she used recording crystals she could sing along to it. Aubrey smiled happily. Bringing out one of them; she would surprise this sad person with a happy song!

Aubrey may not speak Japanese all too well, but she sure could sing!

♪Oide, Oide Samishii hito yo!♪
(Come, Come all you lonely people)

♪Ochikondatette shou ga nai ne♪
(There's no point in feeling blue)

At this point she already had her microphone, which the sphere of symphony transformed into - she jumped out at the lonely boy! Pointing toward him

♪Minna Minna Iroiro aru sa♪
(We come in all sorts of shapes and sizes)

♪iisho ni uttate moriagarou!♪
(Lets sing and have a blast!)

She gave a small jump and beat her chest in time to the music before swaying side to side. This man would have a once-in-a-life-time performance just for him!

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L closed his eyes and bit the bottom of his lip seemingly lost in more of his thoughts when he began to hear a sudden burst of music. He opened one of his eyes and starred at the girl in front of him, he was never a big fan of J-Pop, he also wasn't the type to normally just ignore people but he needed his space. "Do you mind?" He got up and waltzed past her making his way down the steps into the lower district of the first floor village, he had his black katana strapped to his back, his black hair falling in front of his face, swaying with the wind. He didn't know if he really needed food but he felt hungry. He stepped inside a tavern and ordered some beef and rice curry, once again lost in thought, thinking just how everything got so screwed up so fast. 

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The lilac haired pop-idol smiled warmly at the strange,sad man as his aquamarine eyes looked up at her. However, he did not receive her intrusion as well as she had hoped. His brows quirked with annoyance as he got up and went as far as to almost push her aside as he passed her. Ah! But Aubrey wasn't going down that easily. Aubrey didn't stop singing even when he rudely walked away, she simply followed, singing well into the chorus as they both stepped down the stairs. 

♪uhho uhhoho otakebi agete♪
(let out a warcry!)

♪Bokutachi wo daremo tomerarenai!♪
(Nobody can get in our way!)


As they entered into the main streets, a few people seemed to recognize the still singing lilac  haired girl, one even shouting out 'Go, Go Abi-chii!' and another shouting an insult at the black haired man for ignoring her. Calling him a rude, well, lets just say its something one would not say in pleasant company. 

♪uhho uhhoho otakebi kobushi agete! Yeah Yeh Yeah! â™ª
(Raise your fists! Yeh yeh Yeh!)

♪Kurai Kuuki fukitobasou Yeh Yeh yeh!♪
(And send this grey mood away! Yeh Yeh Yeh!)

Aubrey happily jumped, dancing her way into the inn as the music died down. he sat down at a table alone and Aubrey sat down at a table opposite him. Pouting as she stared at him. "buuuu!"

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L was starting to get irritated with the girl, she had the nerve to follow him all the way into the tavern. He chowed down into his food and she still persisted on singing. "Do you annoy people often?" He looked over at Aubrey and frowned. He didn't want to be rude but he just wanted to be alone. The people in the tavern gave him death stares as he spoke. He sighed and pushed off the bar stool and walked out, he didn't need more trouble. He yawned and stretched his arms wide sitting down under a tree this time. He could still see from the corner of his eye, the lilac haired woman following him. He wasn't shocked by her hair colour, he was already used to Maris well known pink hair. He looked up at her as the suns light danced across his face with the sway of the tree leafs "Why do people hate each other?"

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Aubrey sighed, pressing her forehead into the wooden table. Making an array of odd noises as she pushed her fingers into her hair, ruffling it. This man was being an a** and all Aubrey wanted to do was help.

"E-excuse me."

"Mmm?" Aubrey looked up to see a trio of people, two male and a female. All who seemed to be just a few years younger than her. the middle, the tallest of the men seemed excited. "It is! It's Abi-chii! Abi-chii! We heard you singing to that guy!" The other, the smallest of the men, who had black hair down to his shoulders quickly interrupted. "Isheyourboyfriend?" He asked a little too quickly. Aubrey struggled to understand him.

"Friend? Uhm no! he's not!" Aubrey frowned, giving a huff as she crossed her arms over her chest. "He is just being a meanie beanie!" Aubrey got up and out of her chair with a start. Slapping her open palm on the table. "Don't worrry!" She exclaimed. "Abi-chii will ensure that his frowns turn into smiles!"

She thanked the three, before turning on her heel to leave the tavern, the three however followed her. The girl, seeming to have a pen and paper. "wait, wait wait!" Aubrey turned to have a pen shoved into her face. "p-p-please sign this?"

Aubrey picked up the pen, and signed it. Handing it back to the girl who thanked her and skittered off. "Oh geez." Aubrey said, as she shook the two mens hands as they too ran off. "She won't have that in the outside world." Aubrey said with a pout. She waved after them, shouting. "Come find me when we get outta here! Aubrey will Sign again for you!" She cried out, it was clear Japanese wasn't her primary language, with her grammatical errors, and British accent. 

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Vasth walked down a path towards a town.Still getting used to the menu and reading the guide book at the sametime. Vasth saw a fellow with black hair walk out of the tavern looking highly annoyed and sad. "OK i don't want to know what made him sad." Vasth need some help on the guides and basic. This game was really different from the game he normally plays. He walks into the tavern and sits down and he see a lilac hair girl outside as he walks in who looked really annoyed. "ohh glee i just going to have a fun time here." Vasth gets confused on the Menu systems.He stares at the book until his head hurts and then looks up for help but everyone in the tavern seems angry. "Why is everyone look so angry." Vasth thinks to himself "so i can get help from 2 people the odd looking girl or that black hair dude who are both outside and both are quite odd, Meh i need help anyway beside who am i to judge". Vasth gets up and walks out of the tavern and looks around. He see the lilac hair girl who waving at three people. He walks up think about what he should say,Since his not really good at intros but he needs help anyway. "Umm pardon me young lady may i ask you a question?"

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Ariel was casually strolling around town, she finished her errands and currently was being "guided" by Kimba, her familiar (check signature) around town. As she didn't have more work at the shop she wasn't ready to head to the 4th floor just yet and, for a reason, her little companion had taken a liking to this floor. So there she was now, following her around town, making sure that the familiar doesn't get into trouble. As normal, Kimba would walk in front of Ariel, showing off  her innate orientation skills. "Hey slow down a little...Kimba!!!" tried Ariel to get her pet's attention but, the lion cub simply turned her head and growled at her, then almost as if to disobey what she said earlier, started running. Ariel quickly followed, while sighting "You never listen do you.."


Something, apparently music, got the white cub's attention as Kimba moved swiftly through the crowds, closing in on something. As she got into open field. she started sprinting towards a guy that was resting under a tree, with somebody singing behind him. Ariel seeing now her objective shouted "Kimba stop!!" but got no response as the lion cub went directly towards the guy under the tree. Carefully approaching him, she wanted to sniff him for some reason. Should the stranger allow her to close in and maybe pet her, Kimba would start purring like a kitten.

Ariel soon followed after the runaway lion,slightly bowing before the guy then saying: "I'm sorry for her behaviour, she just likes to run away and meet apparently random new people. Guess she doesn't like to listen to me," this last part Ariel said it while looking at the lion cub, the continued while looking at the guy. "Sorry for disturbing you." but next she thought she heard some words in her native tongue, coming from behind him. She didn't get to take a good look at the person in front of her and didn't recognized him.

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His eyes locked with the leafs above him, he cracked his knuckles and sighed. A small lion cub jumped on him, startling his peace "Oh he- what the f-" He placed a gentle hand on the cub and pet its soft fur, like a kitten, it started purring. He exhaled and took a deep breathe, trying not to loose his calm, he looked up to see the owner of the familiar, someone he had seen before. "Oh, Ariel, it's you." He smirked and relaxed a little, the lion cub seemed to like him. He picked it up and it nibbled on his hand, standing up he gently handed the woman's familiar back to her maybe he just needed to put all the bullshit behind him. "He's a cute one isn't he. Kimba was it?" He smiled and looked around, it was a nice area on the first floors city, an open section for a café where people could read up on something and enjoy one of the few pleasures of SAO


(Kosan im sorry, i forgot player killers can't enter towns so im going to have to remove you from the thread)

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The moment he asked the question he knew he made the wrong choice. He knew that he was asking a girl but he got so caught up on the helping part he forgot who he was asking. Before the girl could even turn around he broke into a sprint and ran towards a pathway nearly a tree.He stops to catch his breath.He see a pair ones a girl and the other a guy he really needed help. He saw a lion in the arms of the girl. He need to ask for help if he ever wanted to get out of this game. He needed to suck up his guts and ask them. Also he needs to apologise to the girl before later for just running off without saying a thing.She must quite confused. He walk up to them and ask " uhh excuse me may i ask you a question because i am not quite used to this game yet." while he gives a polite smile. 

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"hmmm~?" Aubrey turned her head over her shoulder - Lilac hair tickling her bare shoulder. "What is?" She asked, again misusing grammar. A common issue she would face. It seemed that there was a young, blonde boy - who was polite, and asking for her help. Aubrey beamed, smiling at him with her entire being. Emerald eyes glistening with a boastful energy. However, before she could even say yes to his qestion....

He ran.

Aubrey blinked in surprise. He literally ran, bolting in the other direction.
"What the?" She questioned. Why run away from her. Aubrey frowned as she fluffed up her skirt. "I don't...look scary do I?" She questioned, she placed her hands on her cheeks, smooshing them together. "Ah! I can't be scawee can I!"


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Ariel raised her gaze to meet the eyes of the person she was apologizing, upon hearing his voice she appeared to recognize it. Once she meet his eyes she saw Life, the player that got wounded by Mari a while ago, in the misty forest located at the 3th floor. He seems to recognize her as well, as she called her name, she then took a look at her familiar, Kimba seemed to to have taken a liking to him. As she took the lion cub in her arms, she next put her down while saying: "You can say that SHE's cute...and curious..and undisciplined as well, but a trustful companion. So I guess she's like me to an extent. Anyway it's good to see you well and kicking, Life. What have you've been doing lately?" she asked while taking a look around, she could swear she heard someone singing nearby...She then saw a blond boy coming their way, from his gear she deducted that he probably was a new player. His next statement confirmed her suspicions, and she then replied him while revealing a bright smile:

"Sure, ask away. I'm Ariel btw, nice to meet you."

In the meanwhile Kimba, let out a small growl while brushing against Life's left leg. Once the new guy appeared she got bored of Life and went to him(Vasth) purring and expecting some attention from him. 

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As the girl said "Sure, ask away. I'm Ariel btw, nice to meet you." "Ah Nice you to meet you too,Ariel my name Vasth,"  As Vasth looks down and crouch down and pats the little lion gently and then starts to rub it's face gently. "and the question i would like to ask is how to use sword skills." and then Vasth picked to lion and hugs it. Vasth liked fluffy things.Then he puts down the lion.As he stands up he looks at the other guy and Ariel. For some reason Vasth was only a bit nervous since it was his first time talking to a girl face to face. Wait isn't that the guy who's next to her Life that saved me that time? (refers http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/6349-pp-f1-a-new-beginning/?p=372478)

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L watched as a blonde boy walked towards him and Ariel. It was the same boy he saved just outside town not too long ago. "Well look who it is, the mighty Vasth himself. Good to see you're still alive and kicking buddy" He smirked and shook the mans hand. He turned back to face Ariel "I suppose to answer your question Ariel. It would be saving this guy from raging boars in the open fields just outside town" He gave Vasth a quick glance, it was a pretty embarrassing moment for the boy. He gave him some quick tips before and he hadn't died after that so he liked to think he at least helped somewhat already. "Don't tell me you forgot already?" 

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As Vasth shook Life's hand and obviously embarrassed by what Life say about him, But Vasth deserved it anyway he was beaten by a level 1 boar. Vasth flushed and said " I wouldn't forget the man who saved me for a boar because i was being stupid, andddddd i didn't really understand about the skills before you ran off before letting me ask about it but honestly i didn't think that fighting in this game was hard. Obviously i never really fought inside a RPG before."   

he said " Uhmm btw Ariel can you forget what he said i don't want to be shamed on that much."   but Vasth doubted it because it would seem to be quite funny for someone to died to a easy monster.

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"I'm sorry, forget what?" she replied to the new player with an innocent face *poker face* while petting her familiar on the head, saying:"I didn't get that last part you guys were talking about since Kimba here, distracted me with her growling", she said a random lie while her familiar was tilting its head confused. She could understand why he would feel embarrassed by that, and that further talking about it would only create a imaginary gap between them.

She then stood up and continued, "If you want to know about active sword skills, I'm afraid I can't help you with that. I currently have only passive skills like 'One-handed rapier' that give me extra damage, and 'light armor' that helps me receive less damage from incoming attacks using this armor parts."

She then pointed towards her Vambraces and Shoulder pads (Lion's protection)," and as for weapon this baby helps me alot too.." she then elegantly pulls out her black bladed rapier(sig) brandishing it for a second before impaling it in the ground, adopting her favorite knight-like position, and continuing: "There are also lots of other passive skills like 'Search and Detect' that give you a higher chance to drop high value loot from mobs and all kind of skills that help you in battle, by providing some minor enhancement to you stats. But the main 2 skills are: a weapon and an armor skill. Those are a must for every player, because you can't fight without armor to protect yourself or a weapon to attack the enemy, even if that weapon is just your own hands." She then paused to give Life a chance to join her explanation.

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L sighed internally, here we go again he thought to himself "To use a sword skill you need to be able to move it in a certain way. For example, my charge i used to save you from the boar. I placed the sword behind myself and lowered my stance activating it. Effectively i used it to cover 4 meters in under a second. That's how i saved your life. You'll have to discover the techniques to use other skills. Especially the ones specific to your weapon. Currently im still struggling to use this" He pulled out his black katana and stabbed it into the soft grass. 


(Keeping this as In character as possible) 

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Vasth knew that Ariel heard but he didn't mind, she was a nice person. Vasth smiled, He put all their advice into his mind. " Hmm ok,thank you i think i got it now." Vasth looks up and say  " by the way where do u get armour." He gives a clueless face " Oh and by the way Life,do you want to go fight some monsters with me if that's not the problem, your welcome to join if you want Ariel." As he gives a big grin. He hoped that both would come but he thought it might waste their time or they need to do something. " But if you don't want to i will be fine."

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She was pleased to see Life jump in and explain how an active skill works, she didn't like that you had to enter a predetermined stance before using it and suffering that post-motion time delay."All that is just a flashy move with light effects to attract new players, in my opinion" replied Ariel, stating her honest opinion. But then she heard Vasth's question about armors, seeing the opportunity to advertise a little, she continued: "Armor can be found almost in any shop and mob drops, but if you want a custom made piece of armor you can go to one of the many player opened shops, you can go to either a blacksmith for Heavy Armor or to tailors for Light Armor. I belong to the last group", she said while making a few hand gestures and opening her inventory. She then pulled out, a neatly folded blue tunic and handed it to the new player with a smile, while saying: "This is a light armor piece, its not much...just that it will offer you a little more protection than the starting gear. And if you don't mind me tagging along, I'll happily join you guys." She then shot a mischievous look towards Life, while continuing: "I'm curious to see what you can do when you're not getting stabbed to 'death' by your girlfriends." she was referring, to the time she found him lying on the ground with a dagger in his chest(Bad Apple topic). She couldn't help notice the black katana he displayed..thinking "Another samurai wannabe?", the first one being Baldur.


((sorry forgot to add it:)

- Item

Item: Improvement

Item type : Light armor 
Quality: Uncommon
Enhancement: +1 Dmg Mit
ShopThe Lion's Den
Description : A blue colored tunic that offers a little more protection than the starting gear.


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Vasth was about to cry. Everyone he met so far was so nice giving him free things. "Oh My Buddha, everyone who i met so far is go giving and nice I wish the world was more like this." He give Ariel a big smile and says " I will come by your shop whenever i want better Armour." Vasth give a smile. "oh Hold on a moment i need to something really quick,So you two lovers can shoot complains about each other a bit more." Then Vasth gives a mischievous grin and sprints off towards the town. He looks back to make sure that he wasn't being chased then he startsarrow-10x10.png to look for the girl that he rudely ran away from. He needed to say sorry for running off before she could say anything pretty rude of him. he went looks around for the girl but can't find her.


(BTW Ariel What the armour called?) ( No Problems)


Armour added - Blue tunic.

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