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[PP-F2] Off with her head <<Long live the Queen>> (Nikki Styx)

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Anima was searching through the quest board again looking for something to do that would grant her a chance to earn a few extra materials or skill points. She had decided that the best way to catch up to her counterparts on the front lines was to quest and do odd jobs. The XP's were more and the general game play experience would be helpful. One quest in particular had stood out. Its reward promised a rare poison that allowed an increase to a players damage. Such things were hard to find and worth getting whenever one could. With that in mind she clicked accept on the quest and watched as her map appeared in front of her showing her the way point to her now current quest. All she needed now was another player to assist her in this matter. Not so much because it was difficult, but because she wasn't too dumb to do this on her own.


She knew that right now at this time of day the best way to get assistance was simply to ask. Many players were here because they had nothing else better to do. She smiled now knowing that with her style of dress she would certainly be able to seduce someone into coming along with her easily. "Alright, time to get started" She thought as she began approaching strangers for help.

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It had been a quiet day for Aincrads star tank. There had been no calls for help, no quests to run, and generally nothing special to do. Before she was married everyone needed her, for something or other, tank a field boss, protect a player, save a family, there had just always been things to do, and now nothing. She let out a sigh as she slumped down sitting on the edge of a fountain in the plaza for the floor 2 starter town. From here she could see the quest board, and see who was all doing what. Her goal was to look for weaker looking players and help push them along. She did this by spotting beginner level gear, which no one seemed to have anymore. What was this game coming too when there were no lower levels anymore. It was while she was doing this that she caught sight of a player, a girl going around asking other players for help. Nikki scoffed for a moment as her gear appeared to be exquisite, no doubt all high level drops or crafts. 


Still despite this the girl continued to ask around, stopping strangers here and there asking for help with a quest. Nikki sighed as she stood up. Perhaps she could help her, after all it was better to help a powerful player do something, than wait for nothing here. She stretched out casually arching her back, before walking over to the girl. "Scuse me, I couldn't help but hear that you are looking for help?" She started flashing a smile at the girl. "I'll help you, though I can't imagine what you'd need help with."

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Anima looked over as she heard the woman call out to her. The voice had come from a blue haired female who carried a spear and shield. She looked to be armored out quite well. It took her a moment to realize who this woman actually was, but when she did she gasped. "N-Nikki Styx?!" She half asked half yelled at the tank. Anima had heard of this woman before, read about her, and seen her picture. This was Nikki "The River" Styx. She was Aincrads strongest tank, and was a known face on the front lines. This woman was a celebrity to the lower levels. One of the rumors that Anima had heard came from a person who knew someone who was on the front lines when they encountered the floor 8 boss. They had said that Nikki challenged it alone and it couldn't hurt her at all. Some people said she had found away to be become indestructible.


After a second or two Anima realized that she was staring with her mouth open like some starstruck fan girl. "I'm sorry, Please yes I would Love your help." She said while bowing her head in respect to the other player. She looked up while still bowed over half expecting to see the other girl passing by on her way to talk to someone else, but no, she was still here looking at her. Anima straightened out, extending a shaking hand to the bluenette. "My name is Anima." She said gently trying to keep her glee under control.

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Nikki stopped dead in her tracks when the other girl called her by name. It wasn't a common thing to be known anymore so she had been caught completely off guard by the event. The other girl then proceeded bow and introduce herself, extending a hand. She noticed right away that it was shaking pretty badly. Could she had been nervous, or just excited? Either way Nikki smiled politely and took the woman's hand in her own. "It's nice to meet you Anima, and you are right, I am Nikki Styx." She said with a small laugh. She released the girls hand now and looked around. many of the players the girl had been asking before seemed to have walked off. It wasn't so unheard of to see people ignore smaller players, as they just didn't want to back grind quests for limited experience.


She returned her gaze to the girl and gave her a quick look over. Two toned hair, was not so abnormal considering that her own hair was blue. The eyebrows were a bit much but it showed she was dedicated. The white coat was nice, and lined with fur that would have made it warm on floor 4. She had a decent chest plate. But on closer inspection she noticed that Anima was in fact not wearing pants. What the hell was wrong with this girl? Furthermore what the hell was wrong with these guys who walked away from a bottomless woman? "Umm... I think you forgot some gear..." Nikki said pointing at her lower region while blushing a little.

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It took Anima a moment to realize what Nikki was talking about, and when she did she blushed and let out a small giggle. "Nope, I know I'm not wearing pants." She said taking a step back and spinning on the spot so that her coat flew up and allowed everyone to see her legs and rear. "I do this for attention. Or rather, I want to be a famous alchemist, so If I make a name for myself now, people will remember me later. And besides sex sells." Her smile widened as said her piece. It had been her strategy to use her bare legs as advertising for herself. Meanwhile though there was still the matter of the quest at hand. Nikki had asked about it, or rather expressed confusion in why she needed help, so Anima was going to explain. Before she did though she opened up her menu and sent Nikki a party request. This in itself was an exciting moment for her, she had always wanted to group up with the front liners, and hardcore players, but she had never guessed she would be doing it so soon.


A moment later Nikki had accepted the request, and Anima was able to see her stats. "Level 19"  She wasn't so high up there. Yet she was an acknowledged front liner, and easily the thickest tank in Aincrad. It was proff that with the right dedication one can achieve alot. Many players were higher level than her, and many of them would sooner jump off the side of Aincrad than risk crossing the river. That was something she had heard about. Supposedly the meanest PKer in the game had angered her, and she had beaten him to within in an inch of his life with her bare hands, before handing him a set of coins and telling him he crossed the river. She got chills just thinking of it. This woman was her hero.


"Well, I'm only level 4, and I want to complete the quest Long Live the Queen. I just don't think I can do it on my own."

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Nikki gave a weak smile to the girls explanation and spin. She certainly was confident, and it was safe to say that she was the only on in all of Aincrad who had that kind of strategy. "We always need more Alchemists, especially on the front lines." Was all Nikki could muster for a response. She gave another quick smile and shook her head in disbelief before a party request window appeared. She clicked accept and watched as her new companions info popped up right under her own. Again she was caught in a moment of disbelief as she noticed the girls level. It was terrible, She was so small compared to everyone else, no wonder she needed help. Still though her gear was incredible for her level. The steel plated boots, and cloves that seemed to be more like living metal, than actual plates. It was another one of those cases in which a player's gear was incredibly higher than there level, deceptively high in fact.


She shook her head again, still smiling. "Of course I will help you Anima, I'm sorry I made assumptions about you." She quickly sprinted over to the quest board and accepted the quest for herself as well. She surprisingly hadn't actually accomplished it in all of her time here. She made a note to check the board again in the futre to see what else might have been added for quests. With the quest now active on her map she returned to Anima and smiled again. "If yer ready we can head out now. I know where we need to go from here."

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This was actually going to happen. Anima was actually going to party up with Nikki Styx for a quest. But to add to the thrill, Nikki had said that she was needed on the front lines, or rather that Alchemists were needed, but in her fan girl moment that's not what she actually heard. Either way Nikki had said she was ready to go and that's all Anima needed. "Ok, Lets do this" She said excitedly as she began walking to wards the gate With Nikki.


1 HR Later


It had taken the pair an hour to arrive at their location. Turns out the wasps were a considerable distance away from the city. In that Time Anima had asked Nikki literally hundreds of questions about the front lines. Nikki had answered them all graciously. It had been a great conversation that did well to increase Anima's desire to get to the front. She had even asked Nikki to take her along, to which she had received a brisk and sympathetic no. While that had been disappointing she understood the reasoning behind it. 


As the pair got further out the sound of buzzing could be heard all around them. Anima had been about to ask Nikki if that was the wasps they were looking for when she looked over and saw a herb growing from the grass, not far from her. "Gimme a second" She said while she ran over to it. Anima crouched down behind it, scooping the Material up and adding it to her inventory.


10513 Loot Dice 18. Herb found.


- ITEM ACQUIRED - 1x Material

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