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<<Yggdrasil>> End's Beginning

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» Username: Yggdrasil

» Real name: Mana Iscariot

» Age: 26

» Gender: Female

» Height: 5'8"

» About: History/personality

Mana comes from a family of privilege, never knowing want, yet the stern discipline of self control is a lesson often taught. But like any privileged upbringing , it also means she was forced to succeed, and exceed succession to an incredible degree. So her standards in life were raised to a insufferable level, one she may fear she may never fulfill, in a constant need to prove herself, reinvent, glorify. It wasn't until she was able to move out on her own that she began to break off the shackles of her over bearing life and recreate a version of herself she felt most comfortable with. Granted, she'd never escape the life of a chronic workaholic, but she was never unpleasant about it. She was a dreamer of positive if not epic proportions, an imagine-er that kept her feet in a logical reality while her head mingled a near-tangible fantasy. She started to take all her resources and mental arsenal into the gaming field, taking delight in designing, int seeing stories unfold, to play a part of a hero. Something bigger then herself, that allowed her to play a minor part in something grand, with the help of others, many, at her side. As socially inept as she was, the online aspect of amenity made it easier to to get closer to people, the perfect mask to wear to truly be herself, and in a way, not have to be there, nod not let anyone know her real face.

» Virtues:

Diligence - Not to be confused with Determination, though very closely related, Yggdrasil is very dedicated to whatever cause or efforts needing her immediate attention. Nothing too small or large, she tackled it and takes it on like her first and foremost task, giving 100% of all she is until the job is done, sparing no resource and does so without contempt..

Wisdom - Balancing the scales of common sense and insight. Keeping her mind attuned to the current flow of events, she makes rational and calm decisions without being rash or panicked with ease.

Forbearance - Being simply 'patient' was never enough, not for Yggdrasil. Patience had limitations and Diligence was but the shield. She has an uncanny natural nature to be able to take on the worst of events, situations, and unforeseen tragedies, become a beacon of strength to endeavor to keep faith, sustain hope and forge on forward to the end. Without delay, maintaining her smile and tender nature regardless.

» Flaws:

Obsessive - Giving herself tasks on top of whatever her fellows have instructed and trusted her with, Yggdrasil is constantly in need of a goal to fulfill. It overcomes her like a haze, over-writing the basic needs for food, sleep, or self preservation at times. To her she is doing all she can, for the good of others, leaving little time or effort for herself. If left unattended for a length of time, she often has to be physically put aside and withdrawn from her duties just to clear her head.

Overambitious - The end is always just a few more steps away. Nothing could tempt her form the goal, nothing can make her stop. She will succeed, she will fulfill, she will.. because she refuses defeat.

Perfectionist - Everything that has been done by her hand could always be done better. She has standards, high ones, often in hindsight levels of it far beyond the abilities of others to fulfill. It fuels her obsessive nature to continue to work on herself, by herself, until she is satisfied. It is something that she does not see as a flaw if it means success, but it makes her forget that others exist to help, not hinder.

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