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[SP-F1] Earthworms in the Ground

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??? looked around, to see that there was not a soul in sight around him. That was good, he did not want to be watched while he did this. ??? had heard of a extremely good wetland soil filled with earthworms that made good bait, but also filled with maggots. ??? did not exactly fall in love with that idea, but he still needed it done. The hole was just out of town and ??? got to it quickly, as he began to dig throughout the deep soil. Luckily but not  too lucky ??? pulled out a worm, yet it was dead, and no fish would fall for a dead worm.



Loot Dice:13(Fail)

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??? had some water with him and noticed that some of the water in the soil was fading away. So quickly he poured a bottle in, and then drank one himself. Then his hands were back to feeling good in the moist dirt. It actually felt amazing, his hands in the watered dirt. And that may have been weird, but he enjoyed that. Out of the dirt he pulled a delicious night crawler, which he knew the fish would enjoy. 



Loot Dice:17(Success)

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??? looked around the little plot of land, and finally decided upon a good place to search for some worms. I mean, the whole plot of land was good for the worms to be found in, but ??? suspected the game had some little places where there were more worms than in the other spots. His hands then shot at the ground as he began to dig again. Once again, he pulled out a very juicy night crawler from the mud.


Loot Dice:15(success)

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Well, it seems he had found the spot he would find the most worms in and not maggots. Jeez, he hated maggots more than anyone could hate cancer or war or disease or death it seemed! But that was not true. If he hated it that much, then he would not still be in the dirt, pulling up maggots when he really wanted to pull up a few worms. But all he found was a snail shell that time. Luckily, it wasn't a maggot.
Loot Dice:9(Fail)
New Non-combat gathering finds:

[1-6] Maggot
[7-10] Snail or Snail Shell
[11-14] The Worm is Dead
[15-18] Normal Earth Worm Found!
[19] A rare earthworm of some sort
[20] You Found a Night Crawler Worm!

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??? would not stop digging. He needed more worms collected for his fishing career, as he also planned on selling worms in his shop, not just using every worm as bait. So that would take a long time to get enough worms. So he needed to continue looking without hesitation. Quickly he looked through the ground, hoping to find another worm in the ground. But the worm he pulled out happened to be dead already and was worthless as it turned into millions of crystal shards.


Loot Dice:11(Fail)

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Batman ran his hands through the ground, laughing as he thought he had found a juicy. Slimy. Little. Worm. He raised it up out of the ground, to view the underground thingy, to see if it was a worm as he was looking for. Screaming uck as he through it at the ground, batman began to dig again, obviously upset by not having a worm again as he thought he did. It was like the game knew he hated maggots and flies, but the game through them at him, all knowingly.



Loot Dice:6(Maggot)[FAIL]

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