shadowsnake1001 0 Posted February 26, 2015 #1 Share Posted February 26, 2015 Walking up to an NPC that has a exclamation mark, indicating that a quest is available, snake sees the holographic panel asking if he wants to accept. Clicking yes the NPC looks up at and says,"what are you here for." A new panel pops up with all the professions, lifting his figure to cooking he presses his figure on the button. "So you want to become a cook, huh? Well it isn't hard if you have the materials with you. How about you go and pick up some materials and we'll see what you are able to make?" Another panel asks if he accepts, pressing it, he makes his way to the gate. Snake: 7/7 Material: N/A Link to post Share on other sites
shadowsnake1001 0 Posted February 26, 2015 Author #2 Share Posted February 26, 2015 Snake reaches the gate and pulls his sword out, he takes a moment to look at the curved blade and then walks out of the city. Looking around for some animal to slaughter for meat he finds a sheep just looking out to the fields. Snake speaks up to it and raises his sword and swings down and strikes it with a vicious force. Snake pulls the sword from the animal and it jumps away limping, the sheep tries to limp away but is too weak. Snake mumbles to himself,"well it isn't putting up much of a fight." Snake: 7/7 Sheep: 1/2 BD: 7 MD: 1 Material: N/A Link to post Share on other sites
shadowsnake1001 0 Posted February 27, 2015 Author #3 Share Posted February 27, 2015 Snake walks up to the sheep that is just staring at him, snake raises up his cutlass and strikes down. The sheep bounces out of it's way and starts black way from him; confused with its action snake shrugs and starts back to the startled animal. Trying to escape him it starts runking away shocked that it is able to run away snake starts to a dead sprint towards the creature. He chases it in circles and in straight paths about 5 minutes the sheep starts slowing down just enough for snake to get some distance subtracted from the two of them. Breathing heavily as he gains speed and closes in on his target, he sees the sheep stop dead in its tracks. Snake grins. BD: 5 MD: 1 Snake: 7/7 Sheep:1/2 Link to post Share on other sites
shadowsnake1001 0 Posted February 27, 2015 Author #4 Share Posted February 27, 2015 Snake takes a few more steps while he is running and bounces at the sheep. Side stepping snake falls to the ground with a thud, the sheep backs up and rams snake into the side letting a gust of wind out he gives the sheep a weird look. The sheep had a angered and stein look In it's eyes as it starts slowly walking around him. A tree stands in the animal's path about three feet away, taking note snake gives a grin and loosen up. The sheep is still looking at him, but only makes snake laugh because of the fact that it doesn't know what is fixing to go down in four seconds. BD: 2 MD: 9 Snake: 5/7 Sheep: 1/2 [LOL getting my butt handed to me by a sheep] Link to post Share on other sites
shadowsnake1001 0 Posted February 27, 2015 Author #5 Share Posted February 27, 2015 The sheep reaches the tree and snake darts at the little fluffy animal; the sheep gives a weird smile and steps to the side, but the smile quickly fades as the cutlass's gleam of light disappears in side the sheep. The sheep's eyes close softly and it fades into pixels and bursts leaving nothing but a large hunk of meat, snake look at the lamb and smiles he picks it up and realizes it is heavier that he though. Although it was just 15 pounds, it was still heavier than he expected. Sticking it Into his inventory he mentally check meat off the list, (all I need now is potatoes, corn, beans, and pepper.) BD: 6 MD: 1 Snake: 5/7 Sheep: 0/2 Material: lamb meat Link to post Share on other sites
shadowsnake1001 0 Posted February 27, 2015 Author #6 Share Posted February 27, 2015 After taking out that sheep, snake goes on to try and find the remaining items on his list. Looking out through the fields of grass and some plowed land his eyes stumble on a small bright green bush with fairly big leaves. (Could be some potatoes.) With possibility of it being what he needed, he didn't want to let the chance slip through his hands. Snake heads toward the plowed land and a blur appears into view, It was a hog just sniffing at the ground and pulling up carrots to eat. He gets down low behind the fence that surrounded the plowed land. Snake scans the area for other animals, but doesn't find any other threat. Staying low he slips through the fence and makes his way to the plant, he inches to it at a crawl because the hog was just 10 feet away. Snake begins digging with his hands for a minute and then gives the plant a tug, the potatoes rise as he pulls them out of the warm moist soil and packs it into his inventory. LD: 20 Snake: 5/7 Material: lamb meat / potatoes Link to post Share on other sites
shadowsnake1001 0 Posted February 27, 2015 Author #7 Share Posted February 27, 2015 Crawling back away from the hog with the grass brushing against his face, snake's shirt gets caught by a root that is sticking out of the ground. Reaching with caution for the root, he removes it and continues to crawl away. He reaches the fence and hops over it, he starts to walk out further from the city for about 3 minutes until he finds a group of corn stocks shooting from the ground. Snake jogs to the corn, but stops when he sees that all the corn ears are removed. Frowning, he kicks up a little dirt and begins walking in the same direction as before he saw the corn. (How I even know if I'll find all the plants.) Snake: 5/7 LD: 13 Materials: lamb meat / potatoes Link to post Share on other sites
shadowsnake1001 0 Posted February 27, 2015 Author #8 Share Posted February 27, 2015 Heading out even further from city, snake beings to worry that he'll get lost. Taking precautionary measures he makes deep foot prints in the ground pointing to where he is going, hopefully they don't disappear. The grass becomes more wet the further he goes out. His black jeans are soaked at the bottom and as well as his shoes.(where is a this water coming from?) He looks down at his watery pants and shoes, a crack sound fires off and snake jumps to alert and looks around swiftly. Not finding anything in sight he continues on with caution. He stops after spying a kobold with a satchel with a few ears of corn peeking out of the top. Smiling, he picks a fight. He strikes the kobold with a downwards blow in the shoulder, turning around the beast slashes at snake's throat, but he backs away from the claw's path. BD: 8 MD: 5 Snake: 5/7 Kobold: 1/2 Materials: lamb meat / potatoes Link to post Share on other sites
shadowsnake1001 0 Posted February 28, 2015 Author #9 Share Posted February 28, 2015 snake grabs the kobold's neck and thrusts the sword into its stomach and run the blade to the side, the kobold gives a surprised expression then drops and bursts into pixels. snake looks at the place where the beast had died, (well that was a waste of time i didn't even drop any of that darn corn.) he looks over his shoulder for other kobolds and see two well spread out, he gives a slight smile and starts toward the closest one. the kobold is picking through the field, searching for something. (hopefully the other won't see me kill his friend and that they both have some ingredients i need.) BD: 10 MD: 4 LD: 10 snake: 5/7 kobold: 0/2 materials: lamb meat / potatoes Link to post Share on other sites
shadowsnake1001 0 Posted February 28, 2015 Author #10 Share Posted February 28, 2015 snake is within 3 feet and the kobold turns to see him, snake leaps and comes down with his sword. the kobold tries to back away, but snake's cutlass cuts down its chest. the kobold slips out its dagger, with a blade the length of a adults hand, stabs snake in between the ribs. pulling it out to slash him again, snake grabs the beast's arm and kicks it away. (their small bodies give them the ability to be fast, but it is easy to overpower them with just pure force.) snake lowers his guard, so the kobold could try to slash at him again. BD: 6 MD: 10 snake: 3/7 kobold: 1/2 materials: lamb meat / potatoes Link to post Share on other sites
shadowsnake1001 0 Posted February 28, 2015 Author #11 Share Posted February 28, 2015 the kobold charges snake and he tries to impale the little insect, but it darts to the side and lounges at him and slashes his back. letting out a grunt, snake takes a step back. (you're going to die for that!) looking at his health, snake grits his teeth. (or i might pay... with my life.) his heart starts racing and from the thought of death and he starts shaking. (can't die now im just getting started.) snake surges towards the creature with his sword to his side ready to slash the kobold's throat. "lets see how fast you are, shall we!" BD: 3 MD: 8 snake: 2/7 kobold: 1/2 materials: lamb meat / potatoes Link to post Share on other sites
shadowsnake1001 0 Posted February 28, 2015 Author #12 Share Posted February 28, 2015 The kobold is caught off guard when snake takes its legs from the ground with a leg sweep. snake slams his foot onto the chest of the creature and swing the cutlass at the beast's neck. the sword's blade wedges into the kobold's neck, (well good thing that this game doesn't have gore or blood'll be all over me and my equipment.) the kobold's eyes fade and close, bursting into pixels snake looks past the cloud and sees nothing. (well it isn't my lucky day.) he looks at his health and to the kobold looking in the opposite direction of snake's, debating on whether or not to try and kill it or let it go on. BD: 10 MD: 1 LD: 10 snake: 4/9 < leveled up kobold: 0/2 material: lamb meat / potatoes Link to post Share on other sites
shadowsnake1001 0 Posted February 28, 2015 Author #13 Share Posted February 28, 2015 The kobold just turns and sees snake in the grass looking at it. the kobold pulls out its dagger and starts running, more like a jog, towards him. snake unsheathes his cutlass and sprints at the beast, snake and the kobold swing there weapons and land a hit on each others shoulders, but snake's cut more due too the longer sword. the dagger comes around and straight for snake, but he deflects it and jumps back. (well this one is different from the others, it charges a lot more.) snake takes a few steps back and readies his sword, waiting for the kobold to make its move. sure enough the kobold sprints at him again with the blade in its right hand. BD: 8 MD: 7 snake: 3/9 kobold: 1/2 materials: lamb meat / potatoes Link to post Share on other sites
shadowsnake1001 0 Posted February 28, 2015 Author #14 Share Posted February 28, 2015 snake deflects the oncoming blade and swishes around to strike the kobold down, he slams the blade into the cranium of the monster and it drops instantly. it bursts into pixels and leaves no loot behind. a little upset of the problem at hand, snake kicks a rock and hits a kobold in the side of the temple. A smile reaches across snake's face as he laughs at the situation, the kobold gives a stern look at snake and starts at him with a hatchet. he stops smiling and readies in a defensive position. (this is going to play out the same way as i took down the other one.) he gives the kobold a empty look. BD: 6 MD: 1 LD: 8 snake: 3/9 kobold: 0/2 kobold: 2/2 material: lamb meat / potatoes Link to post Share on other sites
shadowsnake1001 0 Posted February 28, 2015 Author #15 Share Posted February 28, 2015 snake comes down with his sword, but the kobold deflects it and comes up with the small ax and slamming into snake's chin. snake staggers and regains balance. the kobold smiles and puts up the hatchet and pulls out its dagger. snake lifts up his eye brow in a questioning manner. (this is something i haven't seen, even though i haven't seen one percent of the entire game yet.) the kobold leaps towards snake with the dagger in the air ready to strike snake down. (this is an opportunity.) BD: 5 MD: 8 snake: 2/9 kobold: 2/2 materials: lamb meat / potatoes Link to post Share on other sites
shadowsnake1001 0 Posted February 28, 2015 Author #16 Share Posted February 28, 2015 snake tactical rolls away and the kobold rolls when he hits the ground, but snake stops the monster from rolling any further by grabbing its leg and impaling it into the ground. the kobold's eye roll into the back of its skull and bursts into a cloud of pixels, the pixels clear and snake sees that the kobold had dropped some corn and a satchel. (looky there i got the corn i was wanting.) he kneels down, picks the corn up, and places it into his inventory. he looks at the bag and questions why it was dropped by the monster. he looks at it for a little long and can't hold the curiosity any longer. BD: 9 MD: 4 LD: 17 snake: 2/9 kobold: 0/2 materials: lamb meat / potatoes / corn Link to post Share on other sites
shadowsnake1001 0 Posted February 28, 2015 Author #17 Share Posted February 28, 2015 he reaches down into the bag and feels some weird round pebbles, he picks up the bag and peeks inside to find beans. the snake puts the beans in his inventory and starts towards the city around 2000 meters away. he looks at the foot print on the ground and begins to follow them from where he started. walking along the way to the city he notices that the foot prints seem to stop, but then realizes that the ground was more solid so he continues on his way. he looks ahead and sees the city start coming into view, (about 700 more meters to go.) LD: 17 snake: 2/9 materials: lamb meat / potatoes / beans Link to post Share on other sites
shadowsnake1001 0 Posted February 28, 2015 Author #18 Share Posted February 28, 2015 snake spots another kobold along the trail, but snake starts to go around it to avoid confrontation. after passing the monster snake continues to go to the city. (i'm just not going to look for the peppers, i'm starting to get low on health. i only have 500 meters to go.) a loose bag appears on the ground, wondering what could be in it snake pick it up and looks in it to find nothing but dust. (figures someone had already took what ever was in it.) snake continues to walk in the same direction as he was going, but something caught his eye. LD: 2 snake: 2/9 materials: lamb meat / potatoes / beans Link to post Share on other sites
shadowsnake1001 0 Posted February 28, 2015 Author #19 Share Posted February 28, 2015 snake looks at the odd black blur in his peripherally vision and spots a plant with small black balls that are jumbled up together. (well i spoke too soon.) he delightfully jogs to the plant and picks the stems that hold the small black pebbles and puts them into his inventory. he continues walking to the gate of the city and whistles on his way. (this is just luck that i have found all the things i wanted and now i can make a few foods.) snake begins to think what he is going to make with the ingredients he has. (well i know i'm making roasted black peppered lamb.) LD: 17 snake: 4/11 < leveled up again :D materials: lamb meat / potatoes / beans / black pepper Link to post Share on other sites
shadowsnake1001 0 Posted March 1, 2015 Author #20 Share Posted March 1, 2015 snake walks through the city's gate and towards the NPC that gave him the quest, a panel pops asking if he has enough material. clicking yes the NPC says,"okay now that you have all the materials you need to begin cooking the food you want lets begin!" the NPC leads the way into the house behind him, entering snake looks around at the house. the floor was wooden with a polish finish and the walls were made from bricks. the kitchen was in the back, which the NPC led him to. he approaches the kitchen counter and the NPC starts to talk. "okay so take to potato and skin it then wash it off and place it in the oven to bake." Nodding snake takes a knife off the knife rack and starts to skin the potato, he accidentally took a hunk out of it. he puts the potato under the water and starts to wash it off, after that he opens the oven door and places it on the steel plate on the inside. he sets it on 7 minutes and sits there. materials: lamb meat / potato / beans / pepper Link to post Share on other sites
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