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PP - F4 Frosty <<Avalanche>> (Calrex, Teayre, Oikawa, and Raeyliff)

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"Huh, looks like I'm the first one here."


Calrex looked around as he emerged from the portal. He had been to some of the floors that had been unlocked so far, but in terms of differences this one seemed to take the cake. Unlike the field of the first floor or the mountains of the second floor, the fourth floor was completely covered in snow. He knelt down and picked up a handful, forming it into a snowball before tossing it aside, "They even replicated the feel of the snow itself. I guess the only point they decided to leave out was the melting factor, at least from what I can tell."


He put his hands on his arms as he rubbed them, "Brr...it definitely seems like you would need some kind of coat for this mission though. It's a good thing I've got this top from Ariel. If I was wearing my normal gear I might be freezing."


He began to look around the area, getting himself familiarized with the settlement. For the most part all of the buildings appeared to be cottages, and the entire thing felt like some kind of wonderland where it was snowing perpetually...well...it was probably modeled after that. He went over to a nearby bench, sitting down as he equipped the rest of his gear, the Anneal Blade appearing on the back of his hip and his Wristguards of Hardened Stone appearing on his hands.


He gave a couple of punches forward as he continued to wait, "I hope this Avalanche isn't going to be anything like that golem I had to fight, it kinds of gives me the creeps still remembering it."

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"Ahhh, I've missed this weather."


Teayre spun around arms outstretched as she ported in on the fourth floor. Beleram screeched before diving and huddling close to Teayre, raising her hand she starts to scratch his head.


"You okay boy? A little cold? It's allright I'll keep you warm don't worry. I wonder where Callie is..."


Looking around Teayre spotted her blue-haired heartthrob huddled on a nearby bench, running over to him she manages to slip on a piece of ice before tackling him off the bench and into the snow.


"H-h-hey Cal, I'm here..."


Nuzzling his face she wrapped her arms around him, Beleram letting out a squeek before worming his way out from between the couple. Lying down on top of him Teayre gentle kissed his nose.


"So who else is meant to be coming?"

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