Reusririasuir 0 Posted March 6, 2015 Author #21 Share Posted March 6, 2015 Reu swung as the bull came by, but missed. However, the motion of his sword also caused the oxe to miss it's rush. At least, dodging's easy! Reu looked around for cover or elevation, their wasn't any. In fact, if he was an ox, he couldn't have had a better place for a fight. I came out to this guy on his home turf. come on what's with me today? Thinking about home, not paying attention to my surroundings, I need to get my head in the game! Reu 9 / 11 Ox 10 / 10 11991 BD 5 MD 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Reusririasuir 0 Posted March 6, 2015 Author #22 Share Posted March 6, 2015 Reu's mental note to 'put his head in the game', couldn't have come at a better time. This time when the ox rushed angrily, Reu jumped to his right, and swung a hefty vertical strike into the ox; ripping into it's broad-side. An easy dodge, and an even easier critical hit! Reu confidently swung his sword around, coming back into his battle stance. A strike like that restored his confidence. Ok, you, come back around so I can hit you again! Reu 9 / 11 Ox 7 / 10 (-3) ID 11992 BD 9 MD 4 - 2 evasion = 2 Link to post Share on other sites
Reusririasuir 0 Posted March 6, 2015 Author #23 Share Posted March 6, 2015 The ox was angry. It stomped, it snorted, and it whipped and bucked around. Reu thought he was ready for this next attack, he thought he was going to do the same thing he just did; only this time the ox was faster, much faster, and much angrier. It speared Reu with a horn, Reu cried out in anguish, but managed to strike out with his own strike, even while still impaled by the ox. The ox had landed an extremely damaging, painful blow, but Reu had found the opportunity to land his own amazing blow amid the chaos. But still, Reu didn't feel like getting stabbed by those horns again... Reu 5 / 11 (-4) Ox 4 / 10 (-3) ID 11993 BD 9 MD 10 Link to post Share on other sites
Reusririasuir 0 Posted March 6, 2015 Author #24 Share Posted March 6, 2015 Reu decided he was going to show this beast of burden what a real warrior's strike was. This time he prepared for the incoming attack, and compensated for the creatures increase in speed during the last few moments of its' charge. Reu jumped to the side with ease and launched his counter-attack, this was it, the finishing blow! Reu felt power surge through him as he tore into the beast, and heard the dying scream of an ox. Satisfied with how the battle went, it was much stronger then the other creatures on this floor after all, he began searching through the creature's remains for materials and loot. He knew what he wanted from the creature, he wanted some of its' meat. He wasn't much of a cook, but he was sure he could find one in town who could cook him up a tasty meal. He hadn't had a proper meal in awhile actually; mostly just what he could buy after a day of hunting, so a drop of Ox meat would be delicious when cooked later. Reu also took note of the col that dropped, and added it to is col-purse, excitedly. 1 Material Gained - Ox Meat 50 Col Gained - ( 5 * 10 (mob hp) = 50 ) Reu 6 / 11 (+1 Battle Healing) Ox 0 / 10 (-4) ID 11994 BD 10, CD 12, LD 18, MD 5 - 2 evasion = 3 Link to post Share on other sites
Reusririasuir 0 Posted March 6, 2015 Author #25 Share Posted March 6, 2015 "Whoo...after that, I need a rest. Let's take a seat and figure out where we want to go next." Reu found a comfortable rock to sit on and squat down. "I feel good, a little winded, but I think I'm getting used to this combat stuff. I mean that's three monsters, with no real difficulty at all. But oh man did that ox hurt when he hit, yowza. Hmmm ok, so let's see. I can continue going south-east, and end up at Marome Village, which for all it's faults of being boring and uninteresting, will have a place for me to stay if I need to rest...hmmm or I could even keep going and try and make it to Taran Village, which should have a decent player and NPC population...and I think Taran is closer to the Breaking the Unbreakable quest as-well. Hmmm. I think I can push to Taran Village. I have plenty of time, I'm travelling pretty quickly on my own, and fields are populated, but not too populated, with monsters that I seem to be able to handle." "Ok...let's set off, to Taran Village." Reu 7 / 11 (+1 Out of Combat Healing) Link to post Share on other sites
Reusririasuir 0 Posted March 6, 2015 Author #26 Share Posted March 6, 2015 Reu couldn't help but dislike this floor. It was depressing really, especially when compared to the First Floor. Here, the sky was darker, the terrain was rougher, it wasn't as warm...though it wasn't cold per just seemed to be more depressing. The really unfortunate part is where I'm at level-wise, is that I need to be on this floor right now; pushing up a floor probably will make things harder then I'd like right now...still, I'm going to at-least try. Reu continued walking along the lush green grass and decided to relax some. Their were no monsters in his immediate vicinity, just quite a bit of walking. He started looking through the grass when he noticed what looked like onions growing out of the ground. "Hmmm...I wonder if I can salvage these?" ID 11995 LD 4 "Tch, guess not. They stink anyway, gross. I'd carry these with me and need to take a shower everyday for a week just to get the stench off me. Let's just leave them here." Reu 8 / 11 (+1 Out of Combat Healing) Link to post Share on other sites
Reusririasuir 0 Posted March 6, 2015 Author #27 Share Posted March 6, 2015 Reu walked up on a human-sized slab of stone. Looking around he couldn't pick anything up with his search & detect skill. He also felt quite safe really. "Oh, oh I'm taking a nap. I've been walking...forever." Reu wouldn't usually be so careless, but something in him was just asking to take a nap, and he really felt confident their weren't any players or monsters around. At-least none that would be here in the next twenty minutes or so. Reu laid down, and let his eyes drift off to sleep. Before he did, he caught himself wondering, Taking a nap in the field? Do I even care if I live or die in this game anymore? What is wrong with me today?... ...of course I want to live... and then Reu took a nap. Reu 9 / 11 (+1 Out of Combat Healing) Link to post Share on other sites
Reusririasuir 0 Posted March 6, 2015 Author #28 Share Posted March 6, 2015 Reu opened his eyes and stared straight up. Stared up at the grey, dull, depressing sky above him. I certainly feel refreshed, maybe that was what I needed to forget about this place for a few minutes. Reu picked himself up and continued his trek. Man, what a long walk. Reu 10 / 11 (+1 Out of Combat Healing) Link to post Share on other sites
Reusririasuir 0 Posted March 6, 2015 Author #29 Share Posted March 6, 2015 Reu could hear buzzing. Reu could hear a lot of buzzing. Reading his sword, he cautiously approached, and scanning the area he was able to find the source of the noise. It looked to be some sort of territorial dispute between the two insects. Both creatures were bleeding, Reu decided he was going to make use of this opportunity and show them who was the real boss around here... Reu stepped out into the open, stepping forward he suddenly heard a loud crack as he stepped on a twig...uh oh! His element of surprise gone, Reu swung his sword wildly at the Red Beetle but missed, the Beetle attempted to attack him, but missed as-well. Reu had attacked, the beetle had it was time to see what the wind wasp was going to do... 12015 BD 2 MD 6 - 2 evasion = 4 Reu HP 10 / 11 Giant Red Beetle 7 / 9 Wind Wasp 6 / 10 Link to post Share on other sites
Reusririasuir 0 Posted March 6, 2015 Author #30 Share Posted March 6, 2015 The Wind Wasp buzzed up, buzzed left, and finally buzzed Reusririasuir. It jabbed it's stinger deep into Reu's non-sword arm. Reu swatted the creature off, wishing he was a shield-user. Blood pooled from the wound. Reu gritted his teeth and got ready, because now it was his turn to attack! Reu HP 8 / 11 (-2) Giant Red Beetle 7 / 9 Wind Wasp 6 / 10 ID 12017 MD 9 Link to post Share on other sites
Reusririasuir 0 Posted March 6, 2015 Author #31 Share Posted March 6, 2015 This time, Reu wasn't going to waste any time. He launched his basic strike against the wasp, this time he swung his sword with brutish might, landing a critical hit. Impressed at his handi-work, Reu spun to the right and out of the way of the attack from the beetle. Sneaky little bugger! Trying to hit me in the back like that. That's ok, you're going to get what's coming to you soon! Reu HP 8 / 11 Giant Red Beetle 7 / 9 Wind Wasp 3 / 10 (-3) ID 12018 BD 9 MD 7 - 2 evasion = 5 Link to post Share on other sites
Reusririasuir 0 Posted March 6, 2015 Author #32 Share Posted March 6, 2015 The wind was made another attack against Reu, who easily side-stepped. The wasp made a lower-pitched, longer buzzing sound then the beetle. Reu was starting to pick up on the sounds each made, allowing him to keep an eye on who was attacking. The beetle was more concerned with rushing attacks, while the wasp tended to change direction more rapidly looking for small thrusting attacks with its' deadly barb. As long as I keep my ears open, I should be ok! Dumb bugs! Reu HP 8 / 11 Giant Red Beetle 7 / 9 Wind Wasp 3 / 10 ID 12019 BD 5 MD 7 - 2 evasion = 5 Link to post Share on other sites
Reusririasuir 0 Posted March 6, 2015 Author #33 Share Posted March 6, 2015 Reu prepared himself to launch another attack. This time, he attacked the Giant Red Beetle with bloody results! Stepping wide, bracing his stance, he caught the monster's attack on the way in, and punished it with a viscous attack from his longsword. The beetle flew off in poor shape, not even bothering to launch its' own attack, it was too busy limping from such a staggering hit. Reu HP 8 / 11 Giant Red Beetle 3 / 9 (-4) Wind Wasp 3 / 10 ID 12021 BD 10 MD 6 - 2 evasion = 4 Link to post Share on other sites
Reusririasuir 0 Posted March 6, 2015 Author #34 Share Posted March 6, 2015 Reu could again hear the attack of the buzzing wind wasp. It was just so loud, if you were deaf you'd probably have trouble, but this thing was way too easy to dodge. Reu comfortably stepped off to the side when it launched another thrusting attack with it's stinger. Reu HP 8 / 11 Giant Red Beetle 3 / 9 (-4) Wind Wasp 3 / 10 ID 12022 BD 6 MD 3 Link to post Share on other sites
Reusririasuir 0 Posted March 6, 2015 Author #35 Share Posted March 6, 2015 Reu was more then ready to hit this beetle again. He assumed his combat stance, and launched a basic attack once again. As he struck into the beetle, the beetle actually tumbled over his blade, and smacked Reu in the face. It then dug it's pointy legs and pincers into Reu's sword-side shoulder, drawing blood before flying off. Reu HP 6 / 11 (-2) Giant Red Beetle 1 / 9 (-3) Wind Wasp 3 / 10 ID 12023 BD 8 MD 9 Link to post Share on other sites
Reusririasuir 0 Posted March 6, 2015 Author #36 Share Posted March 6, 2015 Flying in low, this time the wasp attacked with an upward thrusting barb attack. Reu simply leaned left and the wasp missed entirely. Nothing to worry about he confidently thought to himself! Looking left, he took sight of the beetle. So the beetle's to my left, and behind and right is the wasp. Got it, let's launch an attack now! ID 12015 MD 4 - 2 evasion = 2 Reu HP 6 / 11 Giant Red Beetle 1 / 9 Wind Wasp 3 / 10 Link to post Share on other sites
Reusririasuir 0 Posted March 6, 2015 Author #37 Share Posted March 6, 2015 Reu again turned his attention to the wasp. "Time to take you out of the fight!" Reu assumed his stance, and leaped into a vertical slash attack, splitting the wasp in-half. "Hy-AHHHH! Now THAT felt amazing, and man, I must have looked SO cool. Now...bring it on beetle, I am NOT afraid of you!" The beetle in response to its' former enemies death, and grevious wounds, launch an attack against Reusririasuir. It ripped Reu across his right-side. Reu was really worried now, he was only a few hits off of death. And he was SO CLOSE to Taran Village. I can't die now! One good hit, and I can end this fight! Reu HP 4 / 11 (-2) Giant Red Beetle 1 / 9 Wind Wasp 0 / 10 (-3) 1 Material Gained 30 Col Gained ( 5 * 6 (mob hp) = 30 Col ) ID 12026 BD 9 LD 13 MD 9 Link to post Share on other sites
Reusririasuir 0 Posted March 6, 2015 Author #38 Share Posted March 6, 2015 Reu rushed forward, eager to end this duel. I can do it, I can end him! All I need to do is...swing! Reu swung...and missed! His attack however, scared the beetle off it's own attack. Guess you're not a fan of playing chicken! Well, let's see if I can hit you on my next attack! Reu swung his sword around and turned around, facing off with the beetle one more time. Reu HP 4 / 11 Giant Red Beetle 1 / 9 Wind Wasp 0 / 10 ID 12030 BD 4, MD 6 - 2 evasion = 4 Link to post Share on other sites
Reusririasuir 0 Posted March 6, 2015 Author #39 Share Posted March 6, 2015 Reu reached out with his sword, and attacked the beetle. Delivering a final strike, he sent the creature to its' doom. "I'm glad I was able to end you, finally. May you rest in pieces." Reu started poking through the remains of the creature. "I guess I can take it's wings. That's not too bad..I wish it had dropped some col though." 1 Material Gained. Reu HP 4 / 11 Giant Red Beetle 0 / 9 (-4) Wind Wasp 0 / 10 ID 12032 BD 10 LD 1 :( MD 9 Link to post Share on other sites
Reusririasuir 0 Posted March 6, 2015 Author #40 Share Posted March 6, 2015 After a few moments Reu stood up and stretched, "Oh man, what a battle.", he complained loudly. "HP is down to 4, I need to decide what I'm going to do from here, I guess I may as well make my way to Taran Village..." "It wasn't too bad a day I guess, here let's keep going and see what else we can find on the way there." After a few more minutes of walking, Reu came across a small stream. *sigh* "I guess I have to get my boots wet if I want to cross. I wonder if their is anything nearby I can use to cross over?" *Reu did a search* ID 12033 LD 2 *SIGH* "Nothing. Oh man, soggy boots!" Reu stomped across the stream, splashing water everywhere. "*Sigh*, please tell me the village isn't much farther. Link to post Share on other sites
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