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«Axios Deminence» Trying to hide himself.


» Username: Axios Deminence

» Real name: Juhmer Tena

» Age: 15

» Gender: Male (Heterosexual)

» Height: 5’5â€

About: His life seems pretty mediocre from the day he was born. His family wasn't too rich, nor too poor but they weren't just getting by either. On the wealth spectrum, they were in the middle-high class (richer than most, but not to the point where they could do almost anything with the money and not care). When his family got him the NerveGear, he was excited to try it out. On the day of the launch, his entire family was off to do something and they wouldn't be back for several hours. After calibrating the NerveGear, he laid back, relaxed, and thus his story began from that moment on.

Axios (Juhmer) are both the same in real life and virtuality. They both seem easy enough to pick on, to take advantage of, to approach, and to ask for help with. Starting off a good or bad relationship with him is extremely easy and, mostly, the pay-off can be worth the time. "An easy person to make friends with, but also an easy target", would probably be what people who know him in a professional point of view would say to him. While some "friends" who are just there to gain benefit from him, he can differentiate them with his true friends that are there for company or are truly there to help each other out.

» Virtues:

Caring: Being empathetic, he knows how life works and can easily see how someone or something is feeling. He realizes the value of life in every living thing (or at least how every living thing has its own part) and will try to help as much as he can. Although he may not have much to offer most of the time, he'll try to spare as much as he can and if you bond with him enough, he'll sometimes look after you before himself. He'll try to give you advice or try to help in any way possible at the time if he can.

Righteous: He can clearly distinct from right and wrong and is hardly ever tempted to stray off his path. If someone is getting attacked, he'll try to intervene in the fight making sure that the victim (or what he presumes is the victim) will not get hurt any longer. He tries to make sure no blood (or lives) are lost, regardless of who is the victim and who is the attacker believing that killing someone to save someone without that just of a cause isn't needed and shouldn't happen.

Cunning: What he lacks in strength, he makes it up with his mind. He can get people confused and easily persuade someone but that doesn’t always work. This can cause him to get out of tight situations with human players but probably not anywhere else. However, confusing people and persuading them has its price. Usually it will come back to bite him, but by then he's probably already gotten what he needs or is already running away. When it's for doing something important (gathering supplies) it takes him a while for him to gather his cool and weave a web around another's mind.

» Flaws:

Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.html

Absent-minded: Axios is the kind of guy who makes you wonder if it’s possible to get Alzheimer’s so early on. Sometimes, he blanks out and doesn’t remember what he is doing, where things are, or what was happening. This causes him to wander off or even completely stop what he was doing earlier. On occasion, he can forget who someone is which can cause him to make a mistake. (I could possibly use one of the extra dices in order to make a check on whether he has forgotten something or not).

Over-emotional: If you want to joke around with him, make sure he knows you well enough. Otherwise, he might take it personally. If you make the wrong move in teasing him, or bring something painful up, Axios can easily become distant and seem as if his body is there but his mind isn't. However, grudges are easily made by him as well due to his overflowing emotions. Causing grudges with him would be a bad idea, since his emotions will start to flare up even when he doesn't exactly remember why.

Meek: Not a pacifist, but most definitely someone who doesn’t try to fight as much as others would suspect. He’s humble, and if anyone persists at imposing their power over his, they’ll most likely be able to do so. However, this is only physical power. If someone has more physical power, courage, or any other attribute that would be good in combat, he won't fight against the flow and will try to melt in with the crowd to avoid being seen. This is also a reason why he has become an easy target from bullies at his school.

Profession: Profession: Beginner Tailor | Rank 1 | [F1- Tailor] Fancy to Militancy


Novice Sneak and Hide (Rank 1)

Novice One-Handed Dagger (Rank 1)




Vanity: 8 bread, 13 water, Cloth Clothing

Set-ups ((different situations of what's the thread about. It'll be specified what setup it is in the beginning)):

Combat Setup ((usually any topic)):

Name: Athiktos

Item Type: Leather Armor

Quality: Perfect

Enhancements: Evasion 1 (-1 to enemy's BD); Savvy 2 (+2 to own BD next roll if enemy misses)

Description: A craft made by Axios Deminence @ Fancy to Militancy. What he would call a masterpiece. Very lightweight, no color, just plain brown. On the inside, the following is sewn: "Property of Axios Deminence. Please return if found. Thank you."

Source: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/7284-f1-tailor-fancy-to-militancy/#entry390753

Cloth Clothing

Crafting Setup ((usually the shop)):

Name: Aplistia

Item Type: Clothing

Quality: Perfect

Enhancements: Ambition (+1 EXP to every craft)

Description: A craft made by Axios Deminence @ Fancy to Militancy. The creator was inspired by human greed (which he could not grasp the idea of) and thus sewed this item. Although it looks as if its a worn-down cape, it was actually meant to be a nice shirt that someone could wear. It has a shimmering palette of gold, black, and the blue (with the ocassional white).

Source: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/7284-f1-tailor-fancy-to-militancy/#entry388343

Roleplays:[OP-F1] And so it begins... | COMPLETE

[PP-F1] Becoming a Tailor ((Earning a Living accompanied with Rusty)) | COMPLETE

[OP-F1] Information | INCOMPLETE

[sP-F1] "Individual Strength?" | ON-GOING

[OP-F1] What's My Purpose? | ON-GOING

[OP-F1] Out of the frying pan and into the fire | ON-GOING

Relationships (optional):

Szuriex | Acquaintance | Neutral | Met in RP "[OP-F1] And so it begins... | COMPLETE"

Zeri| Acquaintance | Neutral | Met in "[OP-F1] And so it begins... | COMPLETE"

Noctis | Acquaintance | Neutral | Met in "[OP-F1] And so it begins... | COMPLETE"

Rusty | Admires/Feels In-debted towards | Neutral | Met in "[PP-F1] Becoming a Tailor ((Earning a Living accompanied with Rusty)) | COMPLETE"

Story Thus Far (optional):

Transaction Log (This contains everything from the beginning and also categorized by either incomplete or completed thread):

[OP-F1] And so it begins... | COMPLETE:

+400 Col

+1 SP

[OP-F1] Information | INCOMPLETE:

-1 bread

-1 water

[PP-F1] Becoming a Tailor ((Earning a Living accompanied with Rusty)) | COMPLETE:

+400 Col

+2 SP

+13 Mats

+Tailor Profession/Shop

[F1- Tailor] Fancy to Militancy

-2 Mats | +2 EXP | SOURCE |

-2 Mats | +7 EXP | SOURCE | +1 Rare; +1 Good

-2 Mats | +3 EXP | SOURCE | +1 Good

-2 Mats | +10 EXP | SOURCE | +1 Perfect; +1 Good

-3 Mats | +9 EXP | SOURCE | +1 Rare; +1 Uncommon

[OP-F1] Out of the frying pan and into the fire | ON-GOING

-1 Bread

-1 Water


-2 SP | +1 Rank in Sneak and Hide (Attain Novice)

-2 SP | +1 Rank in One-Handed Dagger (Attain Novice)

Edited by Axios Deminence
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