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Averanged's Journal

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» Username: Averanged
» Real name: Julie Summer
» Age: 15
» Gender: Female
» Height: 5'6''

» About:

Julie's childood wasn't really the best one. Her dad died of cancer when she was a six year old little, innocent girl. Her mum's always drunk and her brother doesn't really care for her. When she was 10 years old, she decided to make evryone happy, and that she'll never be such a bad mother like her mother was. Later, Julie became a tough girl with a really big mouth. She spends most of her free time playing guitar, reading books or playing with her little cat Sammy.

When Julie was 14 years old, she went to a new school. Thats how she discovered the game SAO. All her classmates were fascinated by this game and looked forward to it. So she bought the game without knowing what's going to happen..

» Virtues:
Friendly- Julie is nice to everyone, even if she meets people she never met before. She always wants to make a good impression to others and that works really great.
Quick- She's a great sprinter, running in highspeed. She was the fastest girl in her school.

Loyal- When she finds good friends, she'll never leave them behind. No matter what happens, she will never betray good friends.

» Flaws:


Bigmouth: Among friends, she has a really big mouth. But among strangers, she's the shyest person on earth.
Childish: For her age, she's a little bit too childish. She could make Jokes about almost everything. She could moan a whole weak without pause because she didn't get any chocolate, and so on.

Sweet tooth: Julie loves sweets. She would do almost everything to get sweets. She can't imagine a life without sweets.





Weapon skills:

10 Bread

15 Water

1 Basic One-handed sword

1 set of basic clothing


Relationships (optional)

Story Thus Far (optional)

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Please do the following

1- Include an image of your character

2 - Your history/about me must be at least 1-2 paragraphs
3 - each virtue and flaw must be at least 2-3 lines minimum describing your character and how they interact with others


Utilize the 'edit post function' and PM me when changes have been made so I can re-evaluate your journal.

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