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Khyomaru's Journal

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» Username: Khyomaru_Uchiha (Khyomaru)
» Real name: Raymond
» Age: 17
» Gender: Male
» Height: 5'8

» About: Raymond was a gamer at birth, at the age of three he began to hold his first controller, in which this brought upon his liking of video games. Many years past with Raymond coming home from school and just sitting in his room and playing video games for the rest of his day. Raymond eventually turned six-teen when he heard of the release of a virtual reality RPG and the release date would be only a few months after his birthday. Raymond finally got his hands on the game when it came out, and he ran straight to his room to play this game... (LINK START)!

» Virtues:
Honor: Raymond being very honorable to heart, no matter the situation, he would never let someone lose their honor for his actions, and in fact he would never lose his honor.

Clever: Some say he isn't smart when it comes to his idea's of strategy, but in the end, his strategy's end up getting most people out of situations that they couldn't get themselves out of.

» Flaws:
Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.html








Weapon skills:

One-Handed Straight-Sword


10 Bread, 15 Water

Japanese double edged straight-sword (http://2011.zhiforge.com/images/QK313%5B7%5D.jpg)

Cloathing (http://th07.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2014/053/e/1/yuuki_terumi_by_noremacou0-d77idso.png)

None as of now. 


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1)Please have at least 3 flaws and 3 virtues.

2)Each flaw and virtue must have at least 2 lines of description describing how they affect your character and their interactions with others

3) Please PM me once you have edited your journal with the changes. Thank you!

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