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PP-F1 "There Is No Chaos...There Is Harmony" (Noctis)

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After gathering all of these materials in the cave...hmmm guess I never gave it a name...I'll call it the Cave of Harmonies! I decide it's time to relish in the night life of starting city once again! Maybe take some time to try crafting for the first time. But for now beer, babes, and meat are all need for the next while. Well that and a buddy to hang out with. Everyone else is either busy or asleep this time of night! Hmmmm better start cruising the streets for someone that looks like they need a friend!

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This time of night, I would be killing monsters to get my levels up, but this time I wanted to just stroll around the city. "Tch.. Everyone is sleeping at a night like this. Well.. People have lives.. Players like me.. just kill." I said in a disappointing tone. I shook my head, and leaped down from a boulder somewhere in Starter City. I look at my two hands, and gripped on tight. I start to head towards the center of Starter City, and straight to the exit of Starter City. [sorry that sentence there sounds stupid..] As I walk over to the center, I stopped by and scan the areas for players to tag along with me. I spot a player who seem to be older than me, but not to far apart. 

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Hearing the tapping of feet on the brick of the square I turn my head towards the exit of the city. A young man was in a dead sprint, stopped. Then seemed to be looking for something or someone. He was wearing a dark cloak and wore an impressive blade on his back. Guy looks like he's ready to fight a war with that thing on his back. I approached him slowly. "Well hello there my fast friend. Where could you be off to in such a hurry this fine night?" God please don't be another crazy ass player like Mari....

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Ah another player, I examine the equipment he has on, and it seems like he is the type to carry a rapier. "Ahem.. Me? I'm just strolling around the area to see if anyone is up for some hunting. Are you up for it?" I asked the player. He looked like he has the ability to carry himself in battle, and by the looks of it, he's in a guild. I always had the mentality that players that are in guild are quite powerful, but I heard two players lost their lives in a boss fight. "I want to see how powerful you are." I said, as I invite him to a party.

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Haha power has many forms my friend. Sure, I'll be more than happy to hunt with you! Where are we off to first? He's very..ornate. Let's see if that gear is worth anything in his hands. Takes a strong man to deserve to wield a strong sword. I accepted his party invite and put out my hand. "My name is Xanatos of Square One. And this is Porthos! *Points to a phoenix that swoops in and lands on shoulder* Good fly by? You rarely get to stretch your wings these days!" Porthos screeches happily, loving the chance to fly for awhile.

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I shook Xanatos' hand, and look at him with a friendly expression, "I got by the name of Noctis. It's nice to meet you, Xanatos." I said, as I watch his familiar swoop on by. "That's quite the gear you have on. Let's put that to a test." I stated, as I point towards the direction where Tough Frenzy Boars spawn. "Shall we?" I asked, as I gestured towards the grassy fields. I unsheathe Blade of Time, and head straight towards the grassy fields, leaving Xanatos in the dust. "Catch up if you can!" I said, in a amusing tone.

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I sprint off towards Noctis, he's fast. He's clearly invested into the athletics skill like myself. "That won't be a problem" I tell him as I catch up. We exited the city, sprinting into the fields. We ran a decent distance to an area of the floor seldom traveled by the less experienced players of the game. An apparent anomaly in the spawn ratios, this field spawned an upgraded and ferocious version of the frenzy boar. Fairly dangerous to those not properly equipped. We reached the first group of mobs, their snouts snorting, fighting each other. "Piece of cake!" I mutter as I draw Immortal Fang. 

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The two of us arrived at the spawn location of the Tough Frenzy Boars and I look over at Xana. I drew four Tough Frenzy Boars towards us, and lifted my fist towards Xana for a fist-bump. "I'll show you some real power." I said, as I point my blade at one of the boars. "You take two, and I'll take the other two. If you can't kill them fast enough, I'll help you out." I said to tease Xana. I dash towards the boar after fist-bumping Xana, and slash in a vertical way. After slashing the boar, I leaped back towards Xana, and looked over to him. "Heh.. Not so bad, right?" I stated, as I stab my blade into the ground.



» Noctis 20/20 HP

» Xanatos 22/22 HP



» Tough Frenzy Boar #1 09/15 HP - 6

» Tough Frenzy Boar #2 15/15 HP

» Tough Frenzy Boar #3 15/15 HP

» Tough Frenzy Boar #4 15/15 HP


13483 8 3 3 9 Noctis Msg_hover2.png 2015-03-24 20:47:01





Tough Boar #1

Tough Boar #2



Tough Boar #3

Tough Boar #4


[OOC: I hope you don't mind that we're going to battle four of them.]

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{On the contrary! I love the challenge!}


After seeing Noctis' display I felt the need to add a bit of flair to my attack. I target the third boar of the group and dash around to confuse it. Watching for any gopher holes (Which are notorious for causing fails in these fields) I sidestepped around the fourth boar and swiped at the boars neck.


13526 BD:6 (Success!)


Immortal Fang gracefully sliced a deep gash in the boars neck. The boar made a disturbing growling noise as I drifted past it. "Eh, one can always add a bit if finesse to an attack ;D" I jest at Noctis'



» Noctis 20/20 HP

» Xanatos 22/22 HP



» Tough Frenzy Boar #1 09/15 HP - 6

» Tough Frenzy Boar #2 15/15 HP

» Tough Frenzy Boar #3 11/15 HP (-4)

» Tough Frenzy Boar #4 15/15 HP

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[OOC: Do you want me to RP for all the boars? If you do just send me a PM, so I can start the next attack.]


One of the wounded boars decided to leave the group, and I didn't bother to chase after it, as there are three still standing in front of us. "Heh.. Weakling." I stated, as I aim for the other boar I intended on killing. Suddenly, the boar returns charging straight at me. "Tch.. Nice try." I said, as I dash towards in with incredible speed. The wounded boar attempts to ram me right to the chest, but I was able to evade the attack. The boar slid close to Xana, and I ran up towards the side of it. I stood right above the boar, and kicked it down towards the other boars. 


13536 MD:5



» Noctis 20/20 HP - 0

» Xanatos 22/22 HP



» Tough Frenzy Boar #1 09/15 HP 

» Tough Frenzy Boar #2 15/15 HP

» Tough Frenzy Boar #3 11/15 HP

» Tough Frenzy Boar #4 15/15 HP

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[OOC: Permission give to RP the boars by Xana.]


After the first wounded boar failed to strike me, the other one head straight towards Xana. "Let's see what you could do." I thought to myself, as I watch the incoming boar head straight for his chest. The wasp flew at an incredible speed towards Xana, and if Xana was able to catch up to me, he'd be able to evade its attack. I crossed my arms, watching the battle unfold. It rammed him right in the chest, and I wasn't able to block the attack. "Keh.." I couldn't finish my sentence, as I still had to deal with two other boars of mine.


13544 MD:7



» Noctis 20/20 HP 

» Xanatos 21/22 HP - 1



» Tough Frenzy Boar #1 09/15 HP 

» Tough Frenzy Boar #2 15/15 HP

» Tough Frenzy Boar #3 11/15 HP

» Tough Frenzy Boar #4 15/15 HP

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I look over to see Xana still in a good condition, and I focused my attention towards the wounded boar. "Killing the wounded one first will make the battle easier." I claimed, as I dash towards the boar, picking up my speed, faster than before. I slashed the wounded boar in a diagonal way, leaving its health in the red zone. "Heh.. Almost done." I stated, as I dash back towards Xana. "You're up." I said, as I pat on his back.


13545 BD: 9



» Noctis 20/20 HP 

» Xanatos 21/22 HP 



» Tough Frenzy Boar #1 02/15 HP - 7

» Tough Frenzy Boar #2 15/15 HP

» Tough Frenzy Boar #3 11/15 HP

» Tough Frenzy Boar #4 15/15 HP

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"Ha, not even a scratch!"  I exclaim to Noctis. I ready myself for my next attack. Squaring my footing I lunge at the third boar, hoping to pierce it for some deadly damage. "Sometimes you have to let them strike you to get a good idea of their patterns of attack!" 



13552 BD:10 (Critical +2)


My lunge peirces straight through the boar, dealing mass damage. The boar began to list lazily about, clearly disoriented by the blow. "Accuracy above damage in my opinion!" 


» Noctis 20/20 HP 

» Xanatos 21/22 HP 



» Tough Frenzy Boar #1 02/15 HP - 7

» Tough Frenzy Boar #2 15/15 HP

» Tough Frenzy Boar #3 5/15 HP (-6)

» Tough Frenzy Boar #4 15/15 HP


(Edit: OOC. About to go have lunch with the family, so might be bit slow to respond for about an hour or so)

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[OOC: I didn't even see your OOC. I was trying to finish up a quest, sorry for the late reply.]


The Tough Frenzy Boar attempted to strike back at me, because of what I did to its ally. "Tch.. The name of the boars shouldn't be tough. They're weak." I stated, as the boar charges at me with full force, I side stepped and watched it ram a boulder. "Pathetic." I said, as I pointed my blade towards the wounded boar. "I'm going to enjoy sending you back to the system." I claimed, as I awaited for the wounded boar to strike me.


13569 MD: 5      



» Noctis 20/20 HP - 0

» Xanatos 21/22 HP 



» Tough Frenzy Boar #1 02/15 HP 

» Tough Frenzy Boar #2 15/15 HP

» Tough Frenzy Boar #3 05/15 HP

» Tough Frenzy Boar #4 15/15 HP

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The wounded boar starts to charge at me, as if it was angry at me for mocking it. "Heh.. The little pig is mad at me? Try me." I said, as I stabbed my blade into the ground. I placed my hands in the air with confidence, and allowed the wounded boar to strike me. The boar charges straight towards me, and I side stepped, causing it run ram the other boar. "Tch.. These boars are stupid." I said to Xana, I pulled my blade out of the ground, and placed it over my shoulder. "Looks like its my turn." I stated, as I took a attacking position.


13570 MD: 4



» Noctis 20/20 HP - 0

» Xanatos 21/22 HP 



» Tough Frenzy Boar #1 02/15 HP 

» Tough Frenzy Boar #2 15/15 HP

» Tough Frenzy Boar #3 05/15 HP

» Tough Frenzy Boar #4 15/15 HP

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