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F3-SHOP "The Plucky String" (OPEN!)

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A small cottage sits in the village on the 3rd floor. It's humble appearance is marked by a wooden sign "The Plucky String". A bass clef is carved into the door. A doormat reading: "You're no treble at all!"




Hello! Welcome to the Plucky String! I am Xanatos, purveyor of this fine establishment. This business is all about music! Heals, buffs, even monster hunting! If you can whistle it, I can play it. Whatever you like! Take a look at my stock and let me know If I can help you with anything :D


Rank 1: Musico Primo 2 Crafts per Day


Rank 1: 0 EXP (2 Crafts per day)

Rank 2: 40 EXP (4 Crafts per day)
Rank 3: 
160 EXP (Crafts per day)
Rank 4: 640 EXP (8 Crafts per day)
Rank 5: 2560 EXP (10 Crafts per day)


The CD Result Chart (Rank 1)

[1] = Critical failure (Cannot erase song from recording crystal)
[2-4] = Fail (Cannot erase song from the recording crystal)
[5-7] = Bad item (Possible to erase song on a 15+ loot die result)
[8-9] = Good item  
[10] = Uncommon item (1 enhancement slot)


[11] = Rare item (2 enhancement slots)


[12] = Perfect item (3 enhancement slots)


Epic Fail, Fail, and Bad Item: 1 EXP


Good Item: 2 EXP


Uncommon Item: 3 EXP


Rare Item: 5 EXP


Perfect Item: 8 Exp




Song of Adoration (Good)

Plays a song of longing devotion for your loved one. The crystal glows a deep pink, lightly humming it;s tune until activated.

100 Col


Song of Merriment (Good)

This song is a must have for any party or get together. It increases the positive mood of any social situation. Having hard time getting people to enjoy themselves at your shindig? Play this song of joy and brotherhood to really get the party going!

Lasts 15 Posts

100 Col


Song of Joy (Good)

Feeling down or depressed? Lighten your heart with this song of Joy! Any player who listens fills their heart with happiness and warmth!

Lasts 10 posts

100 Col


Song of Battle (Good)

This song inspires those that are preparing for the fight of their lives. Play this song for your troops to feel the calm before the storm, and the rush of battle all at once!

Lasts 10 Posts

100 Col


Song of Monster's Bane (Uncommon) QTY: 2

This song debuffs mobs nearby, making your chance at loot even greater when you defeat them! 

 Monster Call: +1 (Per slot) LD. For each enhancement slot used, a monster will spawn. These monsters give you a +1 on the LD when killed if they meet loot requirements, making good loot from them easier to get.

Cost: 300 Col

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{Attempt 1/2) 


I pulled a crystal from my inventory. It glowed in the sunlight poking through the window of my humble store. I set it on a little stand in front of me as I prepared Garanzia to play. My hand flowed across the strings with the bow. A melody gracefully flowed through the crystal, surrounding it with sound. It was working! I was actually changing the music of the Crystal!



CD:9 (Success!)



Song of Adoration (Good)

Plays a song of longing devotion for your loved one. The crystal glows a deep pink, lightly humming it;s tune until activated. 

+2 EXP

-1 Mat


2/40 EXP til Rank 2

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[Attempt 2/2 for day]


I took out one of the crystals I had acquired from The Cave of Harmonies. It was a deep red with the a low voice humming. I placed it on the recording stand and began to play an upbeat, rejuvenating song. The beat eb and flowed over the crystal. It pulsated lightly, increasing in frequency of pulses as I played more and more. As I finished the song a flash of light nearly/ blinded me.



CD:9 (Success, Good Item)


I looked up to see the red crystal was glowing humming the melody of the song I had inscribed into it. 




Song of Merriment (Good)

This song is a must have for any party or get together. It increases the positive mood of any social situation. Having hard time getting people to enjoy themselves at your shindig? Play this song of joy and brotherhood to really get the party going! Lasts 15 Posts


-1 Mat

+2 Exp


4/40 for Rank 2

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[Attempt 1/2 Day 2]


Today was a fresh new day to make some new music! I wandered over to my storage locker and pulled a couple crystals out of the shelf inside. "Damn, already almost out? Seems like i'll have to make a visit to the Cave of Harmonies soon. Gonna need alot more than this to get stronger at my craft." I set the violet crystal on the recording stand and started to play a song associated with nature. Something flowing and chill to provoke people and things.


13528 CD:2 (Failure)


The crystal swelled and screeched, then shattered into pixels on the stand. "Ugh, what a waste..my first failure..."


-1 Material

+1 EXP


5/40 Until Rank 2

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[Attempt 2/2 Day 2]


I took another crystal out of the bin. This time it was a blueish purple hue. "Hmmm I think I'll play something a bit more, entrancing" I set it on the stand and began to play a somewhat repetitive but calming piece. Meant to inspire and distract from the troubles of the world.


13531 CD:2 (Failure)


Under a bit of frustration I botched a line of notes that seemed to shatter the crystal while in it's volatile state. "Ugh...nothing came of either of those two today...oh well..another chance to visit the Cave is a blessing to me!"


-1 Material

+1 EXP


6/40 For rank 2

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[Attempt 1/2 Day 3]


Today is a new day! I got some mats from that last quest so I should be able to make something worthwhile today! I walked into the shop and looked around. "Man this looks dull, I'll have to renovate when I hit the next rank on my Profession." I took a crystal out of my inventory and sat it on the recording stand. "This should be fun!" I played a tune of ecstatic joy. The sound bounced around the room and began to manipulate the crystals energies.



CD:9 (Success!)


The crystals flashed and began to fluctuate in intensity. The low hums of the song I had played emanating from it's green sheen. "Haha! There we go! A tune of joy for anyone feeling down!"




Song of Joy (Good)

Feeling down or depressed? Lighten your heart with this song of Joy! Any player who listens fills their heart with happiness and warmth! (Lasts 10 posts)

-1 Material

+2 EXP

8/40 for Rank 2

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[Attempt 2/2 Day 3]


"Lets try that again shall we?" I place another crystal on the stand. "Once more, but this time with feeling." I chuckled to myself remembering my old teachers thoughts on the emotion of music. I played a more adventurous tune, a story telling of great battles and warriors of a time long past. A time when a hero could change the world with a single battle and free all those who found themselves oppressed. It gave me chills as the music surrounded the crystals.



CD:9 (success!)


The crystals glowed a bright red as a flash of light bursted from it! The quiet sound of a choir could be heard from it, singing the song I had just played.




Song of Battle (Good)

This song inspires those that are preparing for the fight of their lives. Play this song for your troops to feel the calm before the storm, and the rush of battle all at once! (Lasts 10 Posts)

-1 Mat

+2 EXP

10/40 For Next Rank

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{Attempt 1/2 Day 4}


I took another crystal from my inventory and placed it on my recording stand. Today is the day I craft something great, amazing in fact. Time to prove I have the skills to pay the bills! I played a solemn tune, something calm. A song that made you feel at peace with the world around you.



CD:6 (Failure)


I relaxed a bit too much, the crystal disintegrated into pixels. Damn...I guess I just really need to focus more. Not relax to the point of failure.


-1 Material

+1 EXP

11/40 EXP til Rank 2

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[Attempt 2/2 Day 4]


I set my last crystal up on the recording stand. It glowed brightly in the moonlight shining through the window. Alright then, time to buckle down, make music, not just notes, but emotion. Feeling...I started my song and flowed through it, the rhythm inspiring one movement after the next.




CD:2 (Fail)


The crystal shook and shattered before my eyes...damn...that was my last crystals for quite some time now...maybe with a break I can regain some endurance...try again another day...


-1 Material

+1 EXP


12/40 For Rank 2

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[Attempt 1/2 Day 5]


Walking into the shop I found myself with a huge smile on my face. 12 materials!! This will really save me another trip to the Cave of Harmonies. Let's see if we can get some good stuff out of today! I set the first crystal for the day on the recording stand. "Let's see if we can make some magic!" I play a melody of tunes. Trying to get a reaction out of the crystal.


14246 CD 10


Something happened I had not yet seen. The crystal flashed and literally sang words of the melodies I had played! It glowed a nice deep gold color. I felt a sense of pride in this creation!




Song of Monster's Bane (Uncommon)

This song debuffs mobs nearby, making your chance at loot even greater when you defeat them! 

 Monster Call: +1 (Per slot) LD. For each enhancement slot used, a monster will spawn. These monsters give you a +1 on the LD when killed if they meet loot requirements, making good loot from them easier to get.

Cost: 300 Col


-1 Material

+3 EXP


15/40 For Rank 2

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[ Attempt 2/2 Day 5]


I felt on a bit of a high from my first uncommon creation! I put the next crystal on the stand and played a few folk songs. The sound bounced straight to the crystal, infusing it with power. Here we go again! The crystals glow grew greater and greater.


14247 CD 7 LD 16 (Salvaged!)


At the peak of it's power. The crystal faded away and sat motionless. Well I guess I can try again later haha...


+1 EXP


16/40 For Rank 2

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[Attempt 1/2 Day 6]


I felt the need for some creativity. With the last success the other day I knew today could be just as fruitful if I put my mind to it. I set the next crystal on the recording stand in the store. I put Garanzia to my chin and began to play, the tune strikes the crystal with force. Here we go again...


14354 CD 10 Success!


The music imbued the crystal with a green hue that radiated like kryptonite! And just like that I have another creation!




Song of Monster's Bane (Uncommon)

This song debuffs mobs nearby, making your chance at loot even greater when you defeat them! 

 Monster Call: +1 (Per slot) LD. For each enhancement slot used, a monster will spawn. These monsters give you a +1 on the LD when killed if they meet loot requirements, making good loot from them easier to get.

Cost: 300 Col


-1 Material

+3 EXP


19/40 EXP For Rank 2

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[Attempt 2/2 Day 6]


A smile grew across my face as put the crystal into my inventory. Another great craft! Let's see if we can go for another! I placed the next crystal on the stand and played a song of victory in honor of the last craft. A bluish hue engulfed the crystal, trying to bestow power upon it.


14358 CD 5 Fail!


The crystal cracked and shattered at my feet. Damn what a waste...


-1 Material

+1 EXP


20/40 For Rank 2

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[Attempt 1/2 Day 7]


I set the next crystal on the recording stand. I have had some up and downs recently, let's see if I can't rustle up something good. I began to play Garanzia, the tune was light and flowing, meant to be less aggressive than most pieces. The sound engulfed the crystal, inscribing the crystal with power.


14453 CD 3 Fail


The crystal shattered after being engulfed over a few seconds. Damn it...not really off to a good start today. Well, let's go again.


-1 Material

+1 EXP


21/40 For Rank 2

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[Attempt 2/2 Day 7]


I slugged over to my inventory and picked up the next crystal for recording. I placed it on the stand and poised myself to play. I chose a fervent tone, more agresive this time. Emotion that is more clearly defined seemed to have better chances of success. Here we go again!


14454 CD 2 Fail


The crystal shattered on contact from the music. "God #$%&@#$ Damn it!" A waste of 2 perfectly good crystals! Why?"


-1 Material

+1 EXP


22/40 For Rank 2

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[Attempt 1/2 Day 8]


I rested my head on a table in the shop. I honestly felt like crap since yesterdays attempts. But I knew that failure was really the only way to learn anything. So I set the next crystal up on the stand, its faces shone brightly from the light of the open window. I started to play a solemn song, a song I once heard played at a funeral when I was much younger. I can't for the life of me remember whose it was though...


14489 CD 2 Failure


The crystal cracked and fell to the ground with a smash. It was broken beyond repair. Great...another failure...


-1 Material

+1 EXP


23/40 Rank 2

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[Attempt 2/2 Day 8]


I set the next crystal on the stand, my face sporting a frown not seen since the Mari incident. Failure teaches us a lot of things, but it's never any fun. I put Garanzia up to my chin and played. The tune did not change, my heart was down, so m music was down. Such raw emotion could easily shatter the crystal but I didn't care. Eventually I would get it right...


14491 CD 4 Failure


As I suspected the crystal shattered after only a few seconds of playing. Great, another day's worth of mats wasted on failure....


-1 Material

+1 EXP 


24/40 For Rank 2

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[Attempt 1/2 Day 9]


I looked into my inventory and instantly frowned at the contents. "Ugh, only 2 more left. Looks like I have to make another trip to the Cave of Harmonies soon." My smile grew back as I noticed my own words. "Well I guess seeing the clan again is not as bad as it sounds." I placed a crystal on the recording stand and began to play. The music danced around the shop, striking the crystal.


14592 CD 5 LD: 11+4=15 Salvage Success!


The crystal seemed unaffected, but did not shatter. "I guess I can try you again later"


+1 EXP


25/40 For Rank 2

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[Attempt 2/2 Day 9]


As the first crystal seemed to not be changed in any way. I took the last crystal from my inventory and switched it out. "Oookay let's see if you're more flexible than your friend in the bag." I placed Garanzia on my chin and began to play my favorite songs.


14593 CD 4 Fail!


The crystal shattered only after a few seconds of being handled by the music I played. "Damn it...haven't created anything useful in days...."


-1 Materials

+1 EXP 


26/40 For Rank 2

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