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[SP-F1] Fresh Start (Complete)

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Crossbeam leans against a white lamp post in the Starting City. He swivels his head to the left and to the right, examining the walls of the buildings and the stone pavement. He scratches his forehead. Bored, Crossbeam pushes himself away from the lamp, and sets off into the maze of houses and shops to find an exit. He notices many craftsmen forging different weapons and carving wooden idols on his way, but never stops to watch them. After a confusing five minutes of wandering, Crossbeam discovers the large gate surrounded by pillars topped with orange. He takes a step outside, into the large field surrounding the city.


Crossbeam searches the field for a minute. He has no trouble locating a seemingly weak monster. Crossbeam squints to see the enemy, and a health bar appears around the monster, with the text 'Boar' above it. He reaches into his sheathe hanging off of his waist. Crossbeam pulls the falchion out of it's holder, and swinging it around to make a swishing noise. He slowly approaches the boar, holding his falchion beside him. Crossbeam slices upwards to the right from his left diagonally. The attack seems to have nailed the boar right in the forehead- which instantly kills it. Crossbeam shrugs, having insta-killed the enemy on accident.


~ Combat ~


Crossbeam: 5/5

Boar: 0/3

Success! Loot die: 3


Crossbeam slides his falchion back into the sheathe to his left. A window appears in front of him, showing the results of his kill. He obtains no money or items. Crossbeam sighs, and then searches around for more mobs. He advances farther into the field, finding another monster. It seems exactly like the one he just killed, so he unsheathes his falchion and rushes the boar. Crossbeam throws his left hand behind him, slashing downwards with his weapon. He completely misses the boar. Crossbeam is glad he didn't put too much power into that swing.


~ Combat ~


Crossbeam: 5/5

Boar: 3/3

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Helios had been wandering around the plains of the first floor, extremely bored. He walked up a small hill to take a nap and found someone at the bottom fighting a boar. He looked down at him and chuckled. For some reason, he thought it would be a good idea to sneak up on him and scare him. Stealthily, he walked down the hill, hoping he wouldn't be noticed. The first thing he noticed was the sword. He really liked it, although he wasn't a fan of curved swords. His short-sword was good enough for him anyway. Right as he was about to scare him, he tripped over a small rock and landed on the boy. Quickly, Helios got off of him and chuckled. "Sorry man!" he said, dusting himself off. He looked at the boar, that was getting ready to charge at the two of them. "I'll let you deal with that!" he laughed.

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(Since this is a solo party, I'll ignore that post.)

The boar turns around, hearing a swishing noise right beside it's head. It jumps back using it's surprisingly powerful legs. The boar scrunches up it's face out of anger, and then digs it's legs into the ground. It charges forward, the boar's tusks pointed upwards. The boar closes it's eyes, preparing for the impact. The only problem with this is that the impact never comes. Since it wasn't able to see it's target, the boar rushed straight past Crossbeam. It turns around, growling and snorting.


- Combat -


Crossbeam: 5/5

Boar: 3/3

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Crossbeam waits for a moment. It seems these enemies aren't just weak - they're also dumb. He wipes his forehead with his hand, brushing away the sweat that had already appeared. Crossbeam had always hated the heat, and the sweat that accompanies it. The boar being within the range of his falchion, Crossbeam performs a leftwards slice. It flies right over the boar's head, missing by an inch. "Stupid system! That totally should have hit!" He brings his weapon crashing down. The blade digs itself far into the ground. "That too! What the..." Crossbeam pulls the falchion out of the ground with both hands, making him stagger back a bit. He regains his footing as soon as the boar begins it's attack.


~ Combat ~


Crossbeam: 5/5

Boar: 3/3

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The boar simply stands there doing nothing while the foolish player swings at him. The man seems like a terrible player, missing both shots he threw at the boar. It snorts in disapproval of his aim. When the player seemed to have lost his footing, the boar takes it's opportunity. The boar stamps it's foot on the ground. It lowers it's head as it charges towards Crossbeam in a frenzy. Sadly, the player stands firm once again before the boar can make contact with him. The boar sends particles of dirt flying at it's target as it collides with Crossbeam's legs.


~ Combat ~


Crossbeam: 4/5

Boar: 3/3

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Crossbeam is thrown off his feet. He falls to the ground with a thud. Crossbeam stands up quickly, using his falchion to push himself off of the ground. He rubs the dirt from his shirt with the palm of his hand. "You'll pay for this, boar." Crossbeam raises his falchion above him to the right and chops to the left diagonally. Of course, due to the system hating his very guts, he misses the boar. Crossbeam moves to kick the boar, sending his foot flying. He misses the enemy yet again. "SYSTEM!!!!!" screams Crossbeam.


~ Combat ~


Crossbeam: 4/5

Boar: 3/3

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A falchion swishes in the air towards the boar, and a boot is hurdled in it's direction. The boar 'dodges' the attacks with ease, silently laughing uncontrollably at how absolutely terrible this player is at the game. Knowing it will probably die soon despite the player's foolishness, the boar scrunches up its face and digs its heels into the dirt, preparing to recklessly charge at the player. The system which brought it into life smiles on it, allowing it to not miss the player. The boar thinks the player must be very angry.


~ Combat ~


Crossbeam: 3/5

Boar: 3/3

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Crossbeam clenches his teeth. His health is being hurt pretty badly. If his next attack doesn't land, there actually might be a chance of him dying to the weakest monster in the game. If that happens, Crossbeam won't let it go even in the afterlife. It would be so embarrassing. He pulls his falchion behind him. Crossbeam pulls his falchion behind him, and then twists it while sending it flying straight into over the boar. He slaps his face with his free hand. He can't believe his terrible luck. Crossbeam is literally losing to the weakest monster in the game.


~ Combat ~


Crossbeam: 3/5

Boar: 3/3

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The boar is now absolutely astonished at how completely terrible and utterly stupid this player must be. He missed not one, not two, but three whole attacks against the boar. The system, which brought the boar into existence, must love the creature. The boar feels loved. It promises to itself that it will make its creator proud, and steps back. The boar charges forward with the might of a truck, pushing Crossbeam to the side as it steamrolls in a straight line. The grass below the boar is left burning for a second, until reverting back into normal non-burning grass.


~ Combat ~


Crossbeam: 2/5

Boar: 3/3

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Crossbeam actually feels scared now. He believes that he may really die. Crossbeam's life flashes in front of him. Well, it would, if this were a movie. Which it's not. This is as real as real gets. He may be playing a video game, but this video game/deathtrap has locked him in and now wishes to kill him. He won't let that happen. Crossbeam quickly makes a slice to the right, and then a slice to the left. The system is merciful, allowing Crossbeam to land one of these strikes. He puts himself into a stance, holding his one-handed weapon with two hands.


~ Combat ~


Crossbeam: 2/5

Boar: 1/3

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The boar reels back as it is struck, a red gash appearing on its cheek. Its puny mouth opens, and its jaw drops. The system wished for that to happen. Maybe the now crazed-by-some-religious-faith boar had put its trust in the wrong thing. Maybe the system does not care for it. Maybe the system does not have a conscious. Maybe the boar itself could not possibly be comprehending these thoughts. No! The boar pushed off the ground, its face contorting as the strong wind blows against it. The boar strikes Crossbeam at near light-speed, and Crossbeam shatters into a flurry of blue shards. The now enlightened boar runs off to tell his friends about the new religion he has discovered. The system is love. The system is life.


~ Combat ~


Crossbeam: 0/5 ((Wtf))

Boar: 1/3

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