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[OP-F4] Part I: To Become Faint

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The jungle materialized around them. The sounds of swaying trees with rustling leaves seemed tranquil enough. As Oikawa got his bearings he was surprised when X suddenly began to become active. Attempting to spit at him, X somehow managed to bring his feet to Oikawa's chest and backflip off of him while muttering something about pink mist. Bastard..keke now I get to hunt him down! Next time I won't let him go ... nor will he have the legs to do so. Mwuahahahahaha


"Come on now X. I just wanted to play. Keke. Let's play who can lose the most appendages without shouting keke. Sounds fun right? Right? " The acrobatic ran in the direction of the village not far from their location. Looks like things are going to get interesting. Licking his lips, Oikawa chased the player down. Keeping up with his speed only because his level allowed him to do so. Once he found the boy, he tackled him to the forest floor and pinned him down....


To Be Continued...




Col: 800 (41 Posts/2 Pages)

Oikawa- 253 Col (13 Posts)

Calrex- 195 Col (10 Posts)

Azide- 156 Col (8 Posts)

XWuZHeAR- 98 Col (5 Posts)

Xanatos- 39 Col (2 Posts)

Ariel- 59 Col (3 Posts)


Loot: None



Oikawa- 1 SP

Calrex- 1 SP

Azide- 1 SP


Xanatos- 1 SP

Ariel- 1 SP

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