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I did this once long ago on a site called The World RP. I mocked the entire site to make it feel as if you were playing a game called The World. But with time, lack of interests, staff changes, and user requests it slowly moved away from feeling immersed in The World and more looking at a forum with sections to talk about everything from your day to sharing usernames and ID's for video game consoles.

Sword Art Online, everything from its name to how players see it I want to make it feel you are in SAO. That the year is 2022 and the game server has gone live and all of us players are now trapped in this game with the goal of getting to floor 100 of Aincrad, freeing all players from this virtual reality MMO.

This will how this site will be handled. Things like social networks, messengers, media, music, games, tv, books, cars, everything we know as people will be focused heavily on as us being characters. If you wish to engage in that sort of discussion, we will host chatrooms on the IRC network and on Skype for you to talk to other players outside this role-play site.

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Immersion is a great effect, but not sure how well that'd work in some cases. Some people may want to play as a character that isn't "themselves" and still want to talk about irl related things using the forums, and talking OOC gives more chances for players to bond with one another. I know skype 'n such is another option, but not everyone may want to get skype or perhaps are too young or don't know how downloading programs works. We'd need an rp-ooc section for users to make plots with one another and have posts for easy reference, so extending ooc to have a general chat section couldn't hurt. Don't need to break it all up into 'gaming', 'anime' etc unless it gets too busy.

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I see what you're getting at with the immersion, but I think overall we do need some OOC areas to help strengthen bonds between players and such much like Nevina said. Maybe not go overboard by having a random spam portion, but some OOC things to discuss stuff like the SAO series, games, anime etc.

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I was around during the original The World, and I liked how immersive it was. But I agree with what Namine and Nevina have said. An OOC area would be needed to discuss things, users would probably want somewhere to work out little mini plots with other characters, what might happen to them and the like

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I think a small OOC topic just to discuss stuff and not spam wouldn't hurt. Most of the site can be devoted to the IC stuff possibly do something like this?


Forum News

Handbook (For skills)


Staff areas

(OOC) Discussion



Floors 1-10

Floors 11-20

Floors 21-30

Floors 31-40

Floors 41-50

Floors 51-60

Floors 61-70

Floors 71-80

Floors 81-90

Floors 91-100


Marketplace (like an auction house


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I think a small OOC topic just to discuss stuff and not spam wouldn't hurt. Most of the site can be devoted to the IC stuff possibly do something like this?


Forum News

Handbook (For skills)


Staff areas

(OOC) Discussion



Floors 1-10

Floors 11-20

Floors 21-30

Floors 31-40

Floors 41-50

Floors 51-60

Floors 61-70

Floors 71-80

Floors 81-90

Floors 91-100


Marketplace (like an auction house


I like this idea -- that way interaction can still be amongst the users of this RP board. Looking back at The World RP board, if we implement such strict guidelines and rules where you can not interact with your friends via the forums OOC, you'll lose interest. Also, if you redirect the communication elsewhere via skype/IRC as your full on interaction, your just pulling the attention away from the board, and such the RP will die.

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Think it'd help to specify them a little more, say General OOC and SAO OOC. So that anything SAO-rp related would go in the latter one (ie: plot thread to recruit rpers to join you for a bit, events, handbook, whatever else).If you wanted to talk about the anime of SAO, that'd go in general ooc because it's not rp specific.

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Would an SAO OOC be like, messages to other characters?

What the guys are saying above, that would be part of it. But mostly things like the invisible hand that guides them as these objects and categories, news, BBS style wasn't really seen in the anime once they were trapped in the game. The context is all relative, however these sections more suit feeding us the user behind the characters/players info to help us role-play, and keep the stories organized and uninterrupted.

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