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Corvus's File Log

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[Lone Raven]




» Username: Mazermax
» Real name: Maxwell Corletts
» Age: 22
» Gender: Male
» Height: 6'2"
» Weight: 142


» Life:

» Maxwell was raised in Eastern America (Boston to be specific), one of the furthest places from Japan. Plagued by the challenges of rough city-life, he soon developed a strong mindset. Call no attention, cause no harm, and do not give up. However these rules weren't enough to keep him safe. Shortly after the end of his freshman year, he was a victim of violence. He found himself waking from a coma a year later. In spite of losing an entire 527 days of his life, Max made it a goal to make up for his lose. He caught up in academics quite quickly, and had begun training in MMA and martial arts such as Krav-Maga. The constant stress though had begun to drive a stake into his life. He began to lose his humanity slowly. The first to go was his empathy. Soon his happiness followed. A set of unique morals came as a replacement. 

 As Maxwell finished college at MIT, he was given a job offer from an online friend. Maxwell took the fastest plane for Japan. For the first few night he was staying with his friend Kichirou and worked as a technical engineer. After the launch of SAO, the pair had decided to give it a try. Kichirou was the first person Maxwell had ever saw die. He receded back into his cold, "do-or-die" lifestyle from his Teen years.

» Virtues:


»»Morals:Corvus may appear to have a cold and foreboding attitude, but if you keep an eye on his actions you can see he is actually quite caring. The best way to describe him is a "Robinhood-Who-Hates-People". He avoids others , but isn't slow to help when them in trouble. He has a heavy disliking for the over confident, which can sometimes cause trouble.

»»Logic:Corvus keeps a level head, and is smart with his decisions. He can put together facts fast, and comes to accurate conclusions. Corvus often tries to think his way around a predicament, rather than challenge it head on. He can be deceptive, and his goals aren't obvious.

»»Loyalty:Despite his antisocial behavior, Corvus is protective of the few close to him. After watching Kichirou die, Corvus would do anything to keep his friends alive, even if it cost him his life.


» Flaws:
»»Temper:Corvus shows little emotion on his face. Gauging his mood is a task few can succeed. When Corvus is angry, he will make sure you know it. If he suddenly becomes quiet, you know that he is truly enraged. Corvus's short fuse can lead to very poor decisions, and people can get hurt. 

»»Mental Illness: At a young age, Corvus had shown signs of developing mental illnesses including bipolar disorder, and anxiety. After his hospitalization, the list exploded into a plethora of other illnesses including PTSD and depression. Although symptoms were kept in check, they began to resurface after entering Aincrad. 

»»Anti-social: Corvus avoids people like the plague. In every situation that requires him to interact with others he is uncomfortable. The only time he chooses to be with others is when he is helping them. Corvus is reluctant to make friends or join a guild because he worries he will fail them like he did Kichirou.






Weapon skills:

»Basic Cloth Clothing

»10 bread

»15 Water Bottles

»Basic One Handed Rapier



Story Thus Far 

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