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Hey all! Tommy here! I'm likely to be joining the community fairly soon, I just have to finish reading all the rules- things are much better organized here than elsewhere! Hoping to be up and running within the week :)

Just one question I haven't gotten info on yet, when does this take place? Old Aincrad(trapped in game, permadeath) or New Aincrad? Either or works for me, just trying to figure it out :P Can't wait to start up again with you guys :)

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Old Aincrad Permadeath. But obviously the timeline will be a little misconstrued with not everybody joining in at the same time. 


By the way: Welcome to SAO-RPG ! We hope to see you succeed! Please refrain from dying to a boar. Too many have died that way recently....

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Old Aincrad Permadeath. But obviously the timeline will be a little misconstrued with not everybody joining in at the same time. 


By the way: Welcome to SAO-RPG ! We hope to see you succeed! Please refrain from dying to a boar. Too many have died that way recently....

I always assumed that the timeline was the same also, with our rp representing snap shots of different times


for example

on the time line, Klick and Mari started at the same time (within a 24 hour period)

If we meet then mari has been through more events thus is a higher level

while klick has been through less events thus a lower level.


however as long as Klick does not met Mari, our time lines have not met so I can act like i was leveling up when she was a lower level.

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