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Tonbi, The Black Kite

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«Tonbi» The Black Kite


  • » Username: Tonbi
    » Real name: Eiji Kato
    » Age: 28
    » Gender: Male
    » Height: 6’0†ft.
    » Weight: 160 lbs.

    Short dark brown hair is stylishly cut being longer on top, shorter on the sides, and tousled. But these messy bangs do nothing to obscure Eiji’s vibrant expressions. With a pair of pale amber eyes the man’s brow is sharp and defined, much like his angular jawline fettered in the light fuzz of facial hair. There is not much mystery it seems with this man. From a first appearance he seems like he’d be much the bumbling fool or a joker among the group. Rarely a serious face upon him; nevertheless Eiji’s eyes hold a certain depth that belie his grinning masquerade.

    While not overtly athletic in build Eiji Kato is a slender man of good health. To the point he has been considered lanky for his height and physical build not giving much of a vision of threat. But it only makes sense as the man was in life a Salesman and spent many hours behind a desk. Eiji does not regard himself with too much flattery, but he is decently handsome in the right settings and when he isn’t trying to ease tension with laughter.

    In real life Mr. Kato was a man dressed in predictability always one kind of suit, one style of dress, he was comfortable in a pattern, and much like his father wasn’t drawn to change. But in the game of Sword Art Online he is dressed in various light armors like patched dark slacks, a black/dark brown and green jerkin, tall raggedy boots, with fingerless gloves, and purple and green checkered scarf. In this fantasy realm he dresses akin to a scoundrel or blackguard. As well while his uniform might change over time with new items and armor pieces as Tonbi he will always wear the scarf his brother gave him.

    When Eiji speaks he does so in a low silvery voice that pleasantly dances on the ears. As a salesman in life he is known for being a fast talking charmer, and especially when trying to sell or haggle with others. Socially he is a very confident individual and stands as such.

    • HISTORY •

    • The eldest son of a now prominent Marketing Officer for Argus, Hideyoshi Kato. Eiji’s father is twice divorced and had another child (Hibiki) with his second wife. He was only ten years old when his brother was born, and their parents divorced by the time he was fifteen. In the divorce Eiji went with his father where-as Hibiki went with his mother. The brothers only ever saw eachother during holidays and visits with their grandparents. As children they were friendly towards one another but never really developed long lasting attachments.

      Growing up under business centered household many things were expected of the eldest son and Hideyoshi put many burdens on Eiji to become successful. Success however was not innovation or dreams, but the tried and true methods of the business market just as all first born sons were expected in his family. This was difficult for Eiji as he was very much a dreamer being very skilled with models and designs having aspirations of becoming a toy designer, working for the likes of Kotobukiya. But as Eiji got older he followed in his father’s stead working sales and marketing. No matter the discipline Eiji showed he never became more than Sales Manager and a Representative of the Akihabara chain of Toshimitsu Electronics.

      Castigated for lacking ambition by his father he sunk in his role and was regarded as a shame to the family for not becoming more successful. By twenty-seven he lived alone in a small apartment, no significant other, and resolved in his state of being. But one day a sudden urge came over him to contact his younger brother Hibiki. At this time his younger brother was finishing his highschool education and preparing to go university for programming and game design in Yokohama.

      His younger brother was receptive and keen on rekindling a connection between the families. While Eiji didn’t know much of video-games than the few he played as a child, he found common ground with his brother in interests and aspirations of design. Eventually Hibiki would convince Eiji to join him in the launch of VRMMORPG he played in beta called Sword Art Online. Thanks to their father working at the company behind the game the brothers were able to gain access to the launch. And Eiji working at an Electronics store in Akihabara bought his first NerveGear.

      For Eiji Kato he had no overwhelming interest in games or virtual reality but he felt it would be the best way for he and Hibiki to spend proper time together. Sword Art Online at first was an exciting chance to spend quality time with one another. Even though Hibiki had to teach his elder brother many of the basics of gaming and terminology, it was just a happy moment for them to just have something to join their separate lives. But that happy moment would soon became a nightmare as the Death Game was initiated. Unable to logout the two brothers were trapped with all the other players in the First Floor Starting City.

      Known as Tonbi (Eiji) and Hiryu (Hibiki) respectively they did not venture as a pair much outside the city. When they did Hibiki had to carry Eiji through the map to train while farming low-level mobs for loot, currency, and materials. The younger brother was thinking ahead of time trying to sustain their income so that they could afford inns, as it was known to be dangerous to rest outside as certain desperate players would choose to challenge them to duels in their sleep, and attempt to take their supplies. But misfortune would strike when roaming towards the mountainous region. Eiji would accidently trigger a trap mob spawning several higher level creatures surrounding the brothers, and Hibiki being the braver of them attempted to pull Hate and tank the mob to provide an opening for his older brother. Watching the mob swarm over him Eiji was soon introduced to the reality of the Death Game as his younger brother died while he was running steadfast back to the Starter City.

      Well out of his element and in a world he barely understands Eiji Kato holds the death of his brother and the fate of his own survival in his hands. Using what little he retained of their lessons and holding onto the scarf his brother crafted for him, as Tonbi the Black Kite, he sets out to survive excelling in skills of evasion and running.


      » Virtues:
      • Quick Witted: As Tonbi, the man has been shown to be very quick on the draw with his words. A quip here, a jab there, he excels at working off the cuff. This is good for survival and interpersonal interactions, as well acting as a wall to hide his inexperience and associate with other players. Years of business and sales experience have sharpened his attention to details and Eiji is usually always guaranteed to say something, which may the double edge to this beneficial skill. When nervous he tends to talk and just keep talking to ease personal tension as well to evade any conversations that become too personal. But this state of constant mental alert makes him perceptive to small things others may sometimes miss.

        Silver Tongued: Born from real life experience Eiji has always had the gift for gab and was always a very decent salesman. Sometimes that translates into cheap and underhanded tactics to exploit someone, but mostly it means he is very capable and comfortable in a mostly social setting. If there was ever a man that could talk himself into success or profit it would be Eiji Kato. As Tonbi he utilizes this skill and virtue to project overwhelming confidence and assurance. To the point he will talk himself into a group with the belief he has some knowledge of an area or secret treasure to get him from one position to the next. This is very useful when moving outside of the city and in player-to-player trade.

        Intuitive: There is no doubt that when he applies himself Eiji is a very bright individual. Enhanced by his keen perceptions the man seems very capable of intuiting patterns and flaws. But this has mostly been practiced in interpreting conversations with others, and the ways that they tend to behave and will likely behave. But in terms of the game as Tonbi he is starting to realize potential patterns for drops and map out areas with the best success rates. So while he is not as adept in combat as others he is indispensable when it comes to navigation and dungeon puzzles. Because of this he is insightful and combined with his silver tongue be able to motivate other players despite the odds they face.

        Resourceful: Have a will, have a way – or at least that is the philosophy that dark scoundrel holds to. Despite being in a world that exists by strict rules and functions, Eiji is able to maneuver around and within them to optimize for opportunities. Willing to experiment and find new solutions to problems. Combined with his other skills and virtues it allows Eiji to function and flourish on the external mechanics of the game outside of combat. Where intuition allows him to see why there is a problem, his resourcefulness allows him to act and do something about it. In social interactions he becomes skilled and corralling momentary leadership. But he will always work best when he is in a position to give advice.

        » Flaws:
        • Deceptive: Part and parcel of being a Salesman. Perhaps not to the highest for most people, but Eiji with his gift for gab has always been one to keep his cards close to chest. Lying is not the gift so much the consequence what he feels he must do to survive. So when it comes to personal matters Eiji is likely never going to speak the whole truth or any truths at all. As Tonbi he has melted into this persona as a form of protection tending to tell wide sweeping stories. Many are untrue and grandiose but some enjoy them; however, it tends to get him in a lot of trouble when he is called on his lies. Depending on the motivation Eiji can also lie at the detriment of others just to sustain his status. In truth this is a crutch built out of fear as he is a stranger in a strange land.

          Inexperienced Gamer: Because of his vast inexperience with videogames Eiji is noted for constant confusion and misunderstandings when it comes to gamer speak. When learning the systems he is at an incline and is prone to try approaching situations as he would in real life. This puts him in a perpetual state of overwhelming fear, and for those around him he is what they classified as a “N00B†to be looked at as a burden. Eiji’s inexperience has settled in him and developed cowardice and apprehension to the world he is in. Yet despite this the man seems to be able to survive against the bare-minimum but is in constant need of help, training, and information.

          Guilt-ridden: Everyone has their reasons for being in Sword Art Online. For Eiji that was his younger brother whom was absolutely infatuated with MMO’s and VRMMO’s. Wishing to connect with his family it would become something far dangerous as the Death Game started. Eiji holds deep guilt for having to rely on his brother and not being the one who could help or provide, and in his death he feels wholly responsible for it even happening. To him he feels Hibiki would have survived without him around and it eats at him that he also ran away, for Eiji sees himself as a coward now. It is his burden to carry and he is not sure whether he ever wants to leave this game. The idea facing his family with the true story but he is too motivated by the connection Hibiki made with him to stop. A promise must be kept that he would have that drink in Okinawa during Hanami as Hibiki had wanted.

          Stingy: Inherently he isn’t one to give up much if he doesn’t have to and will always try to pay the least or a minimum, and may try to slightly overprice what he sells. But Eiji just isn’t one to overly share anything especially since his brother expressed how important materials, col, and food would be essential to survival in this world. To this he has always had an eye for prized objects, and having access to items of rarity makes him something of a hoarder if he ever comes into possession of them. If you want something from him you are going to have to barter and trade rarely are things freely given.


          • SKILLS •

          • Non-combat:



            Weapon skills :



» Single-Handed Dagger (Dirk)


» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle

» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress

(no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)




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