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New kid in the forum...

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Hey guys! My character just got approved recently, and I'm faced with a dilemma. 


I have no idea where to go from here. 


Can someone tell me what to do or just start up an quest or something with me so I know this stuff works? Thanks!

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Welp you've made it in. Now is time for your adventure to begin. You should check out the tutorial section if you're not very familiar with the system. Once you have a good understanding you should attempt your first post in the level 1-10 section of the forum in the starting city. You can get a good idea of what your posts are supposed to look like by reading other peoples role plays. When you're up for your own you can create a topic in the 1-10 section as an open party so anyone can join with you (Or join someone elses open party) message someone and request to roleplay with them in a private party or you can get a feel for the whole jazz of the system by making a soloparty and get a strong foundation for you character if you already have a good general idea of how you want his story to progress. 

I hope that covers it and i hope to see you around :)

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