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[F1 - Tailor] Fancy to militancy

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Almost everyone has seen one of those NPC stands from Starting City. A canopy over the heads,

sometimes a few walls encasing the area behind the counter, and the telltale boxes right in front of the counter holding the

goods that the owner is selling. However, this is probably one of the first of these style right outside of Starting City that you've seen. The

man behind the counter is in his teenage years and his wares can probably be easily stolen. On the front-side of the canopy, hanging towards the gate

is a sign that has the following text:

From Fancy to Militancy! Wares for many audiences! Cheap prices (based on your decisions and my reason)!

In the boxes, you can see that the wares, evenly laid out in them so you can see all of them, are divided by quality.

There's also a note on the side that you can substitute 200 Col for 1 material.

The boxes are labeled and have the following in them:

((TL;DR: List of items I have and the range of Col/Mat you could leave))

Good Items | 0 - 200:

Name: [user's Choice]
Item Type: Clothing
Quality: Good
Enhancements: N/A
Description: [user's Input]
Source(s): #1 | #2 | #3
Status(es): PM with filled order | For Sale

Uncommon items | 200-400:

Name: Efkinitos

Item Type: Leather armor
Quality: Uncommon
Enhancements: Evasion 1 (-1 to enemy's BD)
Description: A craft made by Axios Deminence @ Fancy to Militancy. A leather armor that goes around the torso and abdomen, much like a vest or shirt. If you look carefully, you can see some stitches here and there as if the creator made it go through many revisions or was just plain sloppy with it.

Source(s): http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/7284-f1-tailor-fancy-to-militancy/#entry388730
Status(es): Approved | For Sale

Rare items | 400-600:

Name: Tychil
Item Type: Clothing
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: Loot Die +2
Description: A craft made by Axios Deminence @ Fancy and Militancy specially created to repay a debt. It's a jacket-like cloak that you could easily wear and looks as if its been embroidered with gold. It allows the user to find items easier than normal.
Source(s): http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/7284-f1-tailor-fancy-to-militancy/#entry387882
Status(es): Approved | Held for Rusty

Name: Aoplos

Item Type: Clothing (Hand wraps)
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: Unarmed Damage 2 (+2 with unarmed combat)
Description: A craft made by Axios Deminence @ Fancy to Militancy.
Very rudimentary and seemed very simplistic. The handwraps were long enough to wind around multiple times and cover a good area of the forearm, wrist, and hand. Weirdly enough, the creator somehow made this by sewing it and not by cutting off certain parts.
Source(s): http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/7284-f1-tailor-fancy-to-militancy/#entry388730
Status(es): Approved | For Sale

Perfect Items | 600-800:

On the outside of the stand, on one of the supporting pillars, you can see an order list or track:

((TL;DR: Custom order list or transaction logs))

Order list:

1. Rusty ((whatever isn't a bad item and comes first))

((PM me when making a custom order or waiting for one to be made.))

Transaction log:

+13 Mats | SOURCE | NOTE: Also the 3 Mats we gathered.
-2 Mats | +2 EXP | SOURCE |
-2 Mats | +7 EXP | SOURCE | +1 Rare; +1 Good
-2 Mats | +3 EXP | SOURCE | +1 Good
-2 Mats | +10 EXP | SOURCE | +1 Perfect (Kept for own use); +1 Good
-3 Mats | +9 EXP | SOURCE | +1 Rare; +1 Uncommon
-1 Mat | +8 EXP | SOURCE | +1 Perfect (Kept for own use)-1 Mat | +6 EXP | SOURCE | +1 Rare

For those boring stats:

Rank 3: Professional Tailor (Rank 3) | EXP 45/80 | 4 Crafts per day | Can make Clothings, Plushies, Leather Armor:
[1] = Critical failure (Lose materials)
[2-3] = Fail (Lose materials)

[4-5] = Bad item (Possible to salvage items on a 15+ loot die result)
[6-8] = Good item
[9-10] = Uncommon item (1 enhancement slot)

[11] = Rare item (2 enhancement slots)

[12] = Perfect item (3 enhancement slots)

Epic Fail, Fail, and Bad Item: 1 EXP

Good Item: 2 EXP

Uncommon Item: 3 EXP

Rare Item: 5 EXP

Perfect Item: 8 EXP

Equipped while crafting ((updated as of 05/27/2015 @ 15:57 PST -8:00)):

Name: Aplistia
Item Type: Clothing
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Ambition (+1 EXP to every craft)
Description: A craft made by Axios Deminence @ Fancy to Militancy. The creator was inspired by human greed (which he could not grasp the idea of) and thus sewed this item. Although it looks as if its a worn-down cape, it was actually meant to be a nice shirt that someone could wear. It has a shimmering palette of gold, black, and the blue (with the ocassional white).

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Axios, opening up the stand and flipping up the canopy back to its rightful spot, breathed in deeply. Oh... I love that smell... Axios was new to the idea of tailoring and was in fact going to make his first item today. If he could make one at least. It would be for Rusty of course, Axios never stopped thinking about paying Rusty back. I need to finally give him an item.


((1st craft of the day:))

Axios began crudely tailoring an item, trying to finish it as quickly as he could. A bit too fast. Axios, missed too many stitches and it looked plain, down-right horrible. He wasn't patient enough. He had messed up the item and when he tried to pick it up, it simply shattered into multiple pieces of the blue crystals. Ugh... There goes one of my chances... Better start on the next one...


Fail : -1 Mat | +1 EXP

ID: 15880; CD: 2


((2nd craft of the day:))

Axios, getting another boar hide wondered whether or not he might be able to get Rusty an item at all. That was part of the deal, Rusty did help him. Axios did advertise it. And for some reason, this was not one of the things Axios ever forgot. It ALWAYS stuck in his mind. Axios realized his hands were already working on the boar hide, and wasn't able to stop it from stabbing it continually. "What?!?", Axios yelled aloud, wondering if he was so caught up in his debt that he wasn't able to accomplish anything for the day.


Critical Fail: -1 Mat | +1 EXP

ID: 15882; CD: 1

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Axios had his mind set on making an item for Rusty. At least one item. It didn't matter the quality, Axios needed to give Rusty something. Something to finish the deal of what was meant to happen. Axios needed to give Rusty an item; a deal was a deal. He almost died multiple times while trying to get materials, and he still hasn't got what he was meant to be rewarded. Opening up the canopy and jumping into the stand, he breathed in the sawdust-filled air and opened the chest that had his materials kept safe.

((1st Crafting Attempt:))

Axios took out a long block of cloth that he planned to use. While tailoring it, Axios realized that this was much easier to weave through then the boar hides. Axios continued to weave, trying to make it to what he thought Rusty would like the best. However, in the midst of everything, Axios wasn't able to make anything useful out of it. It gave no special effects, even Axios could tell that it wasn't anything but something one person could wear. However, it would be the first thing that he had made, and would give it to Rusty if he would accept it.


Name: [user's Choice]

Item Type: Clothing

Quality: Good

Enhancements: N/A

Description: [user's Input]


Good: +2 XP | -1 Mat

ID: 15977; CD: 8

((2nd Crafting Attempt:))


However, Axios thought he could do more. Make something more special for Rusty. Axios began to weave. Inspired by the good item that he had just created. Could I make an item? Axios wove like never before. Giving the cloth a new luster that could only be described as golden. Axios stepped back from his work to look at it. He was satisfied with his work.


Name: Tychil

Item Type: Clothing

Quality: Rare

Enhancements: Loot Die +2

Description: A craft made by Axios Deminence @ Fancy and Militancy specially created to repay a debt. It's a jacket-like cloak that you could easily wear and looks as if its been embroidered with gold. It allows the user to find items easier than normal.


Rare: +5 EXP | -1 Mat

ID: 15978; CD: 11

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When Axios woke up, his neck and back felt stiff. As if he'd been sleeping on the ground. Funny thing is, he wasn't too far from the truth. Slowly waking up, Axios felt the sun on his face and the wind of the outside world. Axios loved the breeze, how it swept across his face. Then Axios remembered the events of yesterday, and stood up suddenly, hitting his head on the roof of his stand. Did I really sleep here? Good thing no one PKed me... Weird... Axios knew that he was lucky, and that he should probably make more items. It was a new day after all.

((1st Crafting Attempt:))
Axios started weaving something once again. His hands moving at a good pace trying to stitch together the cloth as well as possible. Axios wanted another item. Maybe one that he could sell, a perfect quality? Yet, Axios messed up at this point, breaking the fabric before it could actually make anything.

Fail: +1 EXP | -1 Mat
ID: 16029; CD: 4

((2nd Crafting Attempt:))
Axios began weaving once again. Hoping to get something good out of this fabrication. Not much feeling was put into the cloth, unlike last time Axios wasn't able to feel any inspiration. Something that he could show in his creation. In the end, Axios was onky able to make a clothing with a Good Quality.

Name: [user's Choice]
Item Type: Clothing
Quality: Good
Enhancements: N/A
Description: [user's Input]

Good: +2 XP | -1 Mat
ID: 16030; CD: 8

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Axios was back from a short break from his stand, a bit disappointed to see all of his items were still here. I mean, he did write the policy that they could just leave the money, right? Axios looked around his stand to his disappointment. I'll put that up right now... Axios started writing down on the form that you could take what you need as long as you leave the money for it. Finishing that goal, Axios got out a material and began sewing the cloth.

((1st Crafting Attempt:))
Axios became inspired by human greed. For some reason, grasp why it had to happen. He could tell how it happened, but why must it happen? He, himself, wasn't too greedy, or so he thought. Axios normally decided to beautifully create a masterpiece. However, the masterpiece turned into a disaster. The disaster was elegant, yet showed power. Axios knew he either did something extremely good, or terribly wrong. Axios could tell that the clothing had some power, and something told him it'd be best for himself as of right now.

Name: Aplistia
Item Type: Clothing
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Ambition (+1 EXP to every craft)
Description: A craft made by Axios Deminence @ Fancy to Militancy. The creator was inspired by human greed (which he could not grasp the idea of) and thus sewed this item. Although it looks as if its a worn-down cape, it was actually meant to be a nice shirt that someone could wear. It has a shimmering palette of gold, black, and the blue (with the ocassional white).

Perfect: +8 EXP | -1 Mat
ID: 16242; CD: 12

((2nd Crafting Attempt:))
Axios was already content with today's payout. This was his first perfect quality item and he had one more to go. However, Axios had nothing else to think about since his mind kind of wandered off. Axios decided to craft something anyways. He was able to create something, however its turnout wasn't the best. It was still an item though.

Name: [user's Choice]
Item Type: Clothing
Quality: Good
Enhancements: N/A
Description: [user's Input]

ID: 16243; CD: 8

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Axios took a good look around him. No one. Not a living soul. He knew it must be something about reputation. I mean, there's a lot better tailors than him out there. He had barely started and he doesn't have a lot to sell. He decided to quicken his pace. He needed the business, or at least he needed to make items. Sure, he could probably just give them out or trade them to other places but he thought it might be better here. Axios gathered all these materials for something right? Not just to use them to buy stuff.


((1st Crafting Attempt:))

Axios got his first material out. A boar hide. Hopefully he'd have some sort of success creating something he'd never done before. Leather armor. He turned the boar hide around and decided to start sewing parts of it together. Hopefully this would work. After cutting out some parts of it and sewing some ends together, Axios made something similar to a vest. It fit nice and snug, making Axios thought that he had messed up. Until he started stretching which is when he found that this is actually pretty flexible. In fact, he could barely feel it (almost as if it was just his normal clothes) and it seemed as if he was faster than before. Axios put that into a box for his wares.



Name: Efkinitos
Item Type: Leather armor
Quality: Uncommon
Enhancements: Evasion 1 (-1 to enemy's BD)
Description: A craft made by Axios Deminence @ Fancy to Militancy. A leather armor that goes around the torso and abdomen, much like a vest or shirt. If you look carefully, you can see some stitches here and there as if the creator made it go through many revisions or was just plain sloppy with it.


Uncommon: +3 EXP; -1 Mat

ID: 16446; CD: 10


((2nd Crafting Attempt:))

Straight after putting the item into his ware storage, Axios got another material and started doing the same thing. Instead of trying to completely reshape it, he tried to take a few shortcuts that would bring no harm and he was right. Another object was newly created. This time however, it was hand wraps. Axios frowned a bit. Out of the few people he knew, none of them used unarmed combat and most players in SAO would never even think about it. However, an item was an item. He also placed the item into his ware storage.


Name: Aoplos
Item Type: Clothing (Hand wraps)
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: Unarmed Damage 2 (+2 with unarmed combat)
Description: A craft made by Axios Deminence @ Fancy to Militancy.
Very rudimentary and seemed very simplistic. The handwraps were long enough to wind around multiple times and cover a good area of the forearm, wrist, and hand. Weirdly enough, the creator somehow made this by sewing it and not by cutting off certain parts.


Rare: +5 EXP; -1 Mat

ID: 16447; CD: 11


((3rd Crafting Attempt:))

Axios was on a roll with this. He was ready to complete his day. Just after this one craft. He was almost done for the day. Beads of sweat had started dropping down his face. He had a pretty good day as well, just from the last two crafts. He honestly wouldn't care if he completely messed this up. Axios took a material from the chest once again. Let's try for another one. However, he messed up on his shortcuts. They weren't going to work, he knew after his first mistake. He continued. Maybe, just maybe, he could make a miracle and make an awesome item. That wasn't the case. As soon as he finished, it looked horrible, and broke instantly. At least I got something from today.


Fail: +1 EXP; -1 Mat

ID: 16449; CD: 2

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  • 2 weeks later...

Axios stepped into his stand once again. The plains, eerily quiet. It's been a while since he's been to the shop. He didn't really mind. Axios took reached down for the material chest. To his surprise, it was awkwardly light. What the? He opened it. Only two materials laid there. Of course, he was running out and he'd need to go hunt for more soon. He didn't want to hunt, which was the problem. He decided the best course of action would probably to gather materials in a non-hostile manner. However, it wouldn't hurt to get some more boar hide or other clothing. Axios took one mat out of the chest and thought about what could inspire him. Anything would do.

((1st Crafting Attempt:))

Axios decided to make more leather armor. Sure, it could be a severe problem. This was his last boar hide left but maybe something to commemorate their survival in SAO. Not just his, not just the people he met, but everyone. All the people alike... Except the player killers. He'd never forget about them. Axios started to cut off certain pieces and made something that he could only describe as wonderful. He immediately put it on himself, thinking that it would be of some use to him. He did move feel more agile, maybe it was just his thoughts on overdrive or something else. Nevertheless, he kept it and put it in his inventory.

Name: Athiktos

Item Type: Leather Armor

Quality: Perfect

Enhancements: Evasion 1 (-1 to enemy's BD); Savvy 2 (+2 to own BD next roll if enemy misses)

Description: A craft made by Axios Deminence @ Fancy to Militancy. What he would call a masterpiece. Very lightweight, no color, just plain brown. On the inside, the following is sewn: "Property of Axios Deminence. Please return if found. Thank you."

Perfect: +8 EXP; -1 Mat

ID: 17387; CD: 12

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Axios was running out of mats. He'd have to go mat hunting soon enough. Well, extremely soon. Business was like a ghost town once again, however that was fine with him. He just hoped that he could get this equipment out there. It might just save someone's life. The thing is, the boxes were starting to get filled up. Hopefully he could sell some of these. With the roll that he's been on, it should be fine... Right? I mean, the good items were basically being given away for free and he sold things way cheaper than he's ever seen anyone before. Axios sighed. He couldn't be bothered to compare himself with others, he has no reputation as of now. Axios took out his very last material. Hoping to get something out of it:


((1st Crafting Attempt:))

Axios, completely inspired by absolutely nothing. Started sewing. Nothing really came to his mind, there wasn't much that he was interested in at that point. After a few minutes, Axios was able to make something useful out of hide. It was... He didn't really know what it was. Didn't really suit him either, hopefully its rightful owner could come along soon. Or they may never come... He couldn't tell from how his business was at that moment.

Name: Schwarz Umdrehung
Item Type: Leather armor
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: Evasion +2
Description:  A practical combat leather armor set that consists of the following parts: A Merlot and Black Ball gown, though let out to allow more fluid movement, with a black with gold trim corset over it that puts emphasis on the wearer's bosom, Bolero leather shoulder pads the same color, long dark gloves that cover the hand until the elbow save for the fingers. Dark thigh, high boots, Capped with brass plating, and black leather pants, and several brass belts.

Rare: +6 EXP ((+5 natural; +1 EXP from Ambition Aplistia)); -1 Mat

ID: 17516; CD: 11

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Claire walked into the small Shoppe, the smell of new fabric and fashion ripe despite the shop being little known. Not that it mattered to her; after her encounters with the boars the other day she needed some protection, something to make fighting by herself more of a thing, instead of  hiding behind others non-stop. She browsed through the racks that held his wears until she came across an elegant dress, complete with armor attached into it! "Oh mon Dieu, this is adorable, yet effective! I must have this wondrous outfit!" She quickly looked for the racks price tag and found that it was mostly within her price range, before seeing there was a material trade in sign at the counter- how fortuitous that she had just received some boar hides!


Taking the outfit to the counter she placed it upon it, calling out to the store owner to make a purchase, while placing a small bag of 100 Cor and 2 Materials on the counter for him, waiting for his to take her payment for such a wondrous item.

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Axios was surprised that a player was looking at his items. Not just that she was a player, that she was French. Or at least had a good French accent imitation or something like that. Axios took the materials and Col out of her hand, and sold her the outfit. Maybe it was destined that someone would stop by here to get that item... Axios was wondering why that was so "wondrous" to her. Then he began wondering if "wondrous" was a word. He certainly didn't hear it often. Axios made his first sale. "That's a good choice. If you need anything, I'll be right here!", Axios called out to the girl.

+100 Col; +2 Mats

Item given to the girl ((Khaosclaire)):

Name: Schwarz Umdrehung

Item Type: Leather armor

Quality: Rare

Enhancements: Evasion +2

Description: A practical combat leather armor set that consists of the following parts: A Merlot and Black Ball gown, though let out to allow more fluid movement, with a black with gold trim corset over it that puts emphasis on the wearer's bosom, Bolero leather shoulder pads the same color, long dark gloves that cover the hand until the elbow save for the fingers. Dark thigh, high boots, Capped with brass plating, and black leather pants, and several brass belts.

Source(s): http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/7284-f1-tailor-fancy-to-militancy/#entry390976

Status(es): Approved | Sold to Khaosclaire

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"Merci, I will be sure to come back, especially if you make more of these fashionable items!
Au revoir et bonne journée."
She said, picking back up the item and adding it into her inventory, leaving the store with a big smile 
on her face. 
She had sent him a friend request on her way out, to better find her way back to the Shoppe.

- 2 Mats, 100Col

+ Schwarz Umdrehung

(Something happened to the text that required me to use enters to line break; otherwise it scrolled out of the page!)

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