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Greg Baxen's Journal

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«Greg Baxen» The Blue Speedster.

» Username: Greg Baxen
» Real name: Greg Baxendale
» Age: 18
» Gender: Male
» Height: 5'8

SAORPG Avatar.png


» Appearance: Greg has short and neat, blond hair and deep blue eyes. He typically wears blue clothes (It's his favourite colour), and has a rather average weight. See the above image for details.

» About: Greg's history with SAO begins when, at age 10, he had heard of the game, though his parents did not allow him to play the game due to potential health risks to do with Virtual Reality. He was a pretty avid gamer at the time and still is. Come the age of 18, Greg finally got his hands on a NerveGear and jumped at the chance to register for Sword Art Online. As far as his personality goes, Greg is a usually a calm and reasonable person, but when he gets angry, he gets ANGRY. He is, however, not great at socializing with others. Other than that, he's relatively kind and smart, and fiercely loyal to his friends. Considering he doesn't have many, he considers the friends he does have precious. Greg's favourite colour is Blue, and his favourite food is Hot Dogs. In a fight, Greg prefers Speed and Accuracy over raw power. The last words he uttered before the Death Game began were these:

"Another day, a new venture. Let's do this..."



» Virtues:
Kind. Greg will not hesitate to help a person in need if they request it, and truly mean it. He hates bullies and will immediately stand up for someone who's being bullied. Likewise, if he sees someone he thinks needs help, he may ask them about it.

Smart. While Greg's no super genius, he isn't stupid. He can formulate strategies and adapt them if the situation calls for it. He's also pretty academically smart. As such, he won't have much trouble explaining things to others.

Loyal. Once someone gains Greg's trust, he won't betray them easily, unless they cross the lines he's set. In Greg's case, this means doing something morally wrong without proper justification (And it'd take very good justification), and even then, he'll be wary. Otherwise, get in Greg's good books, and you'll stay in them.

Creative. Greg has a very open mind and, in the event that a problem seems to be unsolvable, may try looking at it from a different angle and coming up with an idea that might just work. He's very creative. Expect him to throw curveballs in combat by performing unexpected maneuvers.

Determined: Greg is a determinator, through and through. Even if a task is difficult, you won't be finding Greg giving up easily. The only time Greg will ever give up on a task is if it's truly and utterly impossible without serious risk of injury or death. He may be determined, but as stated earlier, he's not stupid or reckless enough to risk his own life or the lives of others.

» Flaws:
Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.html

Shy. Greg struggles to socialize with other people, and as such will usually be found on his own unless someone talks to him, or it's a friend near him. You won't see him approaching people he doesn't know. He usually won't start a conversation first unless it's to question someone if they need help, or, if he needs help with something, to request help.

Fierce. While Greg is usually a calm and collected individual, if one were to push him far enough to lose his temper, he WILL immediately lash out at them in anger. Greg HATES bullies (can't be stated enough) and, as such, Greg doesn't get along with people who have superiority complexes very well, and abusive people will anger him much quicker than others.

Sarcastic. While Greg isn't usually one to insult another, Greg will point out any stupid mistakes that someone makes with a very large dose of Sarcasm, and that may offend people. He may also use small doses if someone asks a question to which the answer should be obvious.

Unforgiving. While Greg is usually willing to forgive most minor problems (Say, an argument over who gets a piece of loot, or an accidental bumping into him) he has with other people, if someone causes him a major problem (say, killing a close friend of his, or betraying his trust), he will find it VERY hard to forgive them, if he's able to forgive them AT ALL, and even then, it would be after a very large rant.


Profession: Blacksmith.


Level 20.

HP: 80.

Damage: 5 (1 base, 3 from Sword Skill, 1 from Anneal Blade).

Damage Mit: 7. (7 from Light Armor Skill)

Evasion: 3 (3 from Coat of the Azure Wind).

Accuracy: 0

Sword Arts: Slant (1x1), Vertical (1x1), Horizontal (1x1 AoE), Uppercut (1x2 Stun), Rage Spike (1x2 AoE), Snake Bite (2x1), Sonic Leap (3x1), Vertical Arc (2x2), Horizontal Square (4x1 Stun), Vertical Square (4x1 AoE), Vorpal Strike (1x5), Sharp Nail (3x2 AoE), Star-Quint Prominence (3x2 Stun)



Total Skill Points:51.

Unused Skill Points: 3.

Used Skill Points: 48.

» Light Armor (Rank 2)
» Concentration (Extra Skill)

Weapon skills:
» 1-Handed Straight Sword (Rank 4)
» Martial Arts (Extra Skill, Rank 0)

1 Essence of Steel (Upgrade a weapon from Good to Uncommon, Uncommon to Rare or Rare to Perfect.

1 Minor Healing Potion (+15 HP on use)

1 Matriarch's Stinger (+1 Damage for one thread)

1 Snowfrost Potion (Burn Resistance for one thread)

Anneal Blade (E)

Coat of the Azure Wind (E)


» [Private] Let's Hunt some Nepents! <Secret Medicine of the Forest> (Goldenarroz and Greg Baxen)
» [Open] Outside the walls (Lily Heartbreaker, Greg Baxen and Aramail).

» [Solo] Earning a Living

» [Private] Testing the Skills of: Greg Baxen (Silver Moon Guild- Hasai, Emblem and Greg Baxen) "incomplete"

» [Private] This Welcome's Worn Out! <Worn Out Welcome> (Hirru and Greg Baxen)

» [Open] Making New Friends (Teayre, Toothpick, Mythical, Lee and Greg Baxen)

» [Private] Row, Row, Fight the Power! <Breaking the Unbreakable> (Blue and Greg Baxen)

» [Private] The Taste of Ramen (Greg Baxen and Shizuka)

» [Private] Hack and Slash: A Beginner's Guide to the Hunt (Dora and Greg Baxen) "in progress"

» [Private] Watch out for Land Sharks! <Blood in the Sand> (Greg Baxen and Calrex)

» [Private] Not the Bees... or Wasps, in this case! <Long Live the Queen> (Greg Baxen and Calrex)

» [Private] And now for something completely different. (Shizuka, Greg Baxen and Koumori)

» [Solo] A Doppelganger...?! <The Gemini>

» [Private] <<Worn Out Welcome>> (Shizuka and Greg)

» [Solo] Material Hunting!

» [Private] A little cold can't hurt... right? <Avalanche> (Shizuka and Greg)

» [Private] The talk of two 'Blues' (Greg and Calrex)

» [Solo] How to tame a Dragon <Feeding the Enemy>

» [Open] Lions Tamed <Saying Vows> (Wedding of Tristan and Flints)

» [Open] Pack Party (Wedding Afterparty of Tristan and Flints)

» [Private] Pink and Blue in a Winter Wonderland (Greg and Shizuka)

» [Private] Small World (Varyin and Greg)

» [Private] Getting to know one another in the Crossing Field (Greg and Shizuka) "in progress"

» [Open] A small adventure (Tricolor_Mina, Evac, Celes, Shizuka and Greg) "in progress"

» [Private] Bandit Camp, Take Two! (Macradon and Greg)

» [Open] Exploring Aincrad- Act 1

» [Open] Caught In the Game

» [Private] Power Levelling, Start! <Essence of Steel> (Greg and Ssendom)

» [Private] Power Levelling, Act 2- Blazing Fury <Guardian of Fire> (Greg and Ssendom)

» [Private] KoB Social (KoB Members)

» [Private] Hot Springs Party (KoB and Guests)

» [Private] A Dirge for Azide (KoB and others) "in progress"

» [Open] Starting Out

(no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

Relationships (optional)
» Hirru: Greg doesn't really know Hirru that much, but Hirru did make a good enough first impression on him, and Greg definitely respects his strength and skill.

Blue: Again, Greg doesn't really know him all that much. He finds the acrobatics maneuvers a bit jarring (They do nothing for practicality, damn it!) but he is grateful to the tailor for making his <Coat of the Azure Wind>. He did accept a friend request from him, though.

Shizuka: Greg's first real friend and his ex-girlfriend. He still likes her but after their breakup, he would rather not have memories brought up of their time together.

Calrex: Greg gets along quite well with Calrex, due to their somewhat similar situations with Shizuka and Teayre respectively. He finds Calrex to be a nice person and generally sociable. He also looks up to Calrex, who he thinks is really strong.

Vayrin: Greg respects Vayrin's goals and determination, but feels there's something she's not telling him.

Story Thus Far (optional)

After logging into SAO and discovering that it was a death game, Greg met up with two players, Lily and Aramail, and begun hunting mobs with them. He has since finished that and moved onto the quest <Earning a Living> to become a Blacksmith. He has since completed the quest. He's not ready to open up shop just yet, though. After questing with Goldenarroz for a bit, he successfully completed the quest <Secret Medicine of the Forest>, and obtained an Anneal Blade. A while ago, he visited <The Blue Tailor> and attained <Coat of the Azure Wind>, a custom-made set of leather armor and, after that, took on the quest <Worn out Welcome> with Hirru! Completing this, he proceeded to take another quest, this time <Breaking the Unbreakable>, with the help of Blue, the tailor that made his coat! They succeded, and Greg unlocked the Martial Arts skill! Afterwards, he met Shizuka, and went hunting with her, developing a crush on her in the process. He hadn't told her yet, though he planned to. He tried this at one point, but then Koumori crashing into a cabbage cart de-railed that. In an attempt to grow strong so that Shizuka's strength doesn't totally eclipse his own, Greg took on the quest <Blood in the Sand> with Calrex's help, and then <Long Live the Queen>! Afterwards, he went to Floor 6 and had an encounter with <The Gemini>, which traumatized him due to taking the life of a being much like a human, even if it wasn't real. After this, he joined Shizuka for <Worn out Welcome>, on floor 3, though he was still feeling out of it. Partway through, Greg confessed his feelings to Shizuka, and their relationship as a couple started after a kiss after Shizuka comforted him. They went to a restaraunt together, ate, and talked for a bit. After Shizuka left, Greg found his way to Shizuka's shop and set up his own shop, the Sky Blue Smithy, right next to it. He then took on <Avalanche> with Shizuka. Afterwards, he attended the wedding of Tristan and Flints. After that, he attempted to tame a Dragon in the quest <Feeding the Enemy>, but failed. Shortly afterwards, he went out on a date with Shizuka on Floor 4, ending with him announcing plans to marry her in the future, and the two confirming their love for one another. He later met Vayrin while he was out gathering for materials, and ended up saving her from an Alpha Wolf. The two became friends and then went their seperate ways. After An undisclosed time period after that, Shizuka broke up with Greg, leaving him upset, but he understood why- he had simply been too inactive. Moving on from this, he opted to take on the quest <Bandit Camp>. He got the assistance of Macradon with the quest. After this, he gave in to curiosity and started exploring the other floors of Aincrad. Partway through he helped Barryt get the hang of the game, and continued exploring. He eventually got tired of being weak, and levelling was too slow, so he enlisted the help of Ssendom, the Berserker, in help powerlevelling. First, they did <Essence of Steel>. Then, they opted to take on <Guardian of Fire>. In the interlude after this, he enlisted with the <Knights of the Blood Oath>, going to both their social event and a hot spring party.

Edited by Greg Baxen
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