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Kiyoko's(Black Sweet Heart) journal

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Kiyoko, The Black Sweet Heart 5663da43db7428ce42c831a214efdd07.jpg

» Username: Black Sweet Heart
» Real name: Kiyoko Tomoko
» Age: 16
» Gender: Female
» Height: 4'7"

» About: History/personality

As the second child to a fairly well off family she was the baby and was more spoiled than her older brother. As they got older her parents lessened their spoils by giving them both an allowance to teach them what it really meant to earn something, but being the youngest had it’s benefits Kiyoko could bat an eyelash and still get whatever she wanted.


Use to getting whatever daddy could give her she never really worked hard at anything, even in school everything just seemed to be so easy. And with a personality where nothing was a challenge it was a little more than difficult to make friends. Kiyoko was envious of her brother. Even with his social awkwardness he’d manage to make friends just about everywhere they’d go. Envy then became anger as he’d never put them before video games. He’d just say that the virtual world was easier to get along with than the real thing.

Then came the big one, SAO (sword art online) a VMMO. To prove that her brother was wrong, she decided to also play SAO and teach him a lesson. Little did she know that she, would also become trapped in the same virtual hell.`

» Virtues:

Goal Oriented: Kiyoko is very Goal Oriented. Once Kiyoko get’s an idea in her head, she won’t let go. This makes her very focused on a singular task. Albeit being Saving her brother, or trying to find a lucky fork.

Combat Trained: To help deal with her anger, Kiyoko took up Kendo in Primary school. Kiyoko has won a few local, and several county tournaments and matches. In combat, Kiyoko is very focused and rarely gets frazzled.


Actress: Kiyoko knows how to act. She can produce tears on command, make her voice tremble, and seem in pain when she’s not. Kiyoko uses her acting abilities to get what she wants, it works on her parents why not everyone else?

» Flaws:

Jealousy: Kiyoko is and can be very jealous. Jealous of her brother’s friends, jealous of other things as well. Being jealous, makes her pout and stamp her foot, her jealousy hasn’t ruined any friendships, yet.


‘Short’ Fuse: Kiyoko is very easy to anger, and quickly jumps to conclusions. However, if her brother is present she’s very easily persuaded by him to calm down.

Short: Kiyoko is a tiny person. She can find some everyday things hard to do. Such as climbing, or reaching for objects. She has trouble reaching objects on the top shelves in stores, and couldn’t climb the tree in her backyard like her brother could. She also loses her temper, when people give her nicknames based on her height.



Profession: n/a




Weapon skills:
â–ºOne-Handed Curved Sword: 
Rank 1
The effectiveness with which a player can use one handed slashing swords. 

» Starter Curved Sword
» One handed curved sword (Eternal Harmony)0049.04.jpg

Relationships (optional)
» Lowenthal - Brother - http://www.sao-rpg.com/user/5536-lowenthal/
» Alucard (Alex) - Friend- http://www.sao-rpg.com/user/5557-alucard66/

» XplosivesRUs - Friend - http://www.sao-rpg.com/user/5555-xplosivesrus/

» Dante - Acquaintance - http://www.sao-rpg.com/user/5454-dante/

» Ssendom - Acquaintance - http://www.sao-rpg.com/user/5348-ssendom/

» Zelrius - Acquaintance - http://www.sao-rpg.com/user/346-zelrius/

Story Thus Far (optional)
» Training with Big bro and Alucard (Alex)http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/7467-pp-f1-how-to-do-battle-with-blacksweettart-xplosivesrus-alucard66/

» Meeting Ssendom and going on my first quest - http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/7447-pp-f1-secret-medicine-of-the-forest-ssendom/#entry390470 

» A quest with Alucard and XplosivesRUShttp://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/7584-pp-f2-long-live-the-queen-the-royal-pain-with-xplosivesrusblacksweetheart/



Eternal Harmony- 500 col - Gurando Foji - http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/5702-shop-f1-gurando-foji-the-grand-forge-open/page-15

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