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Lonely Anthem's Journal

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Lonely Anthem


» Lonely Anthem

» Matthew Ellis

» 16

» Male

» 6'2"

» About: Anthem was a very quiet person. He generally kept to himself and didn't trust others. This lead to others not trusting him. The reason for all of this was the extreme bullying he had been put through as a young boy.

Anthem escaped into the world of video games, Using SAO to escape reality. He had always liked playing stealth games and stealthy characters in rpgs. This causes him to choose a rouge-like character.

In the real world Matthew is a timid, shy, weak individual. But in videogames, he becomes Anthem, the unsung hero. He has wanted to be a hero for so long and SAO will give him that chance.

» Virtues:

Soft-heart: Anthem himself being the underdog for so long gives him a feeling of sympathy for those who are in need of help. This makes him gullible but he can be counted on to do the right thing.

Virtuous: Lonely Anthem focuses on supporting players even if they don't know they have been given support. He generally accomplishes this by stealing from higher ranked players and giving to lower level players. This can turn out really well for Lonely Anthem if he pulls it off but if not,chances are that there will be a new PKer in town.

Thoughtful: Anthem often will put others before himself. He will aid a player if the player is in distress. This includes financial to physical crisis. For example; if a player were to be low on food, Anthem would give that player some of his food. Which makes Anthem a sucker for the homeless.

» Flaws:

Lonely Anthem is aimless. He has no goal or direction in which he is headed. This often leads to him stumbling through all sorts of trouble to find a purpose. He will jump at the chance to help someone or do a quest to find out what it is he truly seeking.

» Anthem is Audacious. He has never truly fit in and it has caused him to act against those who do not accept him. In his defiance he goes out of his way to break rules or laws, landing him in big trouble. This is the basis of his thievery and rouge like traits. It makes rejection a bit hard on him however, he never holds a grudge for long.

» Anthem is extremely Rebellious. He acts, at times, against the common order or law just to say that he did it. He has always had a bone to pick with the society that never accepted him. He loves chaos that comes from breaking laws. This lands him in big trouble, especially if he goes a bit overboard.



Skill points: 3






» Martial Arts

Weapon skills:

» one-handed curved sword: rank one



» 10 bread

15 water

Cloth Clothing

Starting curved sword

Sand Armor potion

Col: 300


+ Titanomachy, -100 col


» [OP-F1]

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