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Username: darkness858665


Real name: Kida




Height: 5'9"


About: Kida's parents divorced when he was 5. Kida lived with his mother for 10 years. He lived with His dad for 7 years and moved out. Now Kida lives a life of wonder.

           Kida is still learning about his life and is finding more about other people. Kida fights only if he has to. He will never fight if he doesn't have to.

           Kida wishes he could meat others but just cant.  Ever sense Kida started living on his own, things have been changing for him.

           Kida started to be able to do things he never has been able to do. He can jump hight and run fast. He also has great balance.

           Ever sense Kida moved out from living with his parents he has gotten lots of skill. When Kida is alone, he practices fighting with swords because he isnt the greatest .

           Once he does get good he will be moving on to other things to help him in combat.





.Kind-hearted: Kida loves to help other people out. He will always help or unless it is really dangerous. Kida will not help only kind and helpful people.                                                        

 He will not stop what he is doing. If he does its because something is going on. Kida usually tries his hardest to do it.

When he hurts someone he is friends with, he starts to figure out how to fix what he did wrong. Sense Kida is kind-hearted he he gets mad everytime his friends gets hurt.

When he goes out, he does everything for people. Most of thie things he will do is for his friends and himself.



Faith: Kida has faith in a lot of things. Mostly in himself. When he is fighting he will keep reminding himself that he can do it. 

 He will never stop having faith in friends and especially himself. If he does you did something wrong. He will always have faith.

He loves doing things that require having faith in things and himself. If you fight with him he still has faith in you.

If everyone is nice to Kida he has lots of faith in everyone. Kida likes everyone having faith. That is the only way to help people out,

is having faith in each other.



Honesty: Kida has integrity and lots of truthfulness. He always tells everyone something bad. Kida hears something bad he goes and tells.

He will be truthful no matter what happens as long as it helps. When he is truthful he might attempt to make you mad on accident.

He loves to be truthful. He tries not to tell the truth about certain  things. If Kida is being honest he wants everyone to know about it.

He will be honest about everything he does, or unless he doesn't think he would want to tell anyone. If he does tell you and only you that means you are special to him.

Kida loves to be honest. It helps him and his friends out with what is going on.





» Flaws:


.gullible: Kida will believe almost everything that someone tells him. He may not take you serious sometimes.

Kida hates when someone makes him feel gullible. Kida doesn't mind it if it isn't anything that bad.

Once kida hears something gullible that hurts him he will not talk to you for a while. Kida loves to mess around with people.

Once they start telling Kida things that aren't true, he freaks out. Mainly because he is geing gullible. Kida sometimes wishes he wasn't so gullible.

If it makes his friends laugh and have a good time than that is all that matters to him. When they start to hurt him with what they are saying that is when he is done. 


Cannot keep a secret: Kida is hard at keeping secrets. Kida has a bad habit of telling everyone secrets sometimes. He tries to be honest about everything.

One of those honesty's is that him telling secrets if they need to be told to others. Kida cam keep some secrets but not all.

Just depends on how powerful they are.  Kida hates telling everyone secrets. When he does it he doesn't realize he is doing it.

He can only keep a secret if its really bad, or if it is a powerful secret to them. Every time he tells a secret that someone told him he gets mad at him self.

When it's his own secret he doesn't have a problem telling anyone. It is just when he tells someone else s he gets mad at him self. 



Flippant: When you try to talk to Kida he could be miles away. Sometimes he might reply but sometimes he really doesn't know what you are saying.

When he is in this state he has to be broken out of it sometimes. When Kida gets broken out he attends to freak out because he didn't know what happen.

He tries to listen but he just couldn't listen. He was to focused in doing something else that he was thinking about that instead of listening.

Some people get mad at him but it is just hard for him to listen sometimes. Some people make sure that he is paying attention when they are trying to talk or say something to him.

When ever people do that it helps Kida learn how to pay attention easier. One day Kida will be able to pay attention, well at least that is what he hopes.





Skills: one handed straight sword rank 1


Passive: Kida has zero skill points 




Weapon skills: one handed straight sword


Weapons/Tools: short sword 





Story Thus Far

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