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«Name» Morgue

» Username: Morgue90394
» Real name: Morgue Henry Ashford
» Age: 16
» Gender: Male
» Height: 5'9"

» About: Morgue grew up in a small home.His family had very little money and barely any food to survive through the days.As he got older things began to change for him.His parents eventually died and he had nobody to take care of him.About the age of 7 he started to steal food and drinks to live.He never had any social interaction so he never talked to anyone.He never had any friends to talk to so he became antisocial,but he can still be very friendly.Eventually he made one friend when he was about fourteen.His friends name was Sarah.She was also very antisocial and had no friends.They became best friends and started hanging out everyday at Sarah's house.Everyday they will also go around town playing around like normal teenagers.One day they were at a shop and they had seen a popular new game for sale and they had just enough money to buy two of them.Morgue stayed at Sarah's house late one night and here they are.Stuck in a virtual reality where they either live or die
» Virtues:
Friendly- Morgue is a very kind person always trying to help and putting others before himself.He will do whatever he has to do help other people whether they want him to or not.He will do whatever he has to to be able to be on somebody's good side.He will always try his best not to insult someone while he is angry or mad at that person.He usually only insults someone if someone insults him or one of his friends.

Forgiving- Morgue is a very forgiving person.If somebody were to insult him or anyone close to him,yeah,maybe he would be a little mad but he would forgive that person whether they were dead or alive.He will try the best he can to forgive someone.He usually only insults someone if he is on the last straw of being mad.

Loving- Morgue is a very loving person.He can be very passionate and caring.Ever since he lost his parents he has started caring more for people whether he likes them or not.He tries to help the best he can because he doesn't want to lose anyone else.

» Flaws:
Childish-Morgue can be very childish if he doesn't get his way.Most of the time he will not stop being childish until he gets what he wants which causes him to be annoying to lots of people.Still,somehow people still find a way to be his friend or ally and not be annoyed by him which causes him to be somewhat likable

Anxious- Morgue is full of mental distress and uneasiness because of fear of danger and misfortune because he lost his parents at a very young age and doesn't want to lose anyone else.He will do whatever he has to to help as many people as possible whether he will stay alive or die trying.

Blind- Somewhere around the age of four Morgue's parents started noticing that something was wrong with Morgue.They went to his mother's grandfather who was a doctor and found out Morgue was blind.Ever since then Morgue has developed a very good sense smell and very good hearing.



»Battle healing


Weapon skills:

»One Handed Straight Sword



Story Thus Far

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