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Darasu's Journal

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» Username: Darasu
» Real name: Darasu Morata
» Age: 19
» Gender: Male
» Height:  5'11

» About: Growing up with an older brother, Darasu was always competing to be above the lowest on the totem pole. His and his brothers friends often mingled and competed in sport, creating a social hierarchy. All his life he was competing, and when SOA came into existence, he saw another chance for a glory among his friends. / Darasu is a shy person, because often he wasn't the most skilled among his social circles. An introvert by nature, he enjoys spending time along more than he does being with others, and when he is in situations among others, he often keeps quiet and to himself.  If in an area of competition though, he will become arrogant and headstrong to prove his standing.

» Virtues:
(Loyal: Even though he prefers to be alone, the few people that Darasu does enjoy spending time with he commits to. He will gladly place his own safety for those he cares about, and will never say no to a friend in need. Because this,he will often put himself in the front of the line of battle.).

( Good Nature: While his words may not always be on point due to lack of social skills, Darasu always means well. While he never forgets about himself, rarely will he leave others behind. At the end of the day, he cares about the greater good, not personal gain.).

(Tactician Darasu loves strategy and incorporation of technique. His best games were those of RTS and war simulations. Because of this he has become very tactical in his thinking and observation. It makes him a good leader, and confident player).

» Flaws:

Headstrong His confidence in his ability more than often puts him in a position of danger. Whether solo or party playing, he is never one to wait for the battle to come to him. The young man often thinks he already knows it all, and because of this he has thirst and haste that are hard to subdue.).

(Indecisive  Even though he is a strategist, often Darasu arrives at two decisions that he can't choose between. This causes him to be lethargic in split second decisions, and because of his headstrong attitude, if he chooses the wrong option in because dire. This can also cause problems with other players, and if he is not loyal to a decision he has made, he can change course very easily. ).

(Loner While the player is able to be social, he often prefers to be alone. He feels that others are not as intelligent or skilled as he is, therefore he keeps to himself. This shows in his words, actions and beliefs. Part of him wishes that he could stay alone forever and survive in SOA with out the help of others, but that is unrealistic.).




» One Handed Straight Sword [ Novice; 1/5 ]

Weapon skills:

» Basic Straight Sword
» Cloth Clothing

» 10 Bread, 15 Water

» [solo/private/open]
» [solo/private/open]

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