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[PP-F2] Over the Fields We Go! (Astrid)

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Helios yawned as he laid back against a tree. He had come up to the High Fields of Crossing to relax for a little while. It had been weeks since he had last been to the second floor and it all felt so much different than the higher floors. He looked up at the clouds and imagined laying on top of one, drifting through the sky. He chuckled, feeling like a kid for the first time since he got into SAO. He didn't get to spend as much time relaxing as he used to. These days it was all about getting stronger and leveling up. His biggest dream was becoming strong enough to help in a boss fight. He managed to convince himself that if he kept working towards it, he'd be one of the strongest players in SAO. The wind brushed against his face and through the leaves. He sat there, staring at the virtual sky with all of it's virtual clouds and closed his eyes, slowly falling asleep.

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Wind whistled past the auburn haired girl's face, gently caressing it, reminding her of when her mother used to gently stroke her cheek whenever she entered the room as a sign of greeting. She was currently strolling through the High Fields of Crossing, admiring the large array of plant life. The colours and smells were quick to overpower her senses, making her feel warm and peaceful; almost sleepy. This is how she imaged Dorothy had felt when she was in the field of roses, from her favourite movie 'The Wizard of Oz'. The fact that she was in a safe zone, and that not many were there, didn't help her fend off the tiredness that was slowly moving its way throughout her body. Already her pace had slowed to a sluggish pace, and her arms hung limply at her sides while she gazed before herself with half lidded eyes. Astrid had come to the second floor to get away from her responsibilities and always present pressure of having to improve. Not that she deserved this break, being a player with such a low level, but she felt that the fact that her growing depression was going to consume her. Too many times had she cried whilst fighting a boar or wolf to level up, thinking that she may never be able to hear her parents' voices or feel their gentle and always living hands upon her. Too many times had she caught herself considering ending her own life before the game stole it from her, so she would at least have control of something in her now seemingly short life. But every time the episode of sadness left, she would be filled with new strength to improve, it would be quickly brought back by a wrecking ball through a building; hard and fast. She may not deserve said break, but she truly emotionally and mentally needed it.

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The young man watched as a girl crossed in front of him, looking exceptionally tired and upset. He stood up and carefully walked up to her, curious to know what was bothering her. "What's wrong?" Helios asked the young woman. He looked at her fatigued eyes and frowned, hoping she was alright. He scratched the back of his head trying to think of a way to cheer her up. He didn't want to bother the woman too much, but he at least wanted to know her name. "I'm Helios. What's your name?" the noirette asked. He studied the girl carefully. She was a lot shorter than Helios and she had reddish-brown hair. Behind her tiredness, she was actually quite pretty. He smiled at the young girl. "Anything I could help you with?" he inquired as the wind lightly blew through his dark, black hair.

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The young teen continued her lazy shuffle, so lost in thought that she didn't notice the male that was approaching, until he was right in frost of her. Her eyes opened with a start, her attention going to the male. "A- ah! N- nothing's wrong!" She lifted both hands, one going to scratch the back of her neck as she shook the other one, as if to brush away any concern he held for her. She bowed to him after he introduced himself. "I'm Astrid, it's a pleasure to meet you Helios!" She chirped, flashing him a closed mouth smile, pushing all negative feelings down along with her tiredness. She looked up at his face, her eyes wandering over his features before resting at his eyes. They were a pretty green colour. "Nope, nothing at all. Everything's fine." She said in a reassuring tone; she couldn't have strangers worrying about her.

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