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«Kazuo» The Knight


» Username:Kazuo Kiriyama

» Real name:Alex Fosdick

» Age:25

» Gender:male

» Height:5'10"

» About: Alex (Kazuo) is actually an American. He was in the military stationed in Japan when the game (SAO) was released. Being an avid RPG fan, he decided to pick it up and give it a try. Little did he know what would happen as a result.


Alex was born in the United States. He grew up in a medium income family, and went to a private school. As a child, he was always soft spoken, and quick to emotion. While he was never physically abused, the other children would bully him verbally. He often got called names like crybaby, and he became very angry with himself for letting his emotions control him so much.

The house Alex grew up in was located on a beautiful golf course about 10 miles away from anything else, and there were no other children in the neighborhood. His parents were always busy, and Alex was always afraid to ask them to take him to people's houses. And plus, it's not like he had any friends to go visit anyway. He was the outcast in a class of only 60 people.

The summer Alex turned 8, he discovered RPGs. Being lonely and wanting to escape the reality of his life, he completely immersed himself in each one he could get his hands on. They let him run from the life he had into a life he wanted.

When he returned to school, Alex was a changed boy. While still the outcast of his class, he no longer cared. If anything, he reveled in being the 'strange' one. Any time he felt his emotions rising to the surface, he pushed them down and imagined it all as another RPG.

As the years went on, Alex's grip on his emotions became more and more firm. He began using logic to reason through things, rather than letting his emotions show. Eventually he got to the point of showing little to no emotion at all, keeping it all bottled in. In school, he always got top marks without trying, though he never did homework so his grades dropped.

He made friends here and there, but they were short lived as grade school and high school relationships tend to be. After high school he lost touch with all of the people he had talked to.

Alex went to college, but given so much freedome he skipped class often, preferring the virtual worlds to the real one. As a result he failed out, and wound up working at a local grocery store.

Needing a change, and understanding he lacked the discipline to maintain himself, Alex made the only choice he found logical and joined the US Navy. He entered into the nuclear program and completed his training. He was assigned to the USS George Washington, stationed in Bremerton, Washington.

About a year and a half later, the Washington changed duty stations to Japan, and Alex moved with them. While he still enjoyed RPGs, Alex had learned to control himself and manage his time in the military, and so played only in his free time.

But 2 years later, when a brand new full immersion RPG came out, Alex knew he had to get it. He put in for some leave, wanting to be able to play this new game for a couple days before he went back to work. When he didn't come back from his leave, the military quickly tracked him down. There was some debate about trying to remove the nerve gear, but ultimately the decision was made to leave it since no one else had survived the device being removed.






Kazuo is used to coming up with unique solutions to problems. He can analyze situations and come up with solutions other people might not think of. Sometimes the ideas he comes up with will be random or off the wall, but he always seems to make them work. He doesn't think of his problem solving much, but others may often turn to him to come up with solutions or to bounce ideas off him.


Because he never had many friends and does not make friends easily, Kazuo will do almost anything for those he considers friends. While achieving a friendship status may be difficult, it is worth it in the long run. Nothing is off limits for someone he considers a friend, but if his trust is broken he will become very vengeful and it will be difficult if not impossible for that person to regain Kazuo's friendship.


Kazuo is very patient, and once he begins something he wants to see it through to the end. Once he has a goal in mind, he will stop at nothing to achieve it. He will not, however, compromise his values. Every goal has a legitimate means of achieving it, and he will not resort to lying or underhanded tricks. He will encourage others to see things through, but may criticise them if they go about it 'the wrong way'.

» Flaws:

Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.html


Kazuo will tell the truth, no matter what. It doesn't matter if it hurts someone or not. He doesn't like people who lie, and he refuses to be one. While this doesn't make him very many friends, because often people don't like hearing the truth, the ones he does make will see the value in someone who will be brutally honest with them. Even when telling the truth may get him in trouble, he will not hesitate.


Kazuo has learned to bottle all his emotions, and letting them show is very difficult for him. He feels very little sympathy for people, especially when it is for something they brought on themselves. Often it's not that he doesn't feel emotions, just that he won't show them, and many people may misinterpret this.


Kazuo does not have much positive expierence dealing with people. As a result, he is very gullible and cannot easily recognize lies and sarcasm. He will take what people say at face value. He is easily deceived and may often find himself wasting time on fake stories. His own sense of honesty and his belief that most other people would also be honest plays into this.









Weapon skills:

»1 handed war hammer - rank 1

Unused points:0



»mace Heavy-Flanged-Mace-Hole-y.jpg



Relationships (optional)

»None yet

Story Thus Far (optional)

»None yet

I can add a lot more to background if anyone cares, I just wanted to get something simple up for now. And plus, wouldn't it be part of the rping process for people to try and get to know him?

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