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Hikiri's journal

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» Username:hikiri

» Real name:myia

» Age:16

» Gender:female

» Height:6.1

About: History/personality

Hikiri is a high school girl who was always diferent and was always a out sider she has no friends and has no family she lives with her older brother. She has red hair and blue eyes. She is skinny because she refuses to eat alot because she is alergic to a lot of things. She loves the color black.

When hikiri was little she played videogames at her grandparents house, but they were not the greatest of grandparents. Soon after the cops shown up and arested them for killint hikiri's parents. She was then put into foster care and thet left her with people that were just too mean to her. They beat her, they stole the little food she could eat, and they made her do all their work. She started to learn how to defend herself after that, but one think was lost for ever: her voice. She lost her voice because she didn't need it. The other, even the staff, never wanted to hear what she had to say.


Kindness: hikiri has always been kind to animals and her brother. If she meets a friend she will undoubtedly be kind to them. She didn't like being nice and kind to people but it was in her blood her parents were the same way and she cant help but to be kind and help someone in need, then run off before anyone sees her.

Loyalty: hikiri is not only kind but loyal she will never leave her animal friends and her brother or anyone who deserves it like a friend. Ever since her brother came to get her away from the foster home she would never leave his side. She helps him in any way she can all the time.

Intelligence: hikiri has learned to take in the surrounding area and find out what she needs to know to complete what she has to do.she also has read many books at her grandparents and her brothers house so she knows how to compute the problem in her head, the downside she needs to sit and think to do this.


Reference: http://www.darkworld...lore/flaws.html

Shy: hikiri is so shy she is a solo player because she hates being center stage because she has been picked on so much. What happend at the foster home would explain this just right. While every one ate she stat in the corner watching.

Trust aware: she has a habit of not trusting people, this is the reason she has no friends at all. Her grandparents, the foster people, kids around the block and school are all reasons that hikiri dont trust people. She has been wronged so many times she only trusts her brother now.

Ruthless: in heat of battle hikiri loses control and goes overboard, she wont stop fighting untill the player is dead. When she was in the foster home (this place built her and made her the way she is) she had to fight for food and for her life so she developed this trait because of fear of dieing.










Weapon skills:



Weapons/Tools: one handed straight sword

10 Bread

15 Water

1x Basic One Handed Straight Sword

Basic Clothing


» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle

» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress

(no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

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Story Thus Far (optional)post-5798-0-55743500-1436221759_thumb.jppost-5798-0-55743500-1436221759_thumb.jp

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