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[PP-F2] Colors (Mayuri)

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Emblem finished the climb to the top of the crossing fields and admired the field. Flowers and plants of every color dotted the landscape. He took a deep breath then walked to a small tree towards the entrance and slumped down with his back against the trunk. He looked out at the flower and smiled. He felt his familiar Aisu land on his head and pop his head down and smile. Hey Ren! I was hanging out with Shien today. It was great! Emblem giggled then watched his dragon hatching lick his face. He pulled the sword of his back and set it down next to him then pulled his scarf off. Emblem picked a rose then pulled the thorns of one by one. He had done this a lot in IRL and dozens of memories came back to him as he stripped the rose. 

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Mayuri found herself walking to the Crossing Fields because it was just too pretty to pass up. Mai loved flowers, and she loved that the mountain top garden was a safe zone. So it was one of her favorite places to be. She’d had nothing planned that day and thought it might be nice to lay beneath the shade of a tree and watch the clouds pass for hours while surrounded by perfect fields of colored blooms. It was like something out of a dream to her.


The gir skipped along the path until she reached the path that lead through the Crossing Field. As she approached she saw someone sitting there with a peculiar creature licking his face. “Oh my goodness!†Mai squealed as she bounced over.†What is it?†She asked curiously as she looked at the tiny creature. “It’s sooo CUUUUTE!†She squeaked. “Can I hold it?†She really just wanted to hold the very cute thing and squish it a little.

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Emblem gave a confused look at the girl then pointed up to his ice dragon hatchling. "Sure I guess" Emblem looked up at the familiar and asked her. "Are you okay with it?" He watched as Aisu nodded her head then jumped into his hands. "Here you go." Emblem Put the dragon into the girls arms and smiled. He got a better look at the girl to see she was much older than him. Emblem smiled and began to talk. "Her name is Aisu." Emblem loved the name his friend Cho had come up with. "My names Emblem but feel free to call me anything you like! If you mind you asking. What's your name?"

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Mai clapped her hands together as the boy and his cute pet agreed to let Mai hold it. He handed her the creature and Mai took it up in her arms cooing over the adorableness that was whatever it was that she was holding in her arms “ You’re very pretty Aisu! Yes you are!†She giggled and hugged the pretty thing. “Um… what is it exactly?†Mai said realizing that she’d no Earthly idea what she was holding.


The boy introduced himself and Mai smiled brightly. “It’s very nice to meet you Emblem… my name is Mayuri,†she said as she removed one of her hand’s from Aisu and offered it to the boy. 

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Emblem took the girls hand and shook it. She's a Ice Dragon hatchling. I found her on top of the biggest mountain on floor 4 with my best friend Cho. Emblem blushed as he recalled the moment then shook out of it. It's nice to meet you Mayuri! Emblem grinned at the woman. He heard the Ice dragon begain to communicate with him. Ren I like this girl! She said I'm pretty! Emblem giggled then responded Well you do have a knack for girls liking you. Emblem smiled at the girl. She really like's you! 

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Emblem shook her hand and Mai smiled brightly; the young woman always enjoyed meeting new people. Emblem explained that what Mai held in her arms was an ice dragon as if the information were very casual and commonplace knowledge. “A Dragon?!?!†Mai’s mouth went slack jaw as she was completely in awe over the boy owning a baby dragon. She held Aisu out and took a good look at her as she admired the creature.


“I wasn’t even aware there were dragons in this game!†She exclaimed. “Oh my gosh… you’re amazing!†She cooed again at the hatchling. She scratched under the dragon’s chin as Emblem spoke to her. “She likes me?†The young woman’s face and bright teal eyes lit up like it was Christmas. “I like you too!†She said hugging the dragon close. Mai loosened her arms realizing that baby dragons might not like close cuddles.


“Sorry Aisu, didn’t mean to squish you!†She apologized.

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Emblem giggled as he saw the woman adoring over the small dragon. He watched as the dragon did something she liked to do when she showed off. Aisu took of into the air spitting snowflakes into the air filling the air with sparkling white snowflakes. How about that! Mayuri! Emblem doubled over laughing. It had been a long time sense he had done that. The last time being for her best friend Shien. She really really likes you! Aisu flew over and licked Mayuri's face before going back to Emblem and landing on his shoulder tired. Well Mayuri what brings you here?

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Mai was surprised when the dragon took off out of her arms and soared up into the sky. Snowflakes began to fall upon Mai’s head and the girl looked up wide eyed and amazed that the tiny dragon could do something so lovely. Mayuri giggled and spun as the tiny flakes dusted her and clung to her hair before turning into little beads of water that now dotted her hair and clothing like morning dew upon a flower. The boy laughed but Mai was too busy admiring the falling snow to join in.


“She really, really likes you!†He said as he laughed.


“I really like her too,†Shay grinned.


The baby dragon flew over to her and licked her cheek causing Mai to giggle. She turned quickly and planted a kiss on the baby dragon’s nose before it flew off and over to the boy it belonged to.  Emblem asked why she had come to the second floor and the girl smiled. “I like to visit the garden… it’s my favorite place I’ve found thus far. How come you and Aisu are here?†she asked in return. 

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I like to come here after my guild stuff. Emblem earlier had come back from his guild meeting. Our guild is called Silver Moon. Emblem was proud to be in the guild. Not to mention being a council leader. Once you level up a bit I'd be more than glad to tell my guild leader about you! We're always looking for new recruits! Emblem hoped the girl would consider being tested for the guild. She seemed nice enough but wondered if she could handle fights. Lot's of people including himself despised the fights in the game but he solely was driven by protecting someone so he wondered what her story was.

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Mayuri smiled as the boy explained his reasoning for being there but grimaced when he mentioned maybe her joining his guild once she leveled up more.


 â€œOh…†she said as she looked away sheepishly.


“I actually belong to a guild already. It’s called Guardians of Aincrad. Our leader, Lessa, well she’s a frontliner, and she wants to help me build myself up so I can be a supporter and heal others in battle.  But that’s really sweet of you to consider me for your guild. We could go on a mission sometime if you like. I usually go with Life, he’s very sweet and he’s been to the frontlines too! I’ve had the good fortune of making friends with several strong players.†She beamed. 

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Emblem's eyes widened and his mouth dropped. Y-Your a Gaurdian of Aincrad! A Guild of front liners! No Way!! Emblem stood up astonised he never would have guesses that she was part of such a prestound guild. Not to mention a guild of clearers. He wasn't at all sad that she couldn't join the guild. That's amazing! Emblem could only dream of becoming a clearer but because of his pre-teen age no one took him seriously. He felt lucky enough to be that high of a rank in the guild but to be a clearer was almost like saying he could join the military at the age of 12. 

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“Thanks, but we’re not all frontliners, just our leader and her associate. Their goal is to train us to be good enough to get there ourselves, so I suppose in the end we all may end up on the front, but that’s still awhile from now,†Mai smiled bashfully. She was still so low a level that it was hard to take the idea of her on the frontlines seemed impossible, however she did love the idea of being able to heal other players while they fought to protect her and the rest. There were other reasons for her desires too but thinking about them only made the young woman blush thinking about it so she would save that for later.

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Emblem gave a grin that would be seen on little kids when they have something to hold against there friend as she blushed. So who's that special someone you want to protect? He knew that face all to well mostly because he has had that face himself. Life??? Emblem was on the verge of laughter but heard his familiar scold him. Ren! Stop teasing her! Emblem giggled then looked up at his ice dragon and smiled. Yeah Yeah okay! Emblem apologized to the girl. So how old are you? He wanted to know just about ow old people training to be front liners were.

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“WH-WH-WHAT?!?!?!?†Shay said rather flustered.


 How did he know that there was someone? Her face went red at the mention of his words and she placed her hands over her cheeks.  â€œI uh- there isn’t… any… oh dear!†Mai said as she shook her head.


She had thought it might be nice if she were useful to Life since he was the one that was constantly helping her, but Shay hardly knew him! She couldn’t be sure if he were someone special or not!  Her face glowed hot as she stumbled over her words, and she placed her hands over her face to hide the fact that more than anything she wanted to curl up in a ball and die of sheer embarrassment. Emblem laughed but that only made the girl retreat further.


Emblem started to apologize and she uncovered her face slowly as she pouted. Shay didn’t like being teased this way. Her brothers always teased her like this and it drove her up a wall. The fact that the boy was doing it now actually made her miss her dorky little brothers even more so than she already did. Things settled down and her face resumed its normal lovely fair tone. She was asked how old she was and she responded,†I’m seventeen. I just turned seventeen a few weeks ago.â€

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Oh- well happy late birthday. Here you can have this! Emblem handed the girl the rose he had been picking the thorns of and smiled. Here you go! Happy birthday! Emblem got up from his seat leaning on the tree and felt his dragon get up and give him one last lick before climbing up to the top of his head and go to sleep. Want to go for a walk through the field? Emblem began walking through the flowers feeling the petals brush on his legs. He loved the feeling and it reminded him of his grandmothers house in Kyoto.

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Mai smiled as she was being offered the pink rose the boy had been holding since she arrived. She reached for it and twirled it between her fingers. “Thank you,†she said to him and ruffled his hair playfully, like she would do to one of her little brothers.  The younger boy asked if she’d like to go on a walk. Mayuri nodded, “ But of course,†it’s why I’m here,†she said as she began to follow along beside Emblem quietly as they crept through the flowers. “So tell me…. How old are you?†she asked him curiously wondering how much younger than Javi the boy was. 

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Emblem heard the girl ask her what his age was. Ummmm well. Emblem thought of lying about his age but felt he owed it to the girl. I turned 12 about a month ago. â€‹Emblem blushed and looked down at the ground embarrassed. He hated how young he was and knew that most people shunned him or treated him like a little kid. Emblem looked down at the ground then looked back up at the woman. I know I know. Emblem mimicked the other players responses to your age. Dont leave the first town, Stay away from mobs, Are you okay! â€‹Emblem looked back towards the ground embarrassed.

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Mai smiled. It seemed he was right between Javi and Marcus’s ages, not really old enough to be running free, but also not a baby either. He carried on and lamented over his treatment from other players and she frowned. While she certainly understood why others might be upset, he did have the right to fight and take care of himself, even if he was so little and seemed so helpless.


“I… uh… was just going to tell you to be careful,†she smiled as she brushed his little blond bangs out of his bright blue eyes.


“I think they tell you these things because no one wants to have to tell your parents that you died, or how. It’s one thing for me to do it; I’m almost an adult, but you… well…†Mayuri resisted the temptation to grab the younger boy and hug him like she would always do to her brothers when she was feeling protective of them. Thinking that he might not appreciate the action she left it be. “Just… be smart… don’t fight anything you can’t handle, keep lots of heals, and if things get out of control… run. There’s nothing in dying foolishly.â€

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Emblem ginned. Thank you mam. I never really thought about it that way. at the mention of parents he remembered his brothers death and dropped to the ground. He had never thought that when he got out of this game what he would have to tell his parents how his brother had died. Emblem curl up in aball and began crying. Im so sorry Kaziki. It's all my falt. Emblem closed his eyes remembering his friend was there. He looked up at Mayuri with tears coming out of his eyes. I'm sorry. Emblem cursed himself. He had promised himself that he wouldn't cry anymore. Emblem wiped away his tears and sulked looking at the ground.

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One second the young boy was smiling and the next he was down upon the ground looking rather distraught. He began to cry and curl up into a ball and without a though Mai got down on the ground beside him and pulled the younger boy up into her arms hugging him as tightly as she could. “Don’t cry… please don’t cry,†she said rocking him gently, like her mother often did to her when she was younger and when she would cry.


Mayuri stroked the boy’s hair softly until he was calmer and he looked up at her with large watery tears still in his eyes. Mai was about to wipe them up for him with the sleeve of her top, but Emblem apologized to her and wiped them away himself. “There’s nothing to be sorry for.†She said not knowing why he’d gone to tears in the first place. She knew he must’ve lost someone, just not who. “You get it then…†she said and sighed, “It’s why it’s important that you follow my rules so you can go home and then everyone you  know and love won’t have to cry like this too, okay?†she said as she hugged him once more and then let him go. 

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