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Glory's Journal

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Glory's Journal




» Username: Glory

» Real name: Kitamura, Aimi

» Age: sixteen

» Gender: female

» Height: 5"4


⭐️About: History/personality

Aimi was born in Osaka, Japan and has lived there her whole life in a Danchi filled with all of her relatives and a few close family friends. Her mother and father had only one child, her, and kept their way of life in the city very traditional. Aimi would wear kimonos and slippers until she was skilled enough to walk in Geta sandals. Her mother would wear the same, and every room in their small apartment home happened to be styled like a Washitsu room. Despite being only middle class Aimi attended a private school because her father wanted the best education for her that would mean getting enough money to move to America in the future.


City life was exciting to Aimi who was super shy since birth. School even more than that because many girls would approach her for being "adorable" so making friends with people came easy even if Aimi would hardly speak they seemed to stick with her. Because of being surrounded by such a nice, large, outgoing family at home and kind students in school Aimi learned to trust and love everyone she met, even if they aren't the nicest. 


Every day Aimi's mother (because she was a chef in the making) would conjure up large meals and on the weekends would host hot-pot nights where everyone crowded around tables and ate from simmering pans filled with various foods. Being so cultured Aimi's family only ate Japanese food. With a family of petite women of the average Japanese weight Aimi stood out once she began gaining weight which led her to insecurity, especially every time she looked in the mirror. Her friends and family would say nothing about her chubbiness and even call it "cute" at times but in Japan most aren't too fond of pudginess and Aimi knew that so she disliked her appearance.


For a while Aimi didn't really like how she looked and she still doesn't but found out that in RPG games you could make yourself look like anyone you wanted. Her only male friend decided to get Aimi into gaming and showed her his character online which interested Aimi so she made her own female character making the woman appear how she wished she could. Aimi didn't have technology in her home besides an old television and radio so she could only game when going to her friend's home but when she did Aimi loved every second of it. 


So you could imagine how Aimi felt when Sword Art Online came out which her friend was going to get, the same one who introduced her to gaming and promised to let Aimi play first. She went over to his house on the release day and patiently waited to get and see the game for herself. Aimi made an unbelievable character that was nothing like her which built her confidence and was glad to finally be the person she wanted in a virtual reality. But being stuck in the game and looking like her old self really brought Aimi down, and she wished her friend had never let her take the first turn. At least she had her name "Glory" so maybe that would change things for her in the game.




peace. Ever since birth Aimi has been a very nice and peaceful person. She wants nothing more than harmony and kindness all around. Even though world peace might seem impossible to a lot of people especially in SAO, Aimi won't have any of that and believes any situation or bad person can become calm through zen meditation and relaxation to achieve tranquility.


selflessness. You will never find Aimi worrying about her own emotional needs before someone else's. Unless it's about food Aimi will always think about how another person or friend is thinking instead of caring about her own thoughts at the time. She always wants to make sure everyone's a-okay before the get go.


sense of humor. Her father always said "women with a good sense of humor are the most attractive" so that's what Aimi thinks too. She never backs down when it comes to cracking a joke though it'll take her a while due to shyness to actually say them out loud. Her humor has been developing since a young age and because of her good sense of humor Aimi also laughs a lot and at almost anything funny or entertaining.


trustworthy. Aimi is a very, very honest girl with good morals and intentions. You'll never catch her lying (about something important) or covering up for someone's bad deed whoever that person may be. You could trust Aimi with your life if you put it in her hands. She'd never let anyone down even if they're a stranger and is the person you'd go to first to tell an important secret.




Reference: http://www.darkworld...lore/flaws.html

insecurity. A deep sense of insecurity has developed in Aimi because of her weight. Where she lives her body would be thought of as "chubby" so Aimi thinks she's over-weight and hates to talk about the subject of how many kilograms she is anywhere. A lot of people call her cute and the name Aimi represents beauty itself but she still dislikes how thick she is compared to other girls.


gullible. She will believe anything that anyone says unfortunately. Aimi is extremely naive and innocent, so super easy to manipulate or control because persuading her is simple even for the dumbest of dumb. She's not unintelligent but trusts everyone so much that she's become gullible.


food obsession. Gluttony almost controls Aimi's life. Her addiction to food comes from a chef mother that cooks large meals and stuffs her child because "children can never get enough food". Aimi's appetite is a large one she'll never turn down a food offering but this also lead to her insecurity and weight issues.


shyness. You'll notice Aimi is a super shy girl when you first meet her because she'll get red in the face, stutter and cower up. Shyness comes from her insecurity, she would rather not know what you want to say about her or to her so she keeps away from most. It takes a long, long time to get past her shyness. So far only her family has done this.


pushover. Whatever you want Aimi will do it. At school she regularly got tricked into completing work for students around her but never noticed or really cared. Being a pushover distracts Aimi from her goals because she will never let anyone down no matter what.


Profession: none yet.












Weapon skills:

» two-handed straight sword (novice)





» claymore

» destiny [equipped]



NAME: Destiny

TYPE: Weapon, Two-Handed Straight Sword

ENHANCEMENTS: +2 Damage, +1 Accuracy

DESCRIPTION: A glittery two-handed claymore sword that reflects true natural beauty when in the light and guides its wielder to  fated victory.


» fortune [equipped]


Item: <Fortune>
Item Type: Lucky Charm
Quality: Perfect
Enhancement: +2 Evasion, +1 Recovery
Description: A lovely pink bracelet that ensures good luck and a fated destiny that leads to ultimate victory for the wearer.


» 15 water

» 10 bread



» pink and white knee-length, long-sleeved tunic [equipped]

» brown short-shorts [equipped]

» white ankle-length stockings [equipped]

» brown and pink accented ankle-boots [equipped]



» 1800 COL

» 29 materials



» [private] guardian. in progress

» [private] friends and enemies. 2 SP

» [solo] snatching materials. 1 SP

» [private] a little help. incomplete

» [private] a new encounter. 1 SP

» [private] searching for food. in progress

» [private] frolicking in fields. incomplete

» [private] a glorious meeting. incomplete

» [private] there is glory. incomplete

» [private] city lights. incomplete

» [private] florenthia. abandoned quest

» [private] cherry blossoms. incomplete


(no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)


- 4/9 Skill Points



⭐️Relationships (optional)

-- Takao -- Friend

-- Koumori -- Boyfriend~

-- Jevi -- Guardian Angel <3



⭐️Story Thus Far (optional)


⭐️COL&MAT Transactions



+400 COL from friends and enemies

+400 COL from snatching materials 

+38 MATs from snatching materials

-5 MATs from Jevi's Blacksmith shop

+1000 COL from a new encounter

-4 MATs from Teayre's artisan shop

⭐️Sword Arts


(I) Avalanche -1x1 & Stun - A high hitting high-level two-handed sword art.

(I) Blast - 2x1 & AOE & Stun - Two sweeping horizontal strikes which stun opponents.



Edited by Glory
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