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[PP-F11] The Cathedral

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Zelrius sat in the distance of the cathedral in a far off drab looking watch tower. He had walked up many flights of stairs to get to the top of it and now looked out over the city. Thankfully for him, There were no other players at the top of the Watch tower, given that there were many throughout the large city and not a whole lot of players went on up to the Eleventh floor to begin with, not to mention the ones who did were out exploring and doing what they do best: Absolutely nothing. Some people nowadays. He thought to himself watching a couple walk by, whether they were NPC or not, Zelrius hated them. More focused on trivial things like that than they are with escape or return to the Old World, tch. The boy stood, His all black tuxedo being rather nice for this floor as it wasn't terribly hot like Floors Five or Nine. He pulled back on his black gloves, before fixating the similarly colored  bow tie into place and straightened the rest of, dusting off the Slacks. 

He sighed, turning and walking back down the stairs, the golden sheath on his hip bouncing and lightly tapping each stone step behind him as the boy made his descent. His golden hair was clean and neat today, given he had yet to put on the tinted red hydra helm, and as always, the Pendant was centered around his neck and the gem piece itself laid in the square center of his chest, with the exception of it swaying back and forth every time the heels of his dress shoes clicked down to the next stair. Still some time before the Boss fight. How tedious of them to tease and make me wait like this. Hurry up with your scouting, Mari.

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Shaya appeared on floor 7 which was a major accomplishment for her as is, but she was here to find someone. She ran through the streets in search of someone that promised her that he would take her to see the cathedral. She quickly charged into the watch tower not thinking how high it would be. Upon reaching the top She found exactly who she was looking for, Zelrius. She nearly collapsed after running all that way, Hey.. Zelriu- take me to the cathedral.

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The boy heard footsteps coming up the stiars and glanced up from his feet to see a familiar face: Shaya. Instantly, his thoughts went back to their last meaning, and more importantly, how it ended. Being slightly embarrassed the boy took a single step back and looked away when he saw her. It was what she said that drew his attention back to her. "Salutations and Greetings I suppose, Lady Shaya," The 'lady' part as sarcastic and emphasized as ever in light of some of the first words they spoke to eachother. "I didn't expect to see you on a floor this High. I was going to wait until after the boss fight to offer you to go here, isn't that what we agreed on?" The blonde haired boy not dare bring up how their last meeting ended, he simply kept his narcissism as ever.


(OOC, Your post says Floor Seven when it's Floor Eleven. Just thought I'd let you know xD)

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Shaya quickly caught her breathe and listened to what he had to say. Well, well as arrogant and sarcastic as ever isn't he? Yes, that is what we agreed on but, I thought I'd catch you early when you didn't have anything to do. She then looked around noticing how high she was off the ground, her skin seemed to turn pale from her fear instantly. She dropped to the floor hugging herself in a ball. Z-zelrius.. please t-take me down.. She reached her arm out to him trembling, please.. I'm too scared of heights.

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The boy grinned back to her "I suppose I am not that busy. Though I do think today is Lowenthal's birthday and I have to get ready for that. So don't get too attached with me today, Unless of course you'd like to come to the party as well." He said lightly grabbing her wrist and pulling her a bit close as he made his way toward the stairs that led back down out of the watch tower. "How do you want to get down? Want me to carry you down or just lead you down?" A flick of golden hair, trying to find out what his limits are.

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Shaya shook uncontrollably  throughout the whole time Zelrius was talking. I don't want to go if it would seem like I'm intruding.. If not, then I wouldn't mind. She began to calm down from the distraction of communicating with Zelrius, but that was short lived after he asked how she wanted to get down. She replied instantly seeing as she didn't want to be up there at all, I don't care! Whatever is fastest without me dying! She began panicking , yelling and starting to hyperventilate. She grabbed his hand tightly trying not to pass out due to her fear. Please hurry.. I-I can't be up here, not this high. Shaya grabbed her head with her free hand envisioning what had happened when she was younger, managing to hold on just by a thread wrapped around her leg on a broken bridge over a large canyon.

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Zelrius smirked, nodded then said "One 'get me the hell out of here' coming right up, princess." Quickly swinging his left hand behind her knees and his right hand behind her back and picking her up. The boy, using his evasion and athletics skills to quickly jump and run down the stairs with haste, exiting the watch tower and getting on ground level with the rest of the town. "As for the party: You wouldn't be intruding, I was informed I could bring one other and most of the people I know are either already invited or are missing. Note that if you do plan to go, You need a Bathing suit as it is a beach party. If you don't have one, You can pick one up at Albatross & Finch."

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Shaya held Zelrius tightly as he made a smart remark, getting them down almost as quickly as she wanted. Though there was a lot more falling than she had intended to ask for. She still held onto him knowing that she was safe once more. T-thank you Zelrius. She wrapped her arms around his neck hugging him. He then began to talk about the party he invited her to accompany him at. Saying that she would be swimming of all things. She blushed out of embarrassment, I'd love to join you.. but.. I can't swim.. She then turned away from Zelrius not wanting to admit another fear she had so soon after him learning her first.

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Zelrius continue to have her lifted up while they conversed, and hadn't even realized it. "You don't have to do swimming. There is Volleyball and tons of other stuff to do. If worse comes to worse, I am sure someone there would love to teach you," He was being presistent this time, Given that during their last meeting had gone horrible and for the most part, Zelrius was passive. This time around, He wasn't going to just sit idly by. "Of course, if you really don't want to go, feel free to tell me, and I will invite someone else."

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Shaya looked at him as he explained that someone could teach her to swim, and sighed. It's not because I don't know how, that I can't swim. It's... I just can't. She turned away from Zelrius again not wanting to tell him the truth. No, I would still love to go, it sounds like it'll be a lot of fun. I can do everything else, just not swimming. She looked a little disappointed but quickly brightened up again, This gives me a chance to show off my summer body! I haven't worn a bikini ever since I got here. What do you think would suit me best, red or blue?

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"Well that's fine. I am sure Lowenthal would appreciate it if as many people came as possible." The boy laughed, not going to press on as to why she didn't want to swim, guessing it was probably something to do with her previous to the old world. For a second he thought and glanced her up and down "I am going to say blue. Though to be honest, I think you'd look pretty great in both." The boy himself got a bit pink hue on his face, slightly embarrassed by the question and unsure how to answer

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She smiled up at Zelrius, I thought so. She smirked at him noticing he was blushing a little bit, she giggled to herself. I think you're just saying that so I would model both for you. She gave him a subtle glare, but then started to blush herself realizing Zelrius would be wearing the same type of attire. I wonder how he looks without a shirt to be honest. He doesn't show too much, but maybe he'll let loose at the party. She hit herself in the cheeks getting her mind straight. Oh what am I thinking? I'd much rather see Jevi in a swimsuit. She blushed a little more hoping it wasn't too obvious.

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"Maybe I am just saying that so I can see both. Or Maybe I really don't know which to answer with, Given I have never seen you in either." His response was filled with narcissism as ever as he nodded toward the yellow dress she wore both times they had met. He turned around looking up at the Cathedral. "I suppose if you want to go there, we should get going before it gets dark, or even worse, packed with people. The only question is: What is your preferred method of travel? Walking or being Carried?"

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She thought that Zelrius had a valid reason. I suppose that is also a good enough reason, you charmer. Shaya never enjoyed asking for help but she was still dizzy from being up on the watch tower. I'd much rather walk myself there. Upon being set down she was still a little wobbly as she walked. Don't ask for help girl. He's just gonna think you're weak. And you don't like that at all. She struggled a bit but still managed.

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Zelrius frowned, a bit disappointed by her answer to his question of travel. Nonethless, he tipped to the left and set her on her feet, Straightening his posture back up. He fixed his askew bowtie and re-straightened the pendant to be center on his chest. He began his swagger around the cobblestone paths that led zigzagging through the city and took a right into a smaller road headed for the Cathedral. "So do I get to see you in both before we go? Or are you just teasing me?"

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Shaya followed Zelrius down the roads of this unfamiliar territory. She wasn't keeping up very well but she tried her best to not ask for help from the blonde haired guy in front of her. She couldn't help but fall over and laugh at Zelrius's question, Boys will be boys I guess. The perve haha! She finally caught her breathe enough to answer him back, I think you'll have to decide that, do whatever your... desires, tell you. She laughed more trying to get back to her feet, dizzy as can be from earlier.

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(OOC and she just keeps leading him on, Rood xD)

She began laughing at him and he turned around, a slightly embarrassed expression on his face, one that was terribly out of character for him, but he quickly recovered with a comment. "People have told me I am a funny person, But I didn't think I was that funny..." The golden haired boy flicked his head in remark to her falling over and laughing at him.  Then his smirk instantly returned at her next comment, Seeing another oppotunity to hit on her. "My desires tell me a lot of things, Though I am sure I would get in trouble for most of em," His eyes looked to her "Or would I?"


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  • 4 weeks later...

Shaya caught herself when she heard Zelrius speak again, Is he asking to... Nah, that's not like him. He then asked her if he would get in trouble for his desires. She looked the blonde boy up and down, Let's see if he really means what he's saying through a little game. I'm not sure, depending on what they are... Who knows maybe I would encourage it. She gave him a playful wink wondering where her comment would take them. She leaned close and spoke to the side of his head, But what would those desires be I wonder?

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