Beoreson 0 Posted August 6, 2015 #1 Share Posted August 6, 2015 (edited) Beoreson left the town. He thought to himself as he walked out into the grassland," If this game is really one of death then, I can't stay level one for very long. If I did that I would be to weak to do any thing." Being told he was stuck here in this game of death clouded his judgement. He decided that he was going to kill everything to level as quickly as he could. He wondered out of the city and into the grass lands. Beoreson saw a boar about 5 meters away from the gate. He decided that he need to blow off some steam, so he walked towards the boar wanting to slay it. Edited August 7, 2015 by Beoreson Link to post Share on other sites
Beoreson 0 Posted August 6, 2015 Author #2 Share Posted August 6, 2015 (edited) ID:26567 CD:8Beoreson HP:5Boar HP: 3-2 Beoreson walked over the grass that was about ankle high towards the boar. As he was walking he drew his sword. He stood a few meters away from the boar and, debated how to attack it. He decided that he was just going to go over and smack it, as he was still angry about being stuck in a game. He walked straight over to the boar, he raised his sword and felt the pull of a skill. He then pulled his sword down activating his sword skill. Hitting the boar's right side he left a red, pixelated line. He then backed up and prepared for the boars attack. Edited August 7, 2015 by Beoreson Link to post Share on other sites
Beoreson 0 Posted August 6, 2015 Author #3 Share Posted August 6, 2015 (edited) ID:26570 BD:4Beoreson HP:5Boar: 1 The boar squealed in pain and charged forward. Giving a mighty squeal as it barreled towards Beoreson. Beoreson barely managed to dodge out of the way from the boar in time. His dodge left just a few inches between and the boar as he sidestepped. Beoreson thought to himself,"Next time leave a bit more then that." He then raised his sword in a defensive stance over his chest. The boar skidded to a halt ripping the grass out of the ground. It then, turning it's hulking form around and prepared for another attack. Edited August 7, 2015 by Beoreson Link to post Share on other sites
Beoreson 0 Posted August 6, 2015 Author #4 Share Posted August 6, 2015 (edited) ID:26570 CD:4Beoreson HP:5Boar HP:1 Beoreson began moved towards the boar. He slowly was inching closer. The boar suddenly kicked up grass as it came suddenly barreling at Beoreson squealing in rage. He had to get out of the way so he threw himself to the right. No rolling with the fall this time he smacked into the ground. He stood back up and luckily still had his sword in his hand.ID:26747 CD:1Beoreson HP:5-1Boar HP:1 Beoreson waving his sword wildly over his head, yelled a war cry as he charged the boar,He wasn't watching his foot as he ran, and he tripped on a slightly compressed area of grass . Getting up muttering curses, he grabbed his sword and went back into a defensive stance.ID: 26748 CD:1 The boar kicked up dirt as it went barreling towards Beoreson. He managed to step out of the way just in time as it came running past him. His defensive stance finally was help full as the boar clipped itself on his sword. It then exploded into a million little shards. ID:26749 Loot:15 Beoreson went over to where the boar was, and looked though the grass for a loot container of some kind. He found a little leather bag. He opened the bag and it had 15 col in it. Edited August 7, 2015 by Beoreson Link to post Share on other sites
Beoreson 0 Posted August 6, 2015 Author #5 Share Posted August 6, 2015 (edited) Beoreson having calmed down decided he wanted to go and hunt some more. He got back up and, brushed off his pants. Picked up his sword and sheathed it on his back. He looked around and saw some taller grass. He started walking that way when he saw there was something it the grass moving. As he got closer he was able to make out the shape of the creature. It looked like a dog of some sort or another. Beoreson walked closer but stayed far enough away to not start combat. The dog suddenly bursted from the grass and charged towards Beoreson. Edited August 7, 2015 by Beoreson Link to post Share on other sites
Beoreson 0 Posted August 6, 2015 Author #6 Share Posted August 6, 2015 (edited) ID:26573 CD:6Beoreson HP:7Wolf HP:4-2 Beoreson unsheathed his sword and, managed to swat the dog away. The dog-thing was a wolf now that he had a chance to look at it he was sure it was a wolf.The wolf moved away from him and backed up a bit. The wolf looked rather mangy, and had an evil look in it's eyes.walked towards the wolf in a aggressive stance. He moved towards the fox quickly at a speed walking pace. The wolf snarled as he came closer and moved towards him. Beoreson slashed the wolf's cutting a bit of it's tail off. The tail exploded into the glittery red pixels. Edited August 7, 2015 by Beoreson Link to post Share on other sites
Beoreson 0 Posted August 6, 2015 Author #7 Share Posted August 6, 2015 (edited) ID:26574 CD:6Beoreson HP: 7-1Wolf HP: 2 The wolf howled in pain, after having a bit of it's tail sliced off. The wolf began to circle around Beoreson. The wolf suddenly lunged at Beoreson with a gleam of fury in it's eyes. Beoreson wasn't expecting it to lung at him and the wolf sunk it's teeth into Beoreson's leg. Beoreson grunted at the pain of the bite he then punched at the wolf to make it let go of his leg. The wolf avoided the punches and, backed off a little bit. Beoreson said out loud,"I knew that there was pain but, he didn't think a bite would fell like it did." The wolf began to circle around again for it's next attack. Edited August 7, 2015 by Beoreson Link to post Share on other sites
Beoreson 0 Posted August 6, 2015 Author #8 Share Posted August 6, 2015 (edited) ID:26578 CD:1Beoreson HP:6-1Wolf HP: 2 Beoreson losing his cool after begin bitten by the wolf ran charged towards it. He was so focused on the wolf that he didn't paying any attention to his footing. He tripped over a some of the taller grass and, hit his head on one of the rocks on the that where hidden in the grass. He laid in the dirt for a moment thinking to himself," Did i really just fall flat on my face?" Beoreson got up, as the wolf lunged at him. He managed to roll away. The only problem was he lost his weapon. Edited August 7, 2015 by Beoreson Link to post Share on other sites
Beoreson 0 Posted August 6, 2015 Author #9 Share Posted August 6, 2015 (edited) ID:26580 CD:8Beoreson HP: 5-1Wolf HP: 2 Beoreson ran towards his sword, not paying any attention to the wolf. He dived down and managed to grab his sword.The wolf slashed at Beoreson as he got up. The slash cut up his left leg.The wolf tore him up leaning it's red pixelated cuts along his left leg. Beoreson stood with his sword pointed at the wolf. The wolf growled and put it's belly low to the ground. Beoreson thought that the wolf's growl was low and rumbling for such a small looking creature. Edited August 7, 2015 by Beoreson Link to post Share on other sites
Beoreson 0 Posted August 6, 2015 Author #10 Share Posted August 6, 2015 (edited) ID:26583 CD:3Beoreson HP: 4Wolf HP: 2 Beoreson grunted in pain from his wounds as the wolf lunged up to scratched his chest. Beoreson batted the wolf aside. He thought to himself, " This wolf is hard to kill. I better kill this thing fast, so I don't get killed by a wolf. That would be disgraceful." Beoreson swung his sword in a overhead arc towards the wolf. The wolf leaped to the side just in time as the blade barely missed. Beoreson then, backpedaled a few feet to give him room to hopefully doge. Edited August 7, 2015 by Beoreson Link to post Share on other sites
Beoreson 0 Posted August 6, 2015 Author #11 Share Posted August 6, 2015 (edited) ID:26584 CD:4Beoreson HP: 4Wolf HP: 2 The wolf lunged out towards Beoreson in the hopes of biting him. Beoreson managed to step to the side just in time, this time leaving a bit more then he did the last time he sidestepped. He muttered out loud,"Good this time I had more then 2 inches of space between me and an attack." The wolf continued circling.The wolf started to snarl at Beoreson, the wolf's eyes gleaming menacingly. Beoreson moved his sword over his chest defensively to avoid having his chest scratched. Edited August 7, 2015 by Beoreson Link to post Share on other sites
Beoreson 0 Posted August 6, 2015 Author #12 Share Posted August 6, 2015 (edited) ID:26588 CD:1Beoreson HP: 4-1Wolf HP: 2 Beoreson with a heroic war cry charged towards the wolf again. He pulled his sword too far back and, accidentally nicked himself with the blade when he tried to attack the wolf. A long line of cursing starts after he cuts himself on accident. After cursing in pain from accidentally cutting himself, Beoreson backs off and decides to let the wolf come to him. He mutters to himself something along the lines of needing to avoid cutting himself with his own sword again. The wolf snarling continues as it circles around Beoreson looking for weakness.. Edited August 7, 2015 by Beoreson Link to post Share on other sites
Beoreson 0 Posted August 6, 2015 Author #13 Share Posted August 6, 2015 (edited) ID:26589 CD:5Beoreson's HP: 3Wolf HP:2 The wolf leaps into the air striving to bite Beoreson's face off. The wolf coasts thought the air at Beoreson. Beoreson bats the wolf away with his sword, then he backs up a few feet. If anyone where to be watching him they could tell he may be over his head a little seems to be fighting a defensive battle. Beoreson is going over attack patterns and such and trying to find a way to kill it quickly. The wolf continuing it's circle, making Beoreson a little dizzy. The wolf growls slightly unsettle Beoreson for a moment. Edited August 7, 2015 by Beoreson Link to post Share on other sites
Beoreson 0 Posted August 6, 2015 Author #14 Share Posted August 6, 2015 (edited) ID:26590 CD:4Beoreson's HP: 3Wolf HP: 2 Beoreson calms down and,goes over the information in his head, and he swings at the wolf with a uppercut arc. This time Beoreson is focusing on the reaction of the wolf. Beoreson notices this time that it only dodges to the right. Beoreson grins, as he finally think he found a weakness. He thinks to himself, "So, if I cut at it sweeping from the right I should hit, and this battle will be over." The wolf's circling is becoming annoying to Beoreson. The wolf snarls as it gets ready to lunge again. Edited August 7, 2015 by Beoreson Link to post Share on other sites
Beoreson 0 Posted August 6, 2015 Author #15 Share Posted August 6, 2015 (edited) ID:26592 CD:2Beoreson HP:3Wolf HP:2 Beoreson bats the wolf attack aside again.He notes to himself that the attack pattern is becoming clearer as time passes. He takes a moment to take in the situation and, notices as well that his muscles are beginning to become sore. He wonders how long this fight has been going for, but can't spare the glance at the clock. He thinks to himself, "This time all I need to do is swing in from the left in a full arc and I should hit it." The wolf snarls as it is ready to attack again. Edited August 7, 2015 by Beoreson Link to post Share on other sites
Beoreson 0 Posted August 6, 2015 Author #16 Share Posted August 6, 2015 (edited) ID:26593 CD:2Beoreson HP: 3Wolf: 2 Beoreson takes a few steps closer to the wolf. The wolf stops it's circling and gets ready to lunge. Beoreson then swings his sword in a long arc going left to right anticipating to use his new tactic and kill the wolf. The wolf jumps straight up into the air over the sword as Beoreson swings it. Beoreson mutters to himself about adaptability making a mental note. The wolf then, lunges towards Beoreson still trying to bite him. Beoreson manages to dodge the attack ducking under the wolf and flipping it. The wolf rolls back over and continues it circling. Edited August 7, 2015 by Beoreson Link to post Share on other sites
Beoreson 0 Posted August 6, 2015 Author #17 Share Posted August 6, 2015 (edited) ID:26594 CD:3Beoreson HP: 3Wolf HP: 2 The wolf snarls at Beoreson, as it lunges towards him. Beoreson bats the wolf away the same as he has the last few times. He gives a sigh of relief when that part of the wolf's pattern didn't changed. He begins thinking of a new plan. Using that knowledge that Beoreson has he begins to think of another way to attack the wolf. He realizes quickly that if he want to kill it he is going to have to hit it when it is mid-air lunging at him. He takes the risk of looking at the the clock and sees that he has been fighting for about 5 minutes. Edited August 7, 2015 by Beoreson Link to post Share on other sites
Beoreson 0 Posted August 6, 2015 Author #18 Share Posted August 6, 2015 (edited) ID:26598 CD:6Beoreson HP: 3Wold HP: 2-2 Beoreson waits for the wolf to lunge at him again. The wolf snarls as it lunges towards Beoreson. Beoreson side steps to the right as the wolf lunges at him. Beoreson brings his sword down on the wolf splitting it in two. The wolf explodes into a million little shinny sparkles. Beoreson sits down for a break as he rests for a bit and notices that he has leveled up a few times. That monster must have been very difficult. He takes a moment to collect his thoughts as well as look for loot from the wolf. He doesn't find anything. Edited August 7, 2015 by Beoreson Link to post Share on other sites
Beoreson 0 Posted August 6, 2015 Author #19 Share Posted August 6, 2015 (edited) Beoreson drinks some water and calms himself down.Beoreson gets up, and moves closer to the entrance of the city. He decided he wants to hunt some boars as the wolf where difficult to fight. He walks to the city walls and he managed to avoid getting into any combat along the way.He walks out of the tall and spots a boar. The boar is about where the other one he killed was. He drew his sword and moved towards it. He thinking to himself, "this can't be to hard right, I killed one so easily earlier to day." Edited August 7, 2015 by Beoreson Link to post Share on other sites
Beoreson 0 Posted August 6, 2015 Author #20 Share Posted August 6, 2015 (edited) ID:26602 CD:2Beoreson HP: 12Boar HP: 6 Beoreson swings his sword over head at the pig as he moves towards the pig in hopes of hitting it. The boar squeals in and backs up. Beoreson takes a few steps forward but, misses his mark. The boar kicks up grass and charges at Beoreson. As the boar charged him. Beoreson had to throw himself to the side to avoid getting hit. Beoreson managed to get back up and into a defensive stance. He luckily still had his sword. Beoreson mutters to himself, "This boar is faster then the one before it." Edited August 7, 2015 by Beoreson Link to post Share on other sites
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