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SP-F6: Gemini (Quest) - COMPLETE!!!

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Finishing off the bread, Mack snatched up the water bottle from the ground next to him. He upended the spout of the bottle into his mouth and drained it of the rest of its contents. Then he crushed the empty bottle in his hand and watched, with some small satisfaction as it dissolved. While he was still angry with the turn that the dueling quest had taken, there was nothing to be accomplished by sitting where he was for the foreseeable future because the programmers of this game were wastes of both space and humanity. No, it was necessary to take the fight to them and show them that people would not stand for being treated like this. Clambering to his feet, and brushing off his hands, he sheathed Midnight Eclipse and wandered slowly back over to the quest board to turn in the quest and receive his rewards.


400 col (Thread Complete)
4 SP (3 Quest, 1 Thread)
Concentration Skill

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