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Abalasster's Journal

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Black= Initial text

Red=Events during and after exile


Username: Abalasster

Real name: Edward Stratton

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Height: 1.78 meters

Weight: 57 Kg

Sexuality: Straight

Nationality: Canadian (Stark Islander Accent)


 History: Abalasster or Edward, however you refer to him, has lead and continues to lead an average life. He was born in Newfoundland, Canada .He belong to a family of 5, containing his parents Raymond and Sarah Stratton, his 13 year old sister, Elizabeth and his 1 year old brother Levi. Edward, attending pre-college is preparing to take a career into law school, hopefully somewhere prestigious. He was inspired to take this career paths by his late grandfather. To Abalasster, his grandfather was a role model in a sense. They would do everything together, whether it be fish, play common board games or just sit down and discuss the problems of the world while watching the history channel. His grandfather was his way to escape from the horrid reality that was life.  

But, Edward's hadn't always been average. During the winter when he was 13, his life took a nosedive. You see, Raymond isn't Edward's birth father and Stratton isn't Edward's true last name. Abalasster's real fathers last name was Matias Everlend. During that winter, the seemingly smooth life of the Everlend family begun to hit bottom. Matias, who was one who preferred hands compared to words, was discovered to be spending all the families money on illegal fights and other underground activities by Sarah. Apparently, Matias had lost his job a year before and had played it off as him going to his job, where, in reality, he was going to illegal activities. Sarah, who worked as a medical aid at the local hospital, couldn't afford to take care of a family of three on her salary alone, but at the same time, she couldn't afford to keep up with all the betting. So, that winter, Sarah gave Matias the ultimatum, give up on the gambling and come back to the family he loved or that he would lose everything. Matias went wild. Taking his rage out on anything in his reach, putting Sarah, Edward and Elizabeth in his reach. One night while Matias was in a drunken rage, after he took out some anger on Sarah and locking her in the bathroom, he went after Edward and Elizabeth. Knowing what was going to happen, Edward told Elizabeth that she needed to get out of the house. So, he helped escape out the window and told her to go to her friends house and call the police. After she escaped, Matias busted into he room. In his drunken state, he asked Edward where Elizabeth was. "Out of your reach, you drunken, poor excuse for a husband and father. Even in his drunken state, this startled Matias. He took the nearest object, a chair from Edward's desk, and threw it at him. The chair hit Edward in the chest. Edward fell to the floor and went limp to give the impression that his father had knocked him out. Matias then ran around the room like a banshee before he exited and went back down stairs. Not more that ten minutes later, the police arrived. They arrested Matias on Domestic violence, and assault of a minor. Sarah and Edward were taken to the hospital. Neither were hurt seriously but they did stay in the hospital for one day. The day they got out they went back to their house and collected their things. They then moved in with Sarah's Father. A divorce was also filed the day they got out of the hospital. It was a speedy divorce. Matias pushed for zero custody rights and as able to keep the house that he owned, which he soon used to post bail for his other crimes. Along with Domestic violence and assault of a minor, he was also charged with illegal gambling and he is currently serving his time. When Edward and Elizabeth found out that they would be spending time with Grandpa for a while, they were thrilled. He was a Grandfather that they could relay with and confide in. But, unbeknownst to them, they would only have this privilege for a short time. For not after they moved in, They were sitting next to him while he was on his deathbed. He had always battled against heart attacks and had won, But this time was different. A valve in his heart had become loose and had began to leak fluids that were vital to his heart into the rest of his body. That snowy winter night he passed, he leaned up in his bed and said to Edward "I plan on teaching you how to play poker when we meet again". Those were the last things he said. That night was one that that Sarah, Edward and Elizabeth couldn't forget. Though it seemed as if they had hit bottom, it wasn't over for these three. The next year was tough for them. They moved from their Grandpa's house in Newfoundland to California. The start was rough and Edward missed his grandfather's house and the cold weather of Newfoundland. The new start was rough for everyone. That was until they met Raymond. Raymond Stratton, also know as Father Stratton, was the head pastor of the third biggest church in the Untied States. He noticed Sarah, who had begun to go to church with Elizabeth. Edward however, was an atheist and preferred not to get mix up in religion. Sarah and Raymond hit it off immediately. Sarah, being an enthusiastic learner of this new religion and Raymond being the well-and-able teacher. At first, Edward wasn't sure at first about Raymond, was cautious to see if he would try to shove religion down Edward's throat. But it turned out Raymond was different. Edward and Raymond showed very similar interests, both not enjoying sports too much but enjoyed music. There were a few times that Raymond had tried to convert Edward, but it was futile. Raymond still hopes to convert Edward, though he knows it will take a very long time. Sarah and Raymond eventually married and along with that, both Edward and Elizabeth took Raymond's last name, leaving behind one of the last reminisces of their father. With that, the also gave birth to a son, Levi. They five of them live happily knowing that they can rely on each other, through the calm or the storm...

That was until, the money problems occurred. Raymond had come down with Pneumonia and became deathly ill. Sarah couldn't support the family on her own. This lead Edward to exort to illegal methods. He helped run drug operations. He knew that it payed well. He kept it from his family. He made it look like the church was giving Raymond the money. Eventually, the NerveGear released and Edward had to have it. He saved his money from his "Profession" and bought one, without knowledge of his parents...  


After Abalasster's adventures inside Aincrad, he took on a quest that proved to be too much for him. He set out with a team of players which he barely knew. They headed for floor 9. They had heard about creature that, if killed, rewarded each player with a piece of armor that could make them unseen for a set period of time. He couldn't for see what was about to happen. All of his comrades were slaughtered. He was trapped inside the lair of the monster for almost a month. There, he lost most of his sanity and inherited Psychosis. He still hears and see's his comrades in their final moments. Now, trust comes very slowly...  



(Compassionate; Replaced by quick witted): Abalasster is very compassionate and will go to great lengths to prevent the suffering of others. He doesn't want a rerun of what happened in his childhood. Because of this, Abalasster will often put the well-being of others before himself, often leading to situations that may not end pleasantly for Abalasster.

Quick witted: Because of his experience within the cave, Abalasster has become a changed man. One of these changes being his wits. Whilst in the cave, he knew that even the smallest error would kill him. So, now Abalasster thinks out all of his decisions before he acts; for if he doesn't, he knows what awaits... 


(Joyful; Replaced by Resourceful)Abalasster is very joyful, as he tries to block out the sadness of the past with the wonderment of the present and future. Because of this, Abalasster enjoys the excitement of life and lives it to the fullest. But this yearning for thrill seeking can often put Abalasster out in dangerous places.

Resourceful: When Abalasster was at deaths door inside the cave, he had to go to many means to survive. Some consist of looting the bodies of his dead friends, hiding in the skin of a dead cave creature and many other inhumane things. His resourcefulness saved his life more times than he can count in that damned cave...


Trustworthiness: Though Abalasster's past experiences have hindered his ability to trust people, he still wants to be trusted and will try his hardest to follow through on everything he commits to. He wants people to confide in him and for people to be able to trust him. He will go to great lengths to get someone's trust...lengths that may be to great...






Impatient: Abalasster hates waiting around for things. He is the kind of person who yearns for the high-life and the excitement. He would much rather be out fighting the monsters of the world than sitting and discussing things. But, this often leads to a life of danger. Its high risk and high reward for Abalasster. They say is a virtue, but its a virtue Abalasster doesn't have. 



Stubborn: Even though it doesn't show much, Abalasster will fight for what he believes in right or wrong. This can make him reluctant to co-operate and hard to deal with. If there ever comes a time where Abalasster's beliefs are questioned by others, you can guarantee that Abalasster will put up a fight to prove his questioners wrong, whether it be by use of the sword or words.


Overprotective: Like said, Abalasster care about people. But does he care too much? His willingness to help people can have a negative effect of putting him in danger. But, even worst, if he fails to protect  someone, he beats up on himself mentally about what he could have done differently.

Psychosis: The moment that Abalasster went into the cave, he was level-headed. He was a calm and friendly individual. But, whilst in the cave, he lost many things. As his friends slowly died around him, so did his sanity. He can still hear them talking to him and he can still see them. But, they aren't the only voices in his head...

Distant: Abalasster used to love being around people. He was an upstanding member of the Crimson blades. But now, he is slightly reluctant to be around others. It nerves him. He fears that he'll lose them like he lost his friends in the cave...

Profession: Merchant 2/5 (78/160 exp.)



» Battle Healing 1/5

> Search and detect 2/5 


» Precision



Weapon skills:
» One handed Rapier [2/5] 4 sp point(s) left

Armor: [1/5]

Skill points overall: 22

Transcendence: a weapon made of both wood and steel. The words Conculcem Leviter (Tread Lightly)  are engraved in latin of the blade  (+1 bleed; +1 Dmg) weapon by Mack :http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8507-hither-and-yon-a-smiths-forge/

Beginners pack( 9 bread, 15 water)

Zealot Robes (+1 Damage mitigation)

Treads of the Zealot (+1 Eva and +1 Thorns)

Mantle of the Zealot (+1 Loot Die)

Cloth armor 

2250 Col.  

Companion: Khepri the Scarab (+1 Loot Die) (I could be wrong)

4 Tier 1 Mats

» [open]  [OP]-The beginning [F1]  http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8542-op-the-beginning-f1/#comment-408464

> <<Earning a Living>> (Completed) [SP-F1]   http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8559-earning-a-living-sp-f1/

> <<Feeding the Enemy>>(Completed) Sp-F2  :http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8577-sp-f2-feding-the-enemy-quest/

> <<Calming the Soul>>(Completed) SP-F6 http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8584-sp-f6-calming-the-soul/

> <<The Gemini>> (Complete) SP-F6 http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8657-the-gemini-sp-f6/

> [OP-F1] First steps http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8672-op-f1-first-steps/

> [OP-F1] Transcending planes http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8655-transedning-planes-op-f1/

>[PP-F5] Winds of Change <<The Traveler>>  http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8814-complete-pp-f5-the-traveler-winds-of-change-abalasster/?page=2#comment-414688

 (Complete) SP-F4  Training and passing time http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8708-sp-f4-training-and-passing-the-time/

>Sp F1 Earning a living w/ Annicade :http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8860-earning-a-living-pp-f1-sew-were-the-days/?page=1

>PP-F2 New Friends: 

>PP-F2 Saving a Kid <<Let There Be Light>> 

Sp-F1 Facing Reality:


(no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

Relationships (optional)

Koumori: A friend, on of the best that you can have. Hates Mack

Mack: Guild leader as well as a wonderful smith. Isn't too fond of Koumori

Annicade: A friend as well as a tailor. One whom i trained.

Lawfer: One whom is a recruit in the guild for now, but is under my guidance, will become a fine member of the guild.(I'm in charge of him XD, God save him).

Story Thus Far (optional)


My shop/cart:http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8573-abalassters-general-goods-agg/

in stock


Perfect Voucher  

4 Rare Vouchers


 Evaluations page: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8567-abalssters-crafts-and-loot/


  Excepts from the Cave


Excerpt # 1:"How much further until we reach the main dungeon" Bishop called out to the others.

"We just got into this cave no more than five minutes, Bishop" Eurifacles  responded. "Would it kill you to have some patience? You are the only one out of the 6 of us that have complained this entire journey."

"You may want to correct yourself there, Eurif" Bishop responded snidely.

"Would you two try to keep cool heads. We just got here and who knows what the hell we are going to find here" Mariska retorted, obviously irritated. 

"Whats there to worry about. Have you seen our company" Regigous laughed. "We have a high ranking member of the Crimson Blades here, as well as the leader of Midnight Solace. Not to mention my brute strength. We've tackled things way worse than this." 

"We may have many accolades, but that doesn't mean we should get soft" Polaris chimed in. 

"I agree with Polaris" i said to the crowd. "We may have killed things worse than what we think are in this cave, but in reality, we need to keep our guard up."

'Yeah, whatever. The thing i'm concerned about is why Regi didn't mention my guild. The Iron Warhorse too spooky for you Regi?" Bishop said

"The thing you really should be concerned with is me putting you through a wall" Eurifacles called back to Bishop.  Murifacy chuckled

Excerpt # 2: 

"It would appear as if this is it" Eurifracles said, knocking on the iron door that lay ahead of them

 "Thank the heavens" Bishop said, exhaling. He drew his sword and got ready for what lay behind the door. Polaris walked up behind him and laid a hand on his shoulder

"My friend, you need to go slowly through this" Polaris began. "Who the hell knows what the hell is behind that door"

"Well, whatever it is, its nothing I can't handle" Regigous said with a smirk across his face as he drew his mace and shield.

Abalasster drew his rapier and got into his defensive position.

Mariska drew her long sword and walked to the front of the group. 

"Ladies, Gentlemen, Bishop. We have made it to our destination. But, this doesn't yet mean that we should get joyous. I want everyone in position. Regigous and I will take the front. Abalasster, Eurifacles and Bishop, you three are behind us. Polaris and Murifacy, you two flank the enemy. If enemies come directly out of this door, which I'm certain they will, we need to be ready". 

Bishop nudged Abalasster.

"Hey" he began. "Whats going on with you? Before this, you had this diplomatic kind of swagger. But now you seem to be more serious than Eurif.?"

"Something about this place offsets me..." Abalasster began

Before he could finish, the iron door opened...

Excerpt # 3: 


Abalasster, Left flank" Mariska called out

Abalasster saw the skeleton warriors approaching and took them out with three quick strikes

"Kept the phalanx in tack" Mariska called back to the members behind her. 

As the 5 warriors fought against the ever growing enemy, Polaris and Murifacy flanked the enemy to start a battle on two fronts

"Spears!" Regigous shouted

A storm of spears came at the 5 warriors

"Splits" Bishop exclaimed

Most of the warriors were able to avoid the spears, except for one

"I'm hit" Regigous exclaimed in pain, with a spear lodged in his knee

Polaris and Murifacy got behind the enemy and began to unleash havoc

"Abalasster, stay with Regigous and make sure he doesn't get hurt anymore, the rest of you guys, on me" Mariska proclaimed, charging the enemy

Within the next few minutes, the army had been defeated, but the group had suffered a serious casualty

"This thing isn't coming out" Abalasster told the group

"It has to" Murifacy said with panic in her voice

"If we take it out, his leg is as good as gone" Abalasster said gravely

The group stood around Regigous in silence. He was the tank of the group. If the monsters of the cave could already shut down the one who is supposed to be immovable, then what else wa in store in the deeper regions of the cave...    

Excerpt 4:


"What the hell are we supposed to do now" Bishop exclaimed

"We aren't leaving him" Mariska said forcefully

"We may have no other option Mariska"  Eurifracles said

"No Eurif, we aren't leaving him and that is final!" Mariska said as she got into Eurifracles's  face

"Well then what do you suppose we do with him then? Carry him? Alright fine! Abalasster you get his feet, i'll get his upper body. If worse comes to worst we'll use him as a f*cking battering ram!" Eurifracles spat back at Mariska. 

"Eurif" I said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "You need to calm down, this isn't helping anyone" I was at this time that Regigous placed his hand on Mariska's leg, trying to get her attention

"Mariska" he said faintly "Mariska...you all are going to have to go without me. It'll be okay. I understand. I'm just putting the group in danger"

"No Regi" Mariska began, near the point of sobbing. "We can find a way to save you, I know we can. Just please hold in there"

"Mariska..." Regi spoke, even fainter this time. "Let me go, And stop crying, you got to look good in front of the others" He finished his statement with a smile. Mariska knelt down next to him on the brink of tears. Polaris and Murifacy Bishop, I and Eurifracles stood together, pondering what our next move should be.

"Are you sure you want to leave Regi" Bishop asked

"Positive" Eurif remarked. "We can't afford to be diverting resources to carry him throughout. It will just result in more peopled killed"

I sighed at this. I knew Eurif was right. If we carried him then more of us would die. And who's to say that Regi will even be alive much longer. 

"Then what's our next move" I asked

"Mariska isn't in a position to lead right now, so I'm taking over" Eurif dictated. He then began moving towards the way that the army of skeleton warriors had ambushed them. He then turned back and looked to the rest of the group. 

"Come on, lets get moving" he said. Bishop was the first to start moving, followed by Murifacy and Polaris. I however, went over to Mariska to comfort her.

"Mariska," I began. Its going to be okay. We'll get through this. But if we don't move then all of us will die here" Regi then joined in

"You both need to go. Don't worry about me. Just keep treading forwards" I helped Mariska get up and move towards the same way that the rest of the group had moved...



http://i1227.photobucket.com/albums/ee425/scott_101-prince/white haired anime dudes/381396_large.jpg


Read me:


Edited by Abalasster
fixing errors
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