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Lius_the_Commodore\'s journal

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Username: Lius_the_Commodore
Real name: Cornelius Vanderbilt
Age: 19
Gender: male
Height: 6'0"

About: History/personality

From an early age, Cornelius was groomed for success. His father was a middle class man who worked as a detective for the local police force. His mother stayed at home caring for the children when he was younger but eventually got a job at a law firm after her kids reached a certain age. He also has a "little" 16 year old sister named Tory for whom he cares very much for, he always looks out for her and is always there for her. The bond between them is like no other bond he's ever had.

At school, he's always been a genius, even from the start. He has consistently scored number one in the nation on all of his exams. He spends a some of time studying for school but a lot of it comes from a natural inclination for being smart, so most of his time is either spent with friends or playing video games.

He was also fairly popular popular in high school as many people looked up to him and admired him. He had no real close friends, although he did have friends he could hang out with and a girlfriend that he loved until high school ended and they had to go their separate ways for college.

He and his sister decided to take one last road trip to the boardwalk which was their favorite place to spend time together (as they always did) before he had to pack up and move across the country to dorm at his college. On their road trip Cornelius decided to stop to get some snacks and drinks for the long journey ahead. As the two both went into a convenient store they split up, Cornelius getting the supplies while Tory waited for him by the cash register. Then two men came in, both holding a handgun. One of them shot upwards into the ceiling to prove the guns were real as he commanded the cashier to empty the cash register. The other man abruptly grabbed Tory and threatened to shoot her if anyone tried to call the police or make any sudden moves. As Cornelius heard this he came running from the aisle and saw the situation unfold. He tried to talk some sense into the men when the sound of police sirens from far up the road were heard. One of the men barked at the cashier to hurry up or he'd shoot the girl. Then Cornelius tried to get closer to the man with his sister as he said, "Please let her go, she's my little sister..." And the man warned him to backaway immediately. Then his sister tried to break free and when Cornelius saw her struggle, he rushed at the man holding her. Right before he got to him his partner shot him in the left shoulder. He slumped to the ground as he winced in pain and he looked up at the man with his sister when he said, "I told you not to move!" And he shot his sister in the head. Her lifeless body dropped to the floor, right in front of her brother. The two robbers fled the store immediately after with the money and evaded the police. After being questioned by the police and sent to the hospital for his gun shot wound he returned home with his sister's body and her funeral was held during the following weekend.

Since his sister's death, Cornelius feel into a deep depression, for he had lost the thing he cared about most in the world. For the first few months he did absolutely nothing and just locked himself in his room laying down on his bed staring at the ceiling. He began to wonder if he could hunt down his sister's killers but realized it was stupid and hopeless. When he finally did come out of his room, he looked for anything that could make him happy again, and found nothing that interested him. He lost all of his old high school friends and one day his old girlfriend came to check on him and was repulsed at what he'd become in his depression. He pushed everyone away that he'd once cared about and he began to hate the real world he tried to escape his reality by engrossing himself in books or television or movies, but none of it worked. Then one day he saw this advertisement for an upcoming game. It read: Sword Art Online: create your own reality! Explore and fight through 100 floors to complete the game! Experience full immersion technology at its height and feel the realistic gameplay first hand! Buy it on November 6, 2022 at a store near you! Cornelius went out to buy it on its release and when he got home he set it up and logged in.


He has a strong aptitude for coming up with brilliant plans and schemes to overcome challenges and get out of risky situations 

He heavily commits to anything he puts his mind to, never backing down even in unseemingly winnable conditions, and he is loyal to anyone he trusts

His selflessness and need to help others always comes before his own well-being, he'll even risk his life for someone he doesn't know 


Confidence - His confidence in himself often leads to arrogance that can annoy and unsettle others around him. This can often put him in dangerous scenarios that are too much for him to handle

Detached - His detached demeanor can seem dark at first glance, making it hard for him to befriend new people and can push people away if you don't know him

Intolerant - As a somewhat egotistical genius he is very intolerant of others' opinions as he think he is always right which can lead to tense arguments 

Profession: unemployed 





Weapon skills:
»One-handed rapier:1

»Basic one-handed rapier

Black clothing

10 food

15 water

» none

Relationships (optional)


Story Thus Far (optional)

None yet 

Edited by Lius_the_Commodore
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