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<<Earning a Living>>Decit and Deception (Complete) [SP-F1]

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Abalasster walked down the streets of the town of beginnings. He looked all around him, taking in everything. He held the holster in hand as he walked into the town square. Surprisingly, the town square was empty, save for the familiar figure sitting on the bench. He must have saw me because he began walking towards me, with a sword in hand. "What you got there" Abalasster called to Weasel. "This is Zephyr, in her full and beautiful form". Abalasster smiled. It was done. The sword he worked so hard to get for Weasel was finally complete. When the two meet up, Abalasster handed the holster to Weasel, who sheathed the sword in the holster. "And now..." Weasel began. It's yours". Did Abalasster hear what he thought he heard. Weasel was giving him Zephyr. "Weasel..." he began. "As much as I want it, I can't accept". "Alright then" Weasel said as he put the sword and Holster on his back. "Well, here's something you get". Weasel begun again, as he remove his hood. Weasel was a man with a crazy beard , one that stretched from his upper lip down to his chin. It even connected to his sideburns. His hair was all black and his eyes were a deep shade of blue. "You have completed the Earning A Living quest. Your a merchant now". Abalasster was puzzled. "How am I a merchant now? You've taught me nothing". Weasel smirked. "A but I have my boy. I taught you how to use your head and think creatively when you received the hilt. Thinking creatively can be the difference between a sale and a flop in this business. I taught you resilience and perseverance on the second item I asked you to get. You knew you couldn't get to the bell tower from where you were so you had to go through with something else and look fro a different angle, which will come quite in handy for those tough customers. I taught you how to break in to someone's house in the third item I asked you to retrieve. This may not seem like a skill but if you need to get something back and profit from it so you can sell it again, this will be very helpful indeed. And in the final item I taught you how to haggle and expose weakness, a key skill in the merchant industry. So, you rewards, You are now a merchant with 400 Col. in your pocket, along with a skill point". "Some way of teaching" Abalasster thought to himself. Weasel then began to walk away. But, before he did, Abalasster called out to him. "Where are you off to now?" "I'm off to the higher levels to see if I can fool some high level players and score some serious Col." He replied. Abalasster nodded and went on his way...      

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