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Carambit's Journal

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Username: Carambit
Real Name: Corey Fellows
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Height: 6'1"


Carambit resides in a small, friendly neighborhood in Massachusetts. He works as an indie game developer and loves creating content for many to enjoy. When he found out about Sword Art Online, he HAD to get a copy of it, purchase a Nerve Gear and give it a try. If he was to learn anything about the possibilities of Virtual Reality and progress what he knows about creating games, then he had much to learn from this experience. He took a break from working, and being that he had graduated high school a good while ago, he was free to take that time to do as he needed. He had worked his butt off for some years now developing content for games, and had made enough money to afford to do things like this, so why not splurge once in a while?
... What a mistake.

Carambit was never into fitness; apart from fitness whole order of fries into his mouth. In reality, he is an average build, but in no way muscular. He has very little cardio fitness and runs out of breath easily. However being in the field of game design, he's never really needed his fitness. His personality as a comedic genius is what landed him his girlfriend, not his body. He was nothing to marvel at, apart from having a slightly above average height. He was however quite intelligent; using his knowledge from studying, logic and rational thought to get him past most of life's problems. Nothing could have prepared him enough for being stuck in that game however.

He informed his friends about how he was going to get started in the game and apply the knowledge to develop his own games to be licensed for the Nerve Gear. Carambit told his girlfriend that he was going to be spending a bit of time delving into the world of VR, so there may be times he wouldn't reply to messages until later, and she understood. He felt blessed to have such a casual and understanding girlfriend. He missed her every day he was in this world. His family hadn't spoken to him since he moved states, and he had no intention of talking to them any time soon. They had no interest in his decision to pursue games design, and chastised him for it. They had envisioned him taking more of an engineering role with his career, but he wanted to do something that he would be happy doing, so against their will, he followed his dream. A dream that would eventually plunge him into a dark world of despair.


Comedian: Carambit always tries to break a tense mood and cheer up those around him using his honed sense of humor. He has always been the "funny one" of the group and prides himself on being able to brighten other people's days with jokes and a good laugh. In a world full of so much death, someone who can provide some sort of comfort is always loved. This often lands him in trouble however, when there is a serious tone about the room, and he wants people to lighten up, this can often lead to an argument or a scolding.

Kind Heart: Carambit will always step out of his own way to help others who are in need of emotional comfort or even just a helping hand. He'll gladly push aside his own needs to tend to others selflessly above himself. Any friends he does make he cherishes, and keeps in constant contact with; always checking up on them to ensure they are safe and ask if they need help with anything they're doing.

Intelligence: Using his accumulated knowledge that he has gained while spending the first quarter decade of his life studying, Carambit is able to apply logic to work his way around most situations. If possible, he will resolve a situation passively and without any sort of conflict. However if conflict is necessary, Carambit will strategize and think through every move he makes and watch his enemies to learn the way they plan their moves too. Every fight to him is a game of fast-paced, high-stakes chess.

Loyal: When he makes friends with somebody, Carambit does everything in his power to keep them. If someone he knows is in trouble, he will thoughtlessly fling himself into harms way to ensure the safety of his friend, and if a friend asks for his help, he will do everything in his power to help them. Even if he is, in the end, unable to help his friend with their problem, he will stay by their side until their issue is resolved. If you ever have someone you need by your side who will fight beside you until the death, Carambit is the one to turn to.


Selfless: Carambit's selflessness has landed him in trouble before, and it probably will many times before he learns his lesson. He prioritizes those around him above himself, and in doing so often misses out on anything that's going on. In fact, he missed out on getting a Nerve Gear from his local store's first shipment because he was politely holding the door for everyone else who was entering and exiting the store.

Trusting: Carambit is a good judge of character, however when he does misjudge how someone is, he does put a lot of trust in them, as he does with all of his friends. This can lead to back stabbings, betrayals, and all sorts of undoings on his part. If he ever does lose a friend or have a friend betray him, his forgiveness runs thin. He has been back-stabbed by people he believed to be his close friends in the past, and this resulted, in one instance, in a fistfight between the two. Carambit lost that fight, but he got his point across.

Impatient: While he is very patient with friends and others, when he finds himself stuck or unable to progress in any way, Carambit becomes very frustrated and is prone to outbursts. He is not keen on asking for help, as he has that element of shyness about him, but if others do offer help in this situation, he is more than happy to accept it, and will try to make a new friend out of the situation.

Shy: As mentioned above, Carambit is prone to being shy around people he doesn't know. He loves making new friends, and has no trouble doing so when a dialogue is initiated, but initiating that dialogue in the first place is where he finds that he struggles. He has often been told that he needs to loosen up in public a bit more, and start to treat everyone around him as a potential friend to help keep his shyness in check, but he still struggles with starting a conversation. Once a conversation has started, he can keep it flowing easily.


One handed straight sword





One Handed Straight Sword (Rank 1) [5SP]


One Handed Straight Sword (Entling [+1 Accuracy]) (Crafted by Mack)
Wolf's Fur Cloak (Light) (+1 evasion)
Beginner's Pack
    15 Water
    10 Food
    Cloth Clothing


[Private] Taking Action - In Progress
[Solo] The Grind - Complete!
[Private] Forming A Bond - In Progress
[Open] Sense of Community - In Progress
[Solo] More Challenging - In Progress

[Solo] Hunting Drops - Complete!
[Private] Ooh, Fresh Meat! (Training Carambit) - In Progress


Lindow - Friends


Edited by Carambit
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