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PP-F1 A legitamate Buisness [Earning a Living Quest] With Blue

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Aramail was walking around the first floor towns. She had gotten her Martial Art skill two days ago, and had spent the next day recovering from the fight that occurred shortly after. Now that she had herself a signature skill, she needed to focus on a career. She could defend herself in a fight, to an extant at least. But now she needed to make money. Best way to make money, was opening up a shop. She remembered from Astra, that he was able to get a 'profession' here on the first floor. So Aramail was scouting, looking for a quest giver or something of the like. She had been searching for hours, looking in every nook and cranny but to no avail. Aramail was just about to give up, when something out of the corner of her eye. She turned, and saw a shadowy figure fade into an alley. Aramail, now curious as to who would be running into an alley, followed. The alley reached a dead end, and there was a man completely clad in heavy black robes. A mask, and hood covering most of his face. The only thing that caught her eye, was the mans eyes. A bright piercing blue, almost as if they were on fire. The man was obviously an NPC, but why was he so out of the way. Aramail stepped closer to the man, who than spoke. "Ello', stranger." He said, his accent thick and heavy. Aramail cocked herself over to one leg, looking the man over. He, was obviously a merchant of sorts, most likely of 'goods' that have been requisitioned of players. "What'cha buying?" The man said, opening his robe, to reveal a small amount of health crystals and small weapons. "Oh, you're that kind of merchant huh?" Aramail said, stepping closer. "What does one have to do, to enter. Said, business?" She said, coyly. Even though the man was masked, she could tell he was smiling. "Well, than. How about this? There's a man by the name of James, still owes a payment. Here, is his address." Aramail smirked, and took a small piece of paper, that had coordinates, with a quest called 'Earning a Living'. Aramail accepted the quest, then went on her way. On her way out of the alley, and back into the main square of town. She must have been distracted, as she bumped into someone. "Dammit." She said, as she fell backwards onto her butt. "[censored], I'm sorry." She said, picking herself up, looking at the person she had ran into.

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Blue had been on his way to pick up a newly made sword that he ordered from a random shop on the road. The sword was going to be the start of combat for Blue and he couldn't wait to test it out against some innocent boars to eventually boost his level up. Of course, having just woken up from a park bench that he slept on the previous night, he wasn't fully awake and was suffering from quite a bit of back pain as well. Blue, running through the streets having just picked up his sword, suddenly felt a jerk before feeling himself falling onto the ground. "What the..." He said simply as his red hat fell off during the collision. My back. He thought before looking back up to see who he'd bumped into. Blue saw a white-haired female... probably a player, and she looked a lot older than he was. Blue got up with a groan resulting from the pain before putting his favorite red and white hat on. "It's okay. Sorry about that... I wasn't looking where I was going from excitement." Blue said, trying to explain his source of rush. "So, why are you in such a rush?" He asked, willing to make some friends considering the fact that he was probably the most lonely player in SAO at the moment having wasted plenty of time in the beginning of SAO

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