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Dylan's Journal. (Completed)

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Username: Dylan
Real name: Koji Lawson
Age: 17 Years old
Gender: Male
Height: 6'0" ; 183cm

About: History/personality

Koji, known as Dylan, was in born in Japan, from an American dad and a Japanese mom. His dad, being a business man often made trip to America, and when he came back, he usually brought a new mmorpg, to satisfy his and his wife addiction to role playing games. They spent most of their free times playing on their respective computers, neglecting Dylan, who felt lonely. He didn't want a nanny, he wanted his family. So his Parents thought that giving him a sibling would make this right, and so, nine months later, he had a little sister. They both spent four more years under their nanny care and, when Dylan turned six, he started to watch over his sister, play with her, make sure their parents left something for them to eat, help her take her bath. They were as close as twins. In school, Dylan wouldn't talk to anyone, because he was busy trying to figure out new games for him and his sister. She was the only person he needed, but still, it wasn't enough, he wanted and needed his parents attention. 

Years later, his father lost his vision, the doctor believe it was because he was practically always in front of a screen and his wife was gonna suffer the same fate if she didn't stop. But she didn't listen and it was only a matter of months before she lost her vision too. Dylan and his sister thought that even tho they are blind they would now spend more family time, but he was wrong. They locked themselves in their room and only got out too eat or to use the bathroom. Dylan started to become more and more reserved too, seeing his parents in this state. He wanted to be sad but he also wanted to be angry at them. Not knowing what to do nor how to feel, he started to look and sound more and more emotionless, only showing how he felt on a few occasions. For his seventeenth birthday, his sister bought him the new game everyone was talking about, Sword Art Online. At first he wanted to throw it away because he believe it was these kind of things that torn his family apart. But she begged him to try it to know at least why their parents preferred virtual life over real life.

Bravery: Dylan never backs down from a challenge or threat. Whether the task at hand is as easy as it comes or life threatening, he will never abandon if he knows he has a chance of succeeding. He is brave, not suicidal.

Kindness: Even if he looks void of any emotions, Dylan never refuses to provide help when he can, give to those in needs without wanting something in return. Even in trades he sometimes tends to give more than he receives 

Trustworthy: Dylan is a man of his word. Once he engage himself into something,  he doesn't backs down, or changes his mind. He will do everything that's in his power to keep his promises. Secrets are also safe with him, he has never betrayed anyone and doesn't intend to start doing it.


Blunt: Dylan never or rarely looks to spare feelings, he tells things like he sees it and he say what he means and he means what he says. He never learned the meaning of being tactful. He let his mind speaks directly.

Hard: Dylan has locked his emotion so deep inside him that he doesn't think that he's even able to feel anything. He has never had any love interest so he doesn't knows what this kind of love feels like, his parents rarely showed him any kind of love and the only one who can handle him is his sister

Proud: Dylan learned how to do a lot of things by himself when he was younger with no one to help him. So growing up, he continued to do stuffs by himself and when it was too hard for him, he would try and try until he succeeded, barely accepting any help, but on a lot of occasion, he has been forced to accept some help, and it killed him.






Weapon skills:
» One Handed Straight Sword: Novice (0/4)

Total Skill Points: 2

Used Skill Points: 2

Available Skill Points: 0

» Basic One Handed Straight Sword

» Black Cloth Shirt
» Black Cloth Pants


» 10 Bread

» 15 Water

» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
(no "in progress" mea


Relationships (optional)


Story Thus Far (optional)

Edited by Dylan
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