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The game describes a one handed assault spear as a javelin. Does that mean that my character could throw the javelin then, spend the next turn equipping a new weapon. Like if you critically fail and have to spend the turn retrieving you're weapon. Also, could you do this with knives?

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In all technicality the site doesn't have a set rule on thrown items, you can roleplay that it probably takes a full post action to throw it, and then pick it up for your next post action.  That's what I like to do, but that sometimes makes battles much more difficult.

There is supposed to be the <<Throwing Pick>> and <<Sword Throwing>> skills in the actual SAO series, but that's not supported here because it would cause way too much debate.

I also have a RP with Koumori that is using the Sword Skill mechanic of the original SAO to throw rocks at boars, and made it a game to get more Mats, but I am using the Non-combat rules for material gathering for those throws.

Since there isn't an exact skill for it here in SAO-RPG, just think that you can, but you have to go get your weapon next turn, since you can't fight with that weapon right now.

Edited by Hirru
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There's really not much of a point to throwing weapons since there isn't any real system for calculating distance between people. Whether or not you're attacked is determined by hate, and the only other skill relevant to character distance is charge, but that's just a one-time thing that initiates an engagement.

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