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Jranes Journal (Complete)

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Username: Jrane 
Real name: Jim Drain
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Height: 5'11

About: History/personality

Jrane is the youngest of three siblings, in most family's this would make him the favorite child but not in this family. Partially shunned throughout his early teens he developed a lone wolf attitude, Pushing himself to become the best he could be didn't get him very far as Jrane has the rebellious streak he inherited from his father, Stubborn and intelligent Jrane refused to acknowledge authority this led him to being grounded Most of the time, confined to his room he decided to fill his spare to with the internet. Finding companions online Jrane wanted to impress his new found friends, They invited him to play various different games which he grew to love and Out-level all of his friends; Jealous they decided to destroy Jranes precious online world by hacking his computer, Vowing never to trust anyone again Jrane devoted himself to his studies and within half a decade he had finally achieved what he has been striving for, the role of a test engineer. 

This role came with great responsibility and Jrane relished the opportunity to excel, As Jrane was coming back from work he saw the new VRMMORPG Game 'Sword Art Online' Advertised, Being that he was in a high paying job Jrane stopped at the nearest store that sold the Full Dive Gear and 'SAO', The last time he ventured online he was a scorned man but Jrane was older and wiser now surely nothing bad could happen.



Intelligent; Jrane has an IQ of 135, albeit not the smartest he has a quick wit and wicked mathematical skills, From his engineering background there shouldn't be anything he couldn't build or advise on. Jranes ability to think on his feet comes in handy in day to day situations, whether its thinking 6-7 steps ahead in a game of chess or thoroughly planning his day before he has taken a step out of bed his intelligence isn't something to frown upon 

Strength of will; Never one to be persuaded to do something he disagrees with or feels is wrong Jrane will never bow to an external force. Combined with his Imposing Physique no one can make Jrane do something he opposes, With this strength of will comes a certain level of respect commanded from peers. Jrane has never been in a fight yet people perceive him as someone not to be trifled with, Coupled with his Heterochromia iridum his stare is crippling.

Sense of humor; Jrane can be any situation as amusing as he wishes with his quick wit and brooding personality other people simply do not expect such blunt humor from such a lone wolf character, This makes first encounters interesting to say the least, It also makes him good with the opposite sex; Women Flock to Jranes infectious humor. 


Blunt; Jrane is far to blunt and uncaring at times, struggling to connect on an emotional level he often offends people who try to get close to him, making him have friends few and far between, and scores of enemies this has come back to bite Jrane several time throughout his life.

Overconfidence; Jrane ooze's Confidence, succeeding in most activities he applys himself Jrane often half heartly attempts to listen to any intrstructions and assumes he knows it all already. This has thrown Jrane in various sticky situations and several of them irreversible. Not to be bested at anything Jrane will propose himself for any task.  

Bad Singing; Not one to pass up a good sing along Jrane's torturous voice can be heard loud and clear most times of the day, Another reason he has a very small and select group of friends. If a good tune is played Jrane cannot help himself but join in. Driving people to hitting Jrane to quiet him down.

Profession: None





Weapon skills:

»One Handed Straight Sword

» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
(no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

Relationships (optional)

Story Thus Far (optional)

Edited by Jrane
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