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Daeimos Bio

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Username: Daeimos
Real name: Ihsaad al-Mee
Nickname: Mee, Al-Mee, Mee-chan, Mee-sama
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Height: 180 cm
Weight: 80 kg
Date of Birth: Thursday, October 31st
Time of Birth: 11:11 PM
Skin Appearance: Flawless
Skin Colour: Olive Tan
Eye Colour: Green
Hair Colour: Dark Brown 
Hair Style: Short
Blood Type: A+
Nationality: Mix [African American, Arabian, Caucasian, & Persian]
Living Louder - The Cab

Face claim: Aijima Cecil, Uta no Prince-sama


Born in Saudi Arabia, his mother was a Arabian/African American woman who was married to a foreigner, he was Persian american and travelled to Saudi Arabia in order to look for possible work. His father instead found his lover and bearer of his child, who they names Ihsaad, though his mothers last name is his, his father Houshang Dollykuk, decided to take on his wife's maiden name. Seeing how Zaahir al-Mee was more than willing to take her husbands name on, but with the events going forth, she let it go. And during the time in Saudi Arabia, Ihsaad grew to like the heat, and the bright environment, his father being a rather low grade retail vendor. With his idea of Saudi Arabia being a bust, he took his wife and son back to America, and tried to get more buzz back in his home. Though the trip was difficult seeing his his son was now only three years old, and a rather quite child. When returning to america, and his wife obtaining her American citizenship made, as well as son, he took them back to Washington DC. Born a Washingtonian, he wished to show Zaahir the wonderful place that he called home. 

She found the place to be a perfect location to raise her son, as she was full of bliss and excitement. So with her son growing up, and able to have a somewhat normal life, his father and mother set him in public school. As Ihsaad felt unwanted by many, he found friends like himself, with similar backgrounds and ethnic groups. In the end he became popular in a small group of people, while his father struggled to find a stable place to get money. As when Ihsaad was ten, his father lost his job, and was no unable to support the family, though that didn't stop him. He took on many small jobs, that equalled to him making the same amount of money, but longer hours. He was offered a possible career though, his coworker who was Japanese and African American mixture. He told him of a possible career in Construction, for a company called Tamayaki Skylings, and would introduce him to a Employer. With the discussion about it with his wife, which went on for hours, she finally gave in and agreed to go with him. Now a new journey filled out for the family as they moved to Japan. 

From that point, time passed on, and Ihsaad now having to learn a whole new language, was forced into a class to learn Japanese. Which he hated, he couldn't make anything up as he spoke, but that wasn't going to stop him. He picked up quickly on small words and the meanings that they were tied to, he was able to at least order food in the cafeteria now. And his social life was worst than it was in America, as he had no friends, and everyone gave him a ugly look. Well the male students did at least, the females found Ihsaad slightly more attractive than other foreigners due to his eyes and skin. Which made him has a small fan group, who eventually did protect him, and not watch from the side. This was quite frequent in his life, because he would be ostracized at first, then fine friends, he just needed to be open and friendly. So as his life went by, and he eventually was accepted into the schools by everyone, this only took about til his tenth year in school. But many didn't like him, just because they could, but he ignored this. While his father who was working for the company, he was making more than enough Yen to cover their live expenses. 

But when Ihsaad came of the age of sixteen, he took on a job as a part time worker at a Cosplay store. Which was next to a gaming store, Ihsaad was always wondering what it would be like to play them, and saved up some serious currency in order to purchase a game and console. At first he was going to go with PC, but when the news of a new type of gaming was coming out, he looked into it, and found it odd and new to him. So he put some cash on a early access to it, and when the day that the rig called NerveGear came out, which took at least six years to be made. By this time Ihsaad was already the age of twenty two, and had a full time job, as a manager at the very same Cosplay store. When he heard his rig was ready, and the game of choice to go with it were ready he flocked to get it. When he got it, of course it was in Japanese, but by this time he learned enough to read it all with some difficulty. And with his info now set and ready, he placed the rig on and jumped into it. The rig, Nervegear, allowing him to play in Virtual Reality, the place he would learn about the new technology. His apartment in Tokyo, and the game soo many people were buzzing about, Sword Art Online. Ihsaad sighed and too in a deep breath, as he spoke the two words. The two words that would bring him into this new place. "Linnku Statoo!" And with his new journey awaiting him, he retained a smile, one that would be his last expression until he returned to the real world. Or so he thought, not knowing of the dangers this game had.

Ihsaad is a clever fellow, he likes to learn about his foes, take small hints from them. Small little details that one would misplace as miscellaneous information and use it as his weapon. Though he is a excellent swordsman, and can fight in almost any situation, he prefers the more assertoric route and discover more. Though he likes to play mind games, and can be rather difficult to beat, he does allow others to take him by surprise, and he does often misplace certain information to challenge himself. He is often regarded as a sly, and impish person, his mind games are ones that involve him being quite and stature like. And willing to watch and wait, he has however been called kind. Ihsaad is also this as well, he is kind, caring, and very well verse in talking with others. Frequently seen in taverns conversing with the locals, and being a very friendly person. Though this is another way for him to gain info, but he isn't always trying to learn about his foes weakness and try to overtake them. He does enjoy himself and indulge in the finer things in life, he does enjoy fine food, people and indulge in sexual manners. 

Though he prefers to keep those situations brief, and rarely ever tries to take a woman into bed, though he is a flirtatious person. Just because he wished not to woo a woman, and bed her for the night, doesn't mean he won't try to get close to her. He isn't naturally lustful and tends to be a romancer of sorts, he compliments them and always tries to stay on their good side. He does though retain a slight trust issue, having a hard time adjusting to new area's in fear that he might be attacked, or others being attacked. He can be well open, if you gain his trust, but also noted that constant bothering and bickering can cause certain negative effects. He does retain some form of a anger issue, he suffers mood swings from time to time, and this can cause him to suffer from chronic sadness. Anger, confusion, and depression at times, he could be happy as the bright sun, then switch to the darkest of nights and be at your throat. For this reason he tends to avoid negativity in mass quantities. But all in all, he is a wonderful person to be your ally, and to be a friend and more. 


~ In Life
Ihsaad usually wears a simple white t-shirt with a dark brown leather coat over it, sporting a pair of black denim jeans and black sandals. He tends to keep his hair pulled back in a messy like manner. His attire is usually well managed due to his work allowing outside clothing to be worn inside so long as it is tucked in. Though his boss has a slight pet peeve about sandal, but seeing how Ihsaad is accustomed to wearing them, he lets him off with a warning. So as long as they don't get in the way he can wear them, usually Ihsaad can also be noted to wear certain cosplay attire for the stores measurement, due to his larger body frame. He tends to lean towards the Arabian and North Eastern style clothing of his origins. And likes to cosplay from time to time as a Arabian Prince, and fight off evil and protect his kingdom. And he can pull it off rather well in fact, but in the end he always seems to wear his usual t-shirt and other relaxation clothing set. which comes in other colours, but seems to be of the same type he wears, though they vary, he cares little for large clothing types.

~ In Game
Ihsaad stands roughly five feet nine inches, and weighs approximately one hundred and eighty six pounds, he bolsters a broad set of shoulders mounted upon a muscular physique, that holds a medium tan like colour to it. He has pronounce chin and jawline, shoulders, and collarbone, much like his frame, it is well rounded and doesn't hold too muscle in other places. He has short dark brown hair that is fashioned in a messy and unkempt manner. Ihsaad also unlike other Arabians/Persians, retains a set of green eyes, he also has no facial hair. Most of the time Ihsaad is out and about during his times travelling, you can see him in his uniquely designed desert attire. It is consisted of a red and blue turban located on the cranium, that is able to worn as a mask as well, a sleeveless brown leather vest, with tan coloured decor, dark sand brown trousers. Leather knee guards with various straps and a pair of leather sandals. One that was made for him especially as it gives him better movement in battle. When not working, or earning gold, he is usually in a pair of cotton peasant top, with a X like string. And dark brown trousers, along with leather made sandals, 


Cheerful: Ihsaad is always with a smile, and he tends to have a very strong positive aura about him. He tends to rub off on people as a happy go lucky person who has this highly contagious positive charm. Ihsaad tends to be one that see's the brighter side of things, and will show people this in any manner he can.

Friendly: Ihsaad, is a very well mannered gentleman and will be one to strike a conversation. He isn't naturally mean, or rude, and never at times tries anything that may jeopardize a link to another person he cares for.

Sly/Impish: Ihsaad has been noted to be a person that plays tricks with others, using his mind games to trip others up. He tends to do this to learn about his foes or friends, even if they dislike the way he does it. He is one person to always be looking out for, if you show anything that may be used to weaken you, he will be there to obtain the information..


Flirtatious: Ihsaad does however have a more astounding personality towards the opposite gender. He loves the female gender, and is always curious about them, they have such wide variety of personalities. Not to mention shapes and sizes, which makes him want to explore them more, though he is a gentleman about it. You can see him throw pick up lines, and compliments left and right, as he tries to win the hearts of all around him,

Mood Swings: Ihsaad does also tend to have a slight flaw with his emotions, as he tends to suffer from mood swings. He gets this from his mother who also suffers from it. As many people have noted that extreme negativity towards Ihsaad can cause him to have fits or rage, sadness, and other emotional defects. But only when he is put under large amounts of stress and pressure does this manifest.

Trust Issues: Ihsaad does have a slight trusting issue, due to his previous engagement with others in his early days of education. Bullies and threats always clouded his day and this caused him to lose trust in others. Though once he see's them as a good person he will switch his personality to a more cheerful and open one.

Lazy: Ihsaad can be seen to be rather lazy at times, when not doing anything for long periods of time. He can spotted lounging about, reading a book, or sleep on the job, though he does it less often in his working condition. Outside of work he can be noted to do this more frequently if given the chance,


Utility & Mobility:

1.) Athletics: Unskilled
Cost: 6 - No Ranks
Skill Points: 0/6
Effect: +1 DMG, +5 HP
Description: You can endure more, are quicker and stronger than average.

2.) Precision:
Cost: 6 - No Ranks
Skill Points: 0/6
Effect: +1 Accuracy (ACC)
Description: Your strikes find their mark more often.

3.) Sprint & Acrobatics: Unskilled
Cost: 6 - No Ranks
Skill Points: 0/6
Effect: +1 Evasion
Description: Able to perform complex jumps, flips, balancing acts, dance, tumbles, and somersaults as well as reach areas of the map that are outside of a normal player's ability to reach via being able to jump and reach ledges and other means of climbing.


4.) Sneak and Hide: Unskilled

5 Ranks - Rank 0: N/A

Skill Points: 0/30

Effect: each rank from 1 to 4 grants +2 stealth rating. Rank 5 grants +3 stealth rating. (Total +11)


Note Stealth rules: All players have a base stealth rating of 10. A player must state and roleplay when using any stealth-like actions. (Hiding, sneaking, being silent etc..) In order to detect a stealthed player, mob or object a player must make a search-like action. Roll the LD. If your LD score is greater than the opposing stealth score, they are discovered. Example: Cindel has a stealth rating of 16 and is hiding behind a rock. Lessa is searching for Cindel and rolls the LD. She gets a 13. 13 is less than Cindel's stealth rating. Cindel isn't discovered at this time. However Oske just showed and decided to look around. Oske rolls a 19 on the LD. 19 is higher than Cindel's stealth rating of 16. Cindel is discovered by Oske.

Concealment from objects grant +1 stealth.

Darkness or low light grants +2 stealth.

5.) Extended weight limit: Unskilled
5 Ranks - Rank 0: N/A
Skill Points: 0/30
Effect: Players start out with an inventory with 3 equipped items followed by 5 available slots, without the skill. They gain one extra slot per Skill Level invested in the Extended Weight Limit skill.
Description: Investing in the Extended Weight Limit skill enables a player to carry more gear into the field, be it weapons, armor, or usable items, however. A player can only have 3 equipped weapons/armour at any given time. For Example:
Rank 1: 5 slots + 1
Rank 2: 5 slots + 2

6.) Charge: Unskilled
5 Ranks - Rank 0: N/A
Skill Points: 0/30
Post Action
Effect: Attack action. +X DMG.
Description: Charge towards an opponent that is not currently in melee range. Deal bonus DMG of +1 per rank of charge on this attack. You may only use charge once per opponent and only if it is possible via roleplay. You cannot disengage from a melee to perform a charge. This is considered an attack maneuver and is subject to success or failure based on the BD's results.

7.) Battle Healing: Unskilled

5 Ranks - Rank 0: N/A
Skill Points: 0/30


Effect: Recover X health on natural CD rolls of 10+ (X=Rank Level)

Description: Recover small amounts of health in battle. The amount recovered is equal to your Battle Healing skill rank.

8.) One-Handed Curved Sword: Novice
5 Ranks - Rank 1: +1 Dmg
Skill Points: 2/30
The effectiveness with which a player can use one handed slashing swords. (Example: Scimitar, Kilij)

9.)  Light Armor: Unskilled
5 Ranks
- Rank 0: N/A
Skill Points: 0/30
Effect: The effectiveness with which a player can use Light Armor Equipment. For each skill point invested in the Light Armor Skill, incoming damage is reduced by 1 damage point. (Must have light armor equipped to take advantage of this benefit)

» N/A

» Beginners Pack

- Basic Weapon [Arabian Scimitar]
- Basic Armor [Leather Vest]
Misc, Items

- 10 Bread
- 15 Water


[PP-F1] Beginning of Everything (Daeimos & Xion)
» [PP-F1] Journey Log #1: Meeting a new ally. (Daeimos & Takao)
» [PP-F1] Journey Log #2: Hello there little one. (Daeimos & Lily)
» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
(no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)




Story Thus Far


Edited by Daeimos
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