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Teion's Character Spreadsheet

Current Level: 34 | Paragon 11

Profession: [Rank 8] Blacksmith - [F5] Forged by the Sun

Username: Teion
Real name: Thea Allenia
Current Age: 23>25
Gender: Female
Height: 5' 6"


History (Before SAO)

Thea grew up as an only child with a mother and father who did their best to raise a smart, independent, happy little girl. All-in-all, Thea would say they did a pretty good job. Thea Allenia grew up without having to want for much, but wasn't necessarily spoiled. She learned to make due with what she had and always tried to keep her creativity and problem-solving skills alive. As a child, Thea found her interests were constantly coming and going, and her parents often allowed her to indulge in whatever hobbies she brought up to them. By the time she was entering high school, the girl had been all over the place in a wide range of extracurricular activities that ranged from sports to music to art. One would think that engaging in such a variety of activities would result in a well-rounded child with a healthy curiosity in all things. Thea simply got bored easily. Looking back, she was a bit surprised that her parents allowed her to come and go from such hobbies as she pleased without pushing her to commit to anything in particular.

In her high school years, Thea adopted yet another hobby that had managed to stick to her like glue. Ever since she created the first iteration of the character 'Teion', she developed a passion of sorts for role-playing games. Using RPGs as an escape from what she considered a mundane teenage life, Thea spent a lot of her free time designing characters. While it took a lot of practice to get used to the gaming side of things, her creativity quickly flourished and over time she enjoyed playing her characters almost as much as inventing them. Aside from a newfound time-sink, however, Thea's high school life was equally as uneventful as the rest of her childhood, and even a bit quieter. Her parents remained laid-back and worked varying hours, often leaving the girl to her own devices where she began spending more and more time holed up in her room with her computer and a sketchpad. As character design and gaming took up more of her time, Thea would groan at the thought of planning out her future. She got by in high school, but the thought of college made her cringe. As a result, the girl didn't give much thought to her life after graduation.

That lack of planning would've gotten her in massive trouble if it weren't for a friend's pity. Dael Endilix would be the man who got Thea the job she needed to get on her feet and move out into her own apartment. Her parents wouldn't have thrown her out on the street, but their nudging had gotten more frequent once she finished school. Over the course of two years at a solid job, Thea gradually slipped back into another casual routine. Her days were spent waiting for the weekend, and her weekends were spent however she wished. More often than not, that meant ordering a pizza and spending hours on end on her favorite games.


Story Thus Far


Arc 0: Miss Independent


Since moving out into her own apartment, Thea grew content with the handful of people she was close to. There were the Endilix brothers: Dael, the friend from high school and now co-worker. She was always jealous of his popularity and charisma, but never really thought she was cut out for his kind of lifestyle. Still, her stomach tightened a little whenever he told her about the newest girl he was dating. Eru, the more elusive twin that she often wished she knew more about. His head seemed to be more level on his shoulders, but it was a shame the brothers weren't as close as she would have expected them to be. Perhaps that was just the perspective of an only child.

Besides a couple of other co-workers Thea didn't mind chatting with during the day, the woman had very few other offline relationships. She spent most of her time at home with her cat Chii, who had a very affectionate personality. While single-player games surely made up the majority of her collection, she found herself logging on to a voice chat server several nights of the week waiting for the girl on the other side of the country. Sophie was possibly her closest online friend, although the two very rarely discussed any personal topics. They shared an interest for a particular game and met by chance a year or so ago, but Thea never questioned how they just seemed to gravitate towards each other.

Thea was no stranger to MMOs. They weren't designed to be a single-player game where one person can do everything on their own. Despite that, the girl was stubborn. In Sword Art Online--much like the real world--she had no intention of relying on others when it wasn't absolutely necessary.

Arc I: Crack in the Anvil


Teion never thought she would have become a blacksmith. She couldn't have predicted that the profession would consume her; the joy of creation and inspired designs pouring from her like an infinite muse dwelled inside of her. She kept things up for a while--business picked up over time and she saw a few familiar faces here and there. Her personality had grown brighter, although whether she had developed a side of customer server she had never knew was possible, or her love for the craft was just too much to contain, she couldn't have said.

Teion never thought she would have closed her shop. She couldn't have predicted the Endilix brothers were also in Aincrad; the fallout that eventually ensued when secrets were brought to light causing her to close the doors to both her forge and her heart. She spent a long time pitying herself for what happened between them. Far too long. She had to remind herself that this wasn't a game like she had been making it out to be all this time, not really. This was her new life, and she really was the only one she could depend on.

A month passed since the last time she had seen either of the red-heads' faces. The last time she had spoken a word to either of them. She was getting used to it, slowly, reminding herself that her daily life in Aincrad hardly had reason to be different from before, when she was unaware of their presence in the game. For now, she would reopen her shop. Pick up some quests and find things to keep herself busy in her free time. Readjust to daily life.

Arc II: Shooting Stars and Open Flames


The life that came after was messy. The concept of the death game was a hard pill to swallow, and Teion nearly choked on it herself. She navigated the game largely as a solo player; she had a handful of acquaintances and regulars at her shop, but she hadn't joined any guild or had any regular parties to join up with for quests and leveling. Among that time, she'd met two players who would each leave their own large, unwieldy scar on her heart.

Beatbox was the picture of a knight in shining armor. Or at least, that's the way he tried to portray himself in this simulated reality. Teion crossed paths with the do-gooder swordsman by chance, and the kindness he extended her resulted in something of a mutual crush. While Beatbox boasted a high level and was well-known in the frontline community, Teion enjoyed his simple company in the few quests they embarked on together. When he found himself crossing blades with a particularly powerful rival, named Death Adder, Teion was devastated at the recording crystal he left at her shop as a literal farewell message. She never truly forgave him for marching to his own grave, nor will she ever understand what possessed him to do so.

Aereth was a mess of a man whose wild temper matched her own. The circumstances of their first meeting were less than ideal, and Aereth's reputation as an orange player--a PKer--left him with a penchant for keeping people at arms' length. Teion's investment in their initially rocky friendship and later chaotic romance was built primarily on a sense of obligation, and partially a desperate yearning for kinship. Aereth's past was complicated, but Teion so greatly wanted someone to care for that she brushed aside each troubling, cracked brick in the foundation of their relationship. Their involvement was relatively short-lived, however. Aereth attracted a dangerous crowd, and eventually Teion made the decision to end things between them. In an act of self-proclaimed cowardice, she left a heartfelt letter at his shop and hasn't seen him since.

Arc III: It's Complicated


The weight of each failed relationship was heavy, and Teion found herself pulled between strained and budding new friendships alike with the Holy Dragon Alliance. A guild that was first started up by a few acquaintances and eventually headed by Jomei, Teion lingered at the outskirts of their group and gradually got to know a few of its members. She first met Ryo at a fireworks festival, and while their time enjoying the revelry together sparked something inside each of them, they would face all kinds of tribulations alongside their other guildmates in the coming months.

Teion strained to keep up with any relationships. It was then that she was at her most detached, often times holing up in her shop for days and then resurfacing out of some bubbling feelings of obligation. Things were hard. She was failing to process and cope with all kinds of loss. She carefully began to settle into some normalcy and took things one day at a time. With her current level, she even found herself participating in the frontlines against 22nd and 23rd floor bosses.

Things only really started to piece back together for her when she took a long, hard, and uncomfortable look inside of herself. Hearing rumor about a specific quest that was good for self-reflection (and promised a bonus skill to boot), she spent a day under the waterfalls of the sixth floor coming to terms with her past, her mistakes, her shortcomings, and most importantly, what she wanted for the future. The experience left her with fresh wounds that were finally ready to begin healing. The time it would take for the scars to form and fade was immeasurable, but Teion could finally see a path forward, the fog of her own doubt and despair just beginning to thin.

Arc IV: Moving Forward (Current, WIP)






  • Reserved - Since SAO's beginnings, Teion has shifted from the busy, friendly blacksmith to a woman of few words. As with most people who are introverted, shy, or withdrawn, she has an easier time opening up to people as she becomes close to them, and after getting to know her a bit she may feel comfortable enough to throw out a snarky joke or talk about the cat that she misses back home. Her many unfriendly and dangerous encounters with strangers over the years, however, have left her more wary and and her trust takes a bit longer to gain.
  • Stubborn - In a subconscious attempt to counter-act her own indecisiveness, she will more often than not cling to something once it's been established. There are few things that she hates more than the feeling of giving up, and her patience will stretch more than most when it comes to "try, trying again".
  • Prideful - Teion's level of pride typically hovers somewhere between respectable and excessive. Tying into how much she hates to give up, failure stings just the same, and even moreso when she so readily stakes her dignity by putting her all into something. Perhaps her pride as a budding blacksmith was what fueled so much of her smithy's success back when she had the willpower to maintain it, for the combination of a stubborn, prideful woman can lead to the greatest of accomplishments just as easily as the greatest of downfalls.


  • Resourceful - Her creativity has always been something she's at least partially recognized, but Teion herself would consider it far from helpful in most situations. Growing up, she was the girl who always loved arts and crafts but never stuck to a single medium, instead preferring to dabble in different methods of creation until she had slowly but surely collected a wide variety of art supplies that she could never convince herself to weed through. As such, she tends to look at things with more of an open mind, more easily able to try solving a problem from more than one angle or approaching an obstacle in unorthodox ways.
  • Protective - When Teion finally manages to warm up to someone enough to genuinely care about them, her feelings can sometimes edge on possessive. It's rare that she crosses that line, but she will certainly jump to defend someone she cares for if they're under fire. Mixing dangerously with how easily angered she has grown to become, Teion won't be afraid to put herself in a bad light if it means standing up for a friend or loved one. And while she has yet to be pushed over the edge when it comes to physical danger, time in Aincrad will surely tell just how far she's willing to go for someone else.
  • Kind - Beneath her rough, callous exterior, Teion is actually a pretty 'good' person. She hates to see injustice, values her friends and their happiness greatly, and will usually go out of her way in some capacity to help someone who really needs it. Even though she's far from the best at expressing how she really feels, her time and experience in Aincrad has left her hard-pressed to turn her back on another person who has the humility to ask for help. Even NPCs or animals, with the right dialogue and visual cues, would likely manage to find her soft spot.


  • Inarticulate - Teion has never had an impressive way with words. She's awful at coming up with things on the spot, and she avoids personal or intimate topics of conversation with all but the people she feels most comfortable around. She is very much a follower rather than a leader, and feels that a lack of empathy makes her a horrible person to confide in or seek advice from. She most certainly overthinks when it isn't necessary, sometimes leading herself to a different page than those around her, and she doesn't always succeed in connecting the dots left in between.
  • Short-Tempered - Patience is not a virtue that Teion possesses much of. She's rather quick to anger or annoy, and though she tries to bite her tongue when it comes to lashing out at other people, Aincrad has been kind enough to provide her with a virtual sandbox of monsters and minions to take out her negative emotions on. Combat has grown cathartic, and swinging a massive battle-axe at her problems has become a solid source of stress-relief for Teion.
  • Insecure - Struggling with her own insecurities for quite a long time, the virtual world has done little to remedy these issues. Her relationships with other people have always been few and far between, and her romantic life is largely considered a train wreck. Each past failure and every old mistake adds some tiny piece of baggage, leaving Teion feeling unsure and undeserving in many of her current situations. She often fears that nothing good lasts for too long, and worries even more that her or her actions will be the cause of that following sadness. 



»[Equipped] [Perfect] Eclipse Edge (+3 ACC)
»[Equipped] [Perfect] Waning Crescent (+2 ACC, +1 Recovery)
»[Equipped] [Perfect] Amethyst Set (+36 MIT, +2 Recovery)

»[Perfect] Sun Spot (+2 Quality, +1 LD)
»[Perfect] Requiem (+6 DMG)
»[Perfect] Darkened Battleaxe (+8 Fallen, +1 ACC)
»[Perfect] Waning Crescent (+3 DMG)
»[Perfect] Lucent Reaver (+3 DMG)
»[Illegal] [Perfect] Axe of the Fallen (+2 DMG, +1 ACC) - Needs upgraded from 2.6
»[Perfect] Shi's Talon (Absolute Accuracy, +2 ACC)

»[Perfect] Lucky Col (+3 Prosperity)
»[Illegal] [Rare] Midnight Eclipse (+1 DMG, +1 Bleed) - Needs upgraded from 2.6
»[Illegal] [Rare] The Daedric Armor (+18 MIT) - Needs upgraded from 2.6
»[Illegal] [Rare] Treasure Hunter's Scarf (+2 LD) - Needs upgraded from 2.6
»[Illegal] [Rare] Twilight Greaves (+2 Heavy Momentum) - Needs upgraded from 2.6
»[Event Item] [Consumable] Freylise's Love Potion (+2 DMG [stackable] to self+spouse)
»[Event Item] [Consumable] Heart Sticker (Changes secondary item type)

»[Quest Item] Sand Armor Potion (Functions like a Parry for the first attack the user sustains after consumption. Can stack with Parry to reduce incoming damage up to 75%)
»[Quest Item] Bottled Banshee Scream (Free Action consumable that will stun all enemies for one turn without fail, but be destroyed in the process. This effect does not circumvent the standard stun cooldown)
»[Quest Item] Potion of Fallen Strength (+3 DMG, -9 MIT)

»[Quest Item] Banner of Command [3 Charges] (This item has (3) charges.  When used as a Post Action, +1 Accuracy to your party until the start of your next turn. Must Consume a Battle Ready Inventory Slot, and cannot be stacked in inventory)
»[Quest Item] Monkey's Agility Potion (+1 EVA)
»[Quest Item] Cerberus Soul 
(T1/Unique/Consumable/Single-Use) | For the duration of a thread, natural successful attack rolls of 8-10 deal 12 unmitigated Burn damage each enemy turn for 2 turns. Burn damage does not stack, but can be refreshed. The Burn enhancement overrides this effect.

»Tier 4 Blank Dungeon Map
»Spyglass (x3)
»Teleport Crystal (x2)


Thread Tracker

In Progress



»[OP-F1] First Steps
»[SP-F1] Gotta Start Somewhere
»[PP-F1] <<Earning a Living>> Forged to Perfection

»[PP-F1] A Chance Meeting
»[PP-F4] Twin Snow Angels
»[PP-F2] The Forage
»[PP-F2] The Forage 2
»[PP-F5] Reflected Truths on a Sword's Edge
»[PP-F4] Coming Clean
»[SP-F2] Back to the Grind
»[PP-F1] From the Top
»[PP-F1] <<Earning a Living>> Swiftly, to the Tailor!
»[PP-F2] The Aftermath
»[OP-F1] Forgotten but not Dead
»[SP-F1] <<Earning a Living>> Sustainability
»[PP-F5] Desert Cuisine
»[PP-F1] Getting Acquainted
»[SP-F2] <<Earning a Living>> The Search for Ore
»[PP-F1] Titles? What are those?
»[PP-F2] <<Earning a Living>> Hunting and Gathering
»[PP-F1] Kingdom of Rats

»[SP-F3] <<Worn Out Welcome>> Elf Hunt
»[PP-F5] <<Earning a Living>> Hunter For Hire
»[PP-F1] <<Earning a Living>>
»[PP-F5] Out In The Sun (13th Day of Material Hunting/Gathering)

»[SP-F6] <<The Gemini>> Haunting Reflections
»[PP-F5] <<Blood in the Sand>> An Unlikely Trio
»[PP-F1] <<Let There Be Light>> No Job Too Small
»[PP-F5] <<The Traveler>> - Quest
»[PP-F9] <<Guardian of Fire>> Quest
»[PP-F3] <<Earning a Living>> Repaying a Debt
»[PP-F5] <<The Traveler>>
»[PP-F1] <<Dragon Hunter Anthology - Dragon Hunt 1: The Emerald Hatchling>> The Beginning of Many
»[OP-F4] Dance of the Crossed Paths
»[PP-F2] <<Dragon Hunter Anthology - Dragon Hunt 2: The Quartz Hatchling>> Meow?
»[EB-F4] True Love Strikes Harder
»[PP-F9] <<Bandit Camp>> Bandits and Warriors
»[PP-F3] <<Search for the Hoya>>

»[PP-F11] Lost in the Labyrinth
»[PP-F4] <<The Essence of Steel>> As Steel Sharpens Steel
»[PP-F8] <<Monkey King>> Under the Hanging Village
»[PP-F4] <<The Essence of Steel>> Steeling the Loot

»[PP-F10] <<Wail of the Banshee>>
»[PP-F20] A Bit of Backstory
»[PP-F13] <<The Falling of Tagas>> The Chapel of Fallen Angels
»[PP-F5] In a League of Their Own
»[PP-F6] <<Feeding the Enemy>> Not-So-Lazy Sunday
»[SP-F2] <<Breaking the Unbreakable>> Solitude

»[OP-F1] Mid-Summer Fireworks Festival
[PP-F5] In the Wake of An Apocalypse
»[PP-F5] <<Earning a Living>> The Ringing of an Anvil
»[PP-F6] <<Feeding the Enemy>> Another Try
»[PP-F11] Manor and Chill
»[PP-F21] The End of All Suffering / A New Color
»[OP-F10] Trick or Treat~!
»[PP-FX] Something Missing
»[PP-F4] The Sadness Behind Those Eyes

»[PP-F5] Moonlit Confessions
»[PP-F6] Hanging Around
»[PP-F2] Night Terror

»[PP-F5] <<The Traveler>> Start of an Arc
»[PP-F5] <<Arabian Nights: First Night>> One Jump Ahead
»[SP-F4] A Cowardly Farewell

»[PP-F11] <<Tunnel of Love>> A Valentine's Breakfast
»[PP-F11] What a Terrible Evening For Rain...
»[OP-F2] Boss Raid Meeting
»[PP-F7] <<Arabian Nights: Second Night>> A Friend Like Me
»[PP-F5/F7] Blacksmithing Nightmare
»[PP-F3] Old Friendship Rekindled

»[PP-F21] <<Nature's Treasure>> Nature is Getting Pick Pocketed
»[BR-F22] Paving the Way to Floor 23 (Floor 22 Boss Battle - Bialas)
»[SP-F6] <<Calming the Soul>> Enduring Reflections

»[PP-F14] <<Feeding the Enemy>> The Friend in My Shadow
»[BR-F23] Paving the Way to Floor 24 (Floor 23 Boss Battle - Dark Elf Council)

»[PP-F2] All In, The Rebirth
»[PP-F2] All In, The Rebirth (Team A)

»[PP-F9] <<Guardian of Fire>> Hot Take



Archive - SP/Skill/Col Tracking, Friends List & Quest Log


SP Gains:


»Starting SP +5
»[OP-F1] First Steps +1
[SP-F1] Gotta Start Somewhere +1

»[PP-F1] A Chance Meeting +1
»[PP-F4] Twin Snow Angels +1

»[PP-F2] The Forage +1
»[PP-F1] <<Earning a Living>> Forged to Perfection +2
»[PP-F5] Reflected Truths on a Sword's Edge +1
»[PP-F4] Coming Clean +1
»[PP-F1] From the Top +1
»[SP-F2] Back to the Grind +1
»[SP-F1] <<Earning a Living>> Sustainability +1
»[OP-F1] Forgotten but not Dead +1
»[PP-F1] <<Earning a Living>> Swiftly, to the Tailor! +1
»[PP-F1] Getting Acquainted +1
»[SP-F2] <<Earning a Living>> The Search for Ore +1
»[PP-F2] The Forage 2 +1
»[PP-F5] Desert Cuisine +1
»[PP-F2] <<Earning a Living>> Hunting and Gathering +1
[SP-F3] <<Worn Out Welcome>> Elf Hunt +3
»[PP-F1] Titles? What are those? +1
[PP-F5] <<Earning a Living>> Hunter For Hire +1
»[PP-F2] The Aftermath +1

»[PP-F5] Out In The Sun (13th Day of Material Hunting/Gathering) +1
»[SP-F6] <<The Gemini>> Haunting Reflections +4
»[PP-F5] <<Blood in the Sand>> An Unlikely Trio +4
»[PP-F9] <<Guardian of Fire>> Quest +4
»[PP-F5] <<The Traveler>> - Quest +2
[PP-F1] <<Let There Be Light>> No Job Too Small +3
»[PP-F3] <<Earning a Living>> Repaying a Debt +1
[PP-F1] <<Earning a Living>> +1
»[PP-F1] Kingdom of Rats +1
»[PP-F1] <<Dragon Hunter Anthology - Dragon Hunt 1: The Emerald Hatchling>> The Beginning of Many +2
»[OP-F4] Dance of the Crossed Paths +4
»[EB-F4] True Love Strikes Harder +6
»[PP-5F] <<The Traveler>> +1
»[PP-F2] <<Dragon Hunter Anthology - Dragon Hunt 2: The Quartz Hatchling>> Meow? +2
»[PP-F3] <<Search for the Hoya>> +3
»[PP-F4] <<The Essence of Steel>> As Steel Sharpens Steel +2
»[PP-F4] <<The Essence of Steel>> Steeling the Loot +1
»[PP-F8] <<Monkey King>> Under the Hanging Village +4
»[PP-F9] <<Bandit Camp>> Bandits and Warriors +3
»[PP-F10] <<Wail of the Banshee>> +4
»[PP-F20] A Bit of Backstory +2

»[PP-F13] <<The Falling of Tagas>> The Chapel of Fallen Angels +6
»[PP-F5] In a League of Their Own +1
»[PP-F6] <<Feeding the Enemy>> Not-So-Lazy Sunday +1
»[SP-F2] <<Breaking the Unbreakable>> Solitude +3
»[PP-F21] The End of All Suffering / A New Color +3
»[PP-FX] Something Missing +2
»[PP-F6] <<Feeding the Enemy>> Another Try +1
[PP-F5] In the Wake of An Apocalypse +3
»[OP-F10] Trick or Treat~! +2
»[PP-F4] The Sadness Behind Those Eyes +1
»[PP-F11] Lost in the Labyrinth +6
»[PP-F11] Manor and Chill +2
»[OP-F1] Mid-Summer Fireworks Festival +3
»[PP-F6] Hanging Around +1

»[PP-F2] Night Terror +6
»[PP-F5] <<Arabian Nights: First Night>> One Jump Ahead +4
»[PP-F5] <<The Traveler>> Start of an Arc +2
»[PP-F5] Moonlit Confessions +4
»[OP-F2] Boss Raid Meeting +1
»[PP-F11] <<Tunnel of Love>> A Valentine's Breakfast +4
»[PP-F5] <<Earning a Living>> The Ringing of an Anvil +1
»[PP-F7] <<Arabian Nights: Second Night>> A Friend Like Me +8
»[PP-F3] Old Friendship Rekindled +1
»[PP-F21] <<Nature's Treasure>> Nature is Getting Pick Pocketed +1
»[BR-F22] Paving the Way to Floor 23 (Floor 22 Boss Battle - Bialas) +6
»[SP-F6] <<Calming the Soul>> Enduring Reflections +7
»[PP-F14] <<Feeding the Enemy>> The Friend in My Shadow +2

»[PP-F11] What a Terrible Evening For Rain... +2
»[PP-F5/F7] Blacksmithing Nightmare +1
»[BR-F23] Paving the Way to Floor 24 (Floor 23 Boss Battle - Dark Elf Council) +7
»[PP-F2] All In, The Rebirth +1
»[PP-F2] All In, The Rebirth (Team A) +2

Level: 45
SP: 180

SP Available: 16
SP Spent: 164



Non-combat skills:
[||||| ||||| ||||| ||||| |||||<<Searching>> [13/50]

Combat skills:
[||||| ||||| ||||| ||||| |||||<<Charge>> [50/50]

Weapon skills:
[||||| ||||| ||||| ||||| |||||] <<Two-Handed Battle Axe>> [50/50]

Armor skills:
[||||| ||||| ||||| ||||| |||||<<Light Armor>> [0/50]

Extra skills:
[||||| ||||| |||||] <<Familiar Mastery: Fighter>> [18/18]
[|||||<<Survival>> [3/3]

[||||| ||||| ||||| ||||| |||||<<Martial Arts>> [0/50]

[Active] <<Precision>> [15/15]
[Active] <<Two-Handed Battle Axe: Ferocity>> [15/15]

Col / Transactions


Col Gains:


»[OP-F1] First Steps +50
»[SP-F1] Gotta Start Somewhere +415

»[PP-F1] A Chance Meeting +440
[PP-F4] Twin Snow Angels +266

»[PP-F2] The Forage +200
[PP-F1] <<Earning a Living>> Forged to Perfection +430
»[PP-F5] Reflected Truths on a Sword's Edge +200
»[Blacksmith] Weapon Sold +1,000
»[Blacksmith] Weapon Sold (Tip) +356
»[PP-F4] Coming Clean +200
»[Blacksmith] Armor Sold +200
»[Blacksmith] Weapons Sold +1,000
»[PP-F1] From the Top +200
»[SP-F2] Back to the Grind +540
»[Blacksmith] Weapon Sold +1,200
»[SP-F1] <<Earning a Living>> Sustainability +400
»[OP-F1] Forgotten but not Dead +100
»[Blacksmith] Weapon/Armor Sold +1,200
»[Blacksmith] Weapon/Armor Sold +2,400
»[Blacksmith] Weapon Sold +800
»[PP-F1] <<Earning a Living>> Swiftly, to the Tailor! +200
»[PP-F1] Getting Acquainted +200
»[Blacksmith] Weapon Sold +800
»[SP-F2] <<Earning a Living>> The Search for Ore +560
»[Blacksmith] Weapon/Armor Sold +1,000
»[Blacksmith] Tool Sold +1,300
»[PP-F2] The Forage 2 +200
»[Blacksmith] Items Sold +2,600
»[Blacksmith] Items Sold +1,500
»[Blacksmith] Items Sold +3,600
»[Blacksmith] Weapon Sold +800
»[PP-F5] Desert Cuisine +200
»[PP-F2] <<Earning a Living>> Hunting and Gathering +200
[SP-F3] <<Worn Out Welcome>> Elf Hunt +400
»[PP-F1] Titles? What are those? +133
»[Blacksmith] Weapons Sold +1,300
[PP-F2] The Aftermath +200
»[Blacksmith] Armor Sold +150
»[Blacksmith] Weapons Sold +7,300

»[PP-F5] Out In The Sun (13th Day of Material Hunting/Gathering) +110
»[SP-F6] <<The Gemini>> Haunting Reflections +400
»[PP-F5] <<Blood in the Sand>> An Unlikely Trio +134
»[Blacksmith] Weapon/Armor Sold +4,000
»[PP-F9] <<Guardian of Fire>> Quest +133
»[PP-F1] <<Let There Be Light>> No Job Too Small +761
»[PP-F3] <<Earning a Living>> Repaying a Debt +960
»[Blacksmith] Weapon Sold +1,000
»[Blacksmith] Armor Sold +3,500
»[Blacksmith] Weapon Sold +1,000
»[Blacksmith] Weapon Sold +300
[PP-F1] <<Earning a Living>> +200
»[Blacksmith] Armor Sold +1,750
»[Blacksmith] Tools Sold +2,000
»[PP-F1] <<Dragon Hunter Anthology - Dragon Hunt 1: The Emerald Hatchling>> The Beginning of Many +400
»[Blacksmith] Tool Sold +1,000
»[Blacksmith] Items Sold +3,625
»[PP-F5] <<The Traveler>> +100
»[Blacksmith] Weapons Sold +4,900
»[Blacksmith] Weapon Sold +1,000
»[PP-F2] <<Dragon Hunter Anthology - Dragon Hunt 2: The Quartz Hatchling>> Meow? +800
»[PP-F3] <<Search for the Hoya>> +1,100
»[PP-F4] <<The Essence of Steel>> As Steel Sharpens Steel +200
»[PP-F4] <<The Essence of Steel>> Steeling the Loot +200
»[PP-F8] <<Monkey King>> Under the Hanging Village +575
»[PP-F9] <<Bandit Camp>> Bandits and Warriors +895
»[PP-F10] <<Wail of the Banshee>> +400
»[PP-F20] A Bit of Backstory +400
»[PP-F13] <<The Falling of Tagas>> The Chapel of Fallen Angels +200
»[PP-F5] In a League of Their Own +200
»[PP-F6] <<Feeding the Enemy>> Not-So-Lazy Sunday +133
»[SP-F2] <<Breaking the Unbreakable>> Solitude +800
»[PP-F21] The End of All Suffering / A New Color +600
»[PP-FX] Something Missing +400
»[PP-F6] <<Feeding the Enemy>> Another Try +134
[PP-F5] In the Wake of An Apocalypse +600
»[PP-F4] The Sadness Behind Those Eyes +133
»[PP-F11] Lost in the Labyrinth +10,050
»[PP-F11] Manor and Chill +400
»[PP-F6] Hanging Around +200
»[PP-F2] Night Terror +1,200

»[PP-F5] <<Arabian Nights: First Night>> One Jump Ahead +3,950
»[PP-F5] <<The Traveler>> Start of an Arc +266
»[PP-F5] Moonlit Confessions +800
»[PP-F11] <<Tunnel of Love>> A Valentine's Breakfast +733
»[OP-F1] Mid-Summer Fireworks Festival +133
»[PP-F5] <<Earning a Living>> The Ringing of an Anvil +200

»[PP-F7] <<Arabian Nights: Second Night>> A Friend Like Me +8,500
»[PP-F3] Old Friendship Rekindled +200

»[PP-F21] <<Nature's Treasure>> Nature is Getting Pick Pocketed +200
»[BR-F22] Paving the Way to Floor 23 (Floor 22 Boss Battle - Bialas) +1375
»[SP-F6] <<Calming the Soul>> Enduring Reflections +2000
»[PP-F14] <<Feeding the Enemy>> The Friend in My Shadow +200

»[PP-F11] What a Terrible Evening For Rain... +176
»[PP-F5/F7] Blacksmithing Nightmare +200
»[PP-F6] Coming to Terms +200
»[BR-F23] Paving the Way to Floor 24 (Floor 23 Boss Battle - Dark Elf Council) +1610

<<Stopped Tracking>>

Col Losses:



Friend List
»Beatbox (Deceased)


Relationships (Extended) (Outdated)


Boyfriend. A word Teion didn't think she would be using any time soon, especially not while she was living in Aincrad. She first met the blonde swordsman by chance on the first floor, and the two began the Dragon Hunter Anthology quest line. She found out that the man was a frontliner, his stats outshining her on every account save for her proud blacksmithing skill.
The two had met shortly before the Valentine's Day event, The Dance of Crossed Paths, and looking back Teion wasn't sure what exactly drove her to attend. Surely enough, Teion and Beatbox met once again and the man had even asked her to dance. Later that night, when the festivity and conversation was still fresh in her mind, Teion would stumble upon the blonde swordsman putting his pride before his own safety--something she herself wasn't a stranger to. Their relationship thus far has been a strange one. Teion still isn't sure why this man is so interested in her alone, and although she tries not to be too cynical, the walls around her heart have not completely fallen.

Deceased. The news of Beatbox's death and the items he left behind had caused her entire world to crumble. As time has passed and she's tried to cope with his death, she still feels a lingering regret that perhaps she could have saved him from the fate he sought out.

Teion first met Piera--or Sophie, as she prefers to call her--online a couple of years before the launch of Sword Art Online. They played another online game together, one of the very few multiplayer games she enjoyed. Their gaming sessions became somewhat of a ritual as Teion would hang around in the server after getting home from work, keeping herself occupied with other things until she received the notification that Sophie was online.
After crossing paths with the brunette alchemist in her forge, it became clear that Teion regards Piera very highly. Possibly the only soul in Aincrad Teion would open herself to completely, she can't help but feel a bit conflicted with those feelings. Perhaps the informality of an online friendship had allowed her to feel more comfortable more easily. While she is incredibly grateful to have met up with the woman while they were both in Aincrad, Teion fears that she could easily become too attached and dependent.
As both Piera's and Teion's reclusive natures resurfaced, she's only had brief encounters with her old friend since their unexpected reunion. After Beatbox's passing, she's found it harder to be around Piera, at the same time feeling guilty for pushing what few friends she had away.

A friend from high school and the co-worker that helped her get her job, Dael was the closest thing Thea had to a best friend. Their friendship was casual, and despite how Thea would tease the green-eyed man every time he told her about the newest girl he was dating, she couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy every time. She resigned herself, however, and after meeting both Endilix and Emerath inside of SAO, their relationships became surprisingly complicated.
Teion witnessed the redhead's evolution first-hand. His flippant attitude subsided, replaced with the loyalty and sense of justice that only a knight would carry. Teion was surprised at his change, but then again she could tell that Aincrad was the type of place that could change everyone, and often did. The fallout that ensued between Endilix, Emerath, and herself was a whirlwind of sadness, frustration, and regret. Making a rash decision that she would prefer to continue her struggle on her own, she nearly can't remember the last time she saw Endilix.

The more elusive of the Endilix brothers, Teion never got to know Eru very well. At least, she wasn't aware that she knew the man more than she had thought until details of the past were brought to light. In her senior year of high school, Thea had mustered up the courage to act upon the crush she held for Dael. To her surprise, he agreed to go on a date with her. The conversation was awkward, and the man seemed a bit different from his usual demeanor. Even though she could have tried pursuing it further, Teion backed off. It wasn't until a few months ago that she found out it was Eru that had gone on that date with her.
Teion hasn't hardly seen Emerath, even before she and Endilix drifted apart. It seems he might have taken a similar approach as herself, closing himself off from the outside world.

A man who's username is incredibly fitting for his role, and just as fitting for his personality. Not seemingly one for friendly chatter, she doesn't know much about the older brunette aside from his ambition and sense of protection. Teion has found herself joining him on a few quests here and there, and they even traded services between blacksmith and merchant on rarer occasion. She enjoys the man's company, allowing her to keep to herself despite the need to complete quests in a party.
Teion didn't expect him to be a persistent source of comfort as she grieved Beatbox's passing, and although she doesn't realize it now, it was his kindness that kept her sane through it all. 

The relationship between Teion and Sey is strictly business. Without having a proper conversation with the white-haired man to get to know him better, Teion was quickly made aware of his keen business sense and his profession as a cook. Not wanting to pass up a good deal, she drafted up an agreement for him and his guild for her shop in exchange for his material gathering.
As the life of her blacksmithing career has withered, so has her partnership with the snowy-haired member of the Celestial Ascendants.

 Quest Log


»[PP-F14] <<Feeding the Enemy>> The Friend in My Shadow
»<<Saying Vows>>
»[PP-F1] <<Earning a Living>> Forged to Perfection
»[F01] <<Redemption>>
»[F01] <<The First Few Lessons Are Free>>
»[F01] <<The Second Lesson, Is Also Free>>

»[F01] <<The Third Lesson, Is Just As Free>>
»[F01] <<The Fourth Lesson, Is Actually Free>>

»[F01] <<Secret Medicine of the Forest>>
»[PP-F1] <<Dragon Hunter Anthology - Dragon Hunt 1: the Emerald Hatching>> The Beginning of Many
»[SP-F2] <<Breaking the Unbreakable>> Solitude
»[F02] <<The Venemous Warg>>
»[PP-F1] <<Let There Be Light>> No Job Too Small
»[F02] <<Long Live the Queen>>
»[F02] <<Return of the Queen>>

»[PP-F2] <<Dragon Hunter Anthology - Dragon Hunt 2: the Quartz Hatching>> Meow?
»[SP-F3] <<Worn Out Welcome>> Elf Hunt
»[PP-F3] <<Search for the Hoya>>
»[F03] <<Elvish Rivalries>>
»[F03] <<Treant Rivalries>>

»[F03] <<Escape>>
»[F03] <<Dragon Hunter Anthology - Dragon Hunt 3: the Opal Hatching>>

»[PP-F4] <<The Essence of Steel>> As Steel Sharpens Steel
»[F04] <<The Night's King>>
»[F04] <<Avalanche>>
»[F04] <<Absolute Zero>>
»[F04] <<Dragon Hunter Anthology - Dragon Hunt 4: the Diamond Hatching>>
»[F05] <<Butcher of the Sands>>

»[PP-F5] <<The Traveler>> - Quest
»[PP-F5] <<Blood in the Sand>> An Unlikely Trio

»[F05] <<Bloodstained Land>>
»[PP-F5] <<Arabian Nights: First Night>> One Jump Ahead
»[F05] <<Dragon Hunter Anthology - Dragon Hunt 5: the Topaz Hatching>>
»[SP-F6] <<The Gemini>> Haunting Reflections
»[SP-F6] <<Calming the Soul>> Enduring Reflections
»[F06] <<Deforestation>>
»[F06] <<Dragon Hunter Anthology - Dragon Hunt 6: the Jade Hatchling>>

»[PP-F7] <<Arabian Nights: Second Night>> A Friend Like Me
»[F07] <<Case of Wurms>>
»[F07] <<Dragon Hunter Anthology - Dragon Hunt 7: the Jasper Hatchling>>

»[PP-F8] <<Monkey King>> Under the Hanging Village
»[F08] <<Dragon Hunter Anthology - Dragon Hunt 8: the Sapphire Hatchling>>
»[F09] <<The Iron Guardian>>

»[PP-F9] <<Guardian of Fire>> Quest
»[PP-F9] <<Bandit Camp>> Bandits and Warriors

»[F09] <<Dragon Hunter Anthology - Dragon Hunt 9: the Ruby Hatchling>>
»[F09] <<Burning Phoenix Feathers>>
»[PP-F10] <<Wail of the Banshee>>
»[F10] <<Dragon Hunter Anthology - Judgment Day>>
»[F12]<<Lord of the Seas>>

»[PP-F13] <<The Falling of Tagas>> The Chapel of Fallen Angels
»[F14] <<The Lich's Calling>>
»[F15] <<Bane of Blood>>
»[F16] <<Snake Out of Water>>
»[F16] <<The Swashbuckling Buccaneer>>
»[F17] <<Herculean Labor: The Nemean Lion>>
»[F17] <<Challenge of Olympus>>
»[F18] <<Just for the Halibut>>
»[F19] <<Keep Calm and Ki'Raion>>
»[F21] <<The Hidden Village>>
»[F21] <<Betrayal of the King>>
»[F21] <<Trouble in the Mines>>
»[F22] <<What We Fight For>>
»[F22] <<King of Lakes>>
»[F22] <<Witch of the West>>



Edited by Teion
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